Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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    Verify tee charges
before paying bill
Before you write that next tuition check to the Uni
versity. make sure you know what you’re paying for.
Fifty-eight students enrolled in the Master's of Sci
ence in Industrial Relations program were inappropri
ately charged a Business Administration Resource Fee
by the College of Business Administration this year.
The CBA said it intended to charge MSIR students
the fee when it submitted its fee proposal to the Oregon
state Board of Higher Education. However, the OSBHE
rejected the proposal at its July 24.1992 meeting.
The Board decided to assess the fee to "students
admitted to the Master's of Business Administration
program at the University of Oregon." Nowhere is the
MSIR program mentioned.
When the discrepancy was initially brought to the
CBA's attention, associate dean James Terboig told the
Emerald "there must have been some oversight or
shorthand mistake in the chancellor's office when
(BARF) was presented to the board."
If that was so. why didn't the CBA contact the
chancellor's office and request verification? Instead of
taking the time to check, the CBA simply went ahead
and charged the fee to MSIR students anyway.
Had somebody from the CBA contacted the
OSBHE, that person might have spoken with Davis
Qucnzcr, vice chancellor of budget and Fiscal policies.
He would have probably told them what he told the
Emerald, which was "the chancellor's staff narrowed
(the fee request) down to only MBA students."
One phone call would have cleared the confusion
and saved students hundreds of dollars and loads of
unnecessary stress.
University Budget Director Trent Spradling tried to
rationalize the mistake, saying "wejust didn't pick up
the change from the chancellor’s office during the con
fusion of reducing the budget 20 percent." Is that going
to be the standing excuse from now on?
Not only is 1990*s Ballot Measure 5 responsible for
damaging the school financially, but apparently it is
also preventing administrators from performing their
jobs properly.
A similar excuse used in tne classroom would dc
laughable. "Sorry professor (pick a name). I simply for
gpt to do my term paper because I was studying for a
midterm in another class."
The very idea that students can be charged an un
authorized fee is frightening, especially with tuition
and other fees on the rise. The CBA should have
shown more responsibility in its handling of the fee sit
uation to avoid demonstrating questionable ethics.
The CBA needs to be held accountable for its ac
tions. An independent investigation into the fee inci
dent should be launched immediately, if for no other
reason than to ensure other students are not being tak
en advantage of. This includes not only the CBA, but
every department and professional school at the Uni
So, before you pay that tuition bill, take a very
close look at what you're being charged for. Students
have enough to worry about without being victimized
by administrative bungling.
Oregon Daily
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OM-y £1
Whwi I rend Peter Nlt?s' lottor
(ODE, Nov 2), 1 was overjoyed
lo hear the now* that there is
documented proof of homosex
uality as a genetic trait. After
years of reading scientific arti
cles on this question and al
ways coming up blank for fac
tual evidence, I rushed lo the li
brary to find this documented
proof Nios referred me to. I
found the articles and began
reading with elation, only to be
Kogarding the first article:
Look it up Science News. Aug
31. 1991. p 134. first para
graph, second sentence says,
"the finding supports a theory
that biological factors underlie
sexual orientation, although It
remains unclear whether tho
anatomical variation (in hyjto
thalainic coll clumps) repre
sents a cause or result of homo
sexuality. says neurobiologist
Simon LoVBy.”
Regarding mo secono amcie:
Look it up Newsweek, Fob. 24.
1992. p 50. lost column. soc
ond paragraph begins, "LoVay
knows ho is vulnerable on that
score Because his subjects
wore all dead, ho knew ‘regret
tably little' atxrul their sexual
histories, besides their declared
or presumed orientation." Lo
Vay says, "that's a distinct
shortcoming of my study."
1 am curious to know how
much of an article one reads
before believing something is
scientifically proven. Sorry, the
scientific process is not so eusi
ly convincing There were nu
merous other quotes I can't give
because of space, but I can say
they were ali acknowledging
that scientists still can find no
adequate proof that homosexu
als were “born that way."
Alton Jamas
1 thought it important to
point out that It was my failed
campaign for the ASUO Presi
dency that originally addressed
the tough issues. I’m speaking,
of course, ubnut the Myles
Brand mustache question. Had
I been elected, this embarrass
ing situation would never have
grown to its current proper
My running mate and I al
ways maintained the University
president should keep his facial
hair But hero wo are, several
months later, and nothing has
changed. When will the current
ASUO administration finally
get around to a decision on the
Their indecision is already
leading to a disturbing domino
effect. Peter DePazIo looked
much better without a mus
tache. Bobby and Karmen —
please help slop the madness.
Chris P Karls
Who cares?
As a journalism student in
hi|{h school, two things woro
stressed again and again. One is
that like it or not. newspapers
and their staffs control what a
large segment of the population
is exposed to news-wise.
Die other is that although a
reporter or newspapor staff may
have one view, the opposing
view deserves to be hoard. I
was taught that newspapers
have to tie aware that what they
aro printing is useful to the
readership and presents the
whole story — not just ono
point of view. I'm buginning to
wonder if this applies at the
When the Emerald printed
"Streetwise" (Nov. 2) by stu
dents on whether University
President Myles Brand looks
bettor with or without his mus
tache. I thought 1 had seen the
lowest of the low For God's
sake, there was a national elec
tion about to be decided.
Even without the election, is
sues such as jobs vs spotted
owls, welfare reform, health
care legislation and the envi
ronment are morn deserving
than petty cosmetic advice to
school officials. What's next?
Song dedications? Gossip col
umns? I'm beginning to remem
ber my middle school newspa
How can the so-called re
sponsible media stand by and
let the credentials of journalists
as a group be tarnished by sec
ond-rate reporting practices?
And why docs the Emerald
contribute to this degradation
of the media's status? Stress
service to your readers and de
livery of information, not sen
national, irrelevant and (to be
honest) stupid topics.
And about Brand's mustache
— who cams?
Aaron Ray
Biased ads
I was quite disappointed
when the Emerald didn't print
"Calvin and Hobbes” in Mon
day's newspuper (Nov. 2). A
good joke always helps to start
the day.
As I looked ul the paper more
closely, I discovered that 14 out
of the 16 pages had ads con
cerning the need to vote Demo
cratic (or vote anti-Republlcan)
and to vote No on 9.
* With the exception of one
paid Republican ad, thore were
no opposing viewpoints reflect
ed in the Emerald's pages. Isn't
journalism based on unbiased
reporting of events, of equal
time being given to all points of
It was then that I found out
what the joke was in Monday's
paper. It was the concopt of ob
Christopher Pos
Business Administration
Put it to rest
Post-eloction result — it’s
over. The candidates are elect
ed. the issues hopefully re
solved. It is time to move on.
Let's find something else to
bitch about and put this elec
tion year to rest.
Todd Holton
We would like this opportu
nity to thank all of the students,
staff and faculty who came to
gether to participate In “Ghost
Out," the first event sponsored
by GAMMA (Greeks Advocat
ing the Mature Management of
Alcohol). These people gave up
their valuable time to holp edu
cate tho campus about drunk
driving. Without their support
and enthusiasm, the event
could not have succeeded.
Thank you
Max Wallingford
IFC Social laauaa