Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! Payment • Ail ad* muft he prefiaid unlet* lulling ha* hccn e»iaMi»hed 011 346 4343 for billing arrangement! • VISA/MC ait acocpicd • A p» rebate tudci mull accompany ail University departmental ad* Errors/Refunds I1c«k check your ad’ Ihe ODt*. will run a (.Unified ad ‘*r>c additnviai day a* a mult of any lypugraplm'al emu that change* the meaning uf the ad. if reputed by I I'M Refund* will be limited in credit* only No ta*h refund* will he ttsued after the ad deadline Credit* mu»t he u»ed within 6 month* «*f muc Copy Acceptance • Ihe Old receive* the right to revue, rcc Unify, re fee l or cancel any ad at any time • I'nlideal ad* art payable in advance and mint chow clear cftdor cement. i c "Paid for by (Advert i vet f" • A «ample “I all mail -nrdel item* mull l*c submitted prior to die public a t Km of the advertisement • No advertiting for term pajx r *alc* o# editorial writing and A*» research writing will be • Ihe GDI will in* aiqx ad* containing a 1 9< JO phone number 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS ♦I A AT Than** tot M 1 os PERSONALS ChiM i I *JVO J3U> tUMTJ Can I to.xt' «">__ Ctv.t t Hot Too hart » wus-"! * But man** * mahmg ih» vago« piaca more **a home t lat Welcome 10 Itie Jung la To ihe vtctmiiara Mow Brave ol you’ I wo 01 you two o' u» let 1 moor and ia<*. it you m no< rt'nwj Anylrmo anywMw Yoons Tnrly B/«}y » M..nyOO?" 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The word spe cue bt s Worn ISooatung 1 Datwop f\A«h.ng Gna] School Approvad i »a> printed min ng graphic*. datadator* thawM imm, uantparenoa* t mora1 CINOY_ _ttl-MH TYPING UNLIMITED BaitMia Land ”* *»VJJ43 Sarvmg UO turna vnea IBB< 125 INSTRUCTION Pro/Edit P»K«V>a! ;od profouionftj «d>! ng and con»uR«KX> on your t*mi pa p*rv project*. MC W i: *itf> you M YCHJH OOnvoruonce Ali lubjocts 343-2747 120 TUTORING Greek Math Tutor Tu** A Thor*. 7 30-8pm 137 Gilbert i30 FOR SALE MSC Dout*« »u* hoc! Good aondbo* 1^00 4ft 1 7ft4 4 aft— '4»M GUTAHS GAl 0«t' M jf'ifc' *•«* o' a£ Alio CAmfm *ntj vt*r«U4 fWy trxJ f-vtf' C361 W MT> Kayak for aala 'twgiaft*. good na P**J*» wuft *owi &ao% 1?00 C« Pms 344 ‘An or 34ft ?&m Lika ft#*' ARIA ? p—r* onrfn M#5 Aft •unn IMtt WW WM Rf SALE 6onm w*«l Th# Cktfh#« Horwi n«il toOO OS BUY OR TRADE G I N I L I M I ,V S t N C O R I CASH FOR 501 LEVIS III! 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"w«l !9cmvw. r*o apaaaan oicaUom con»on. 4700 ooo 345 0971 Janndw ' r*J (XA rnoJ jttb »*r fir or* ■<« «ar^d croiwm d « and ur»or r«r*r«i f uah i« l mcfarfi n* zrr"fm% n Britain • franee • Ireland • Frame* • (rcrmairy • Co si a Kka • Jamaica * Canada and 'nr Zealand Set’ iiS a/ rfct* Career Fair TODAY at the Memorial I Yuan for im info Call Cooadl TramJ« tiHitniM Nwo ncto 10 vxitiwn ki#'\o io> lhftnMgwra Car pay gem nndxx &■** 346 9304 205 OPPORTUNITIES Coltoga Scholarship# grartt and toarm ava *n!>* to Uofthman through QfaduaNi Uudant*' Recorded gw, (****% 1 800 84*, 4061 cams ar«t b«» telephoned tor interview appointments The ;O0 entails a'1 aspects o’ advertising sales plus eiposure to Oosgn. production and bu*-n»s* Stulls Gam vamapie real wortd eipenenca Oy working at the 13th largest morning 'newspaper »n Oregon ClOSING DATE Nov 13, 5 pm_ 205 OPPORTUNITIES BOARD POSITION OPENING! On the UO Bookstore Board of Directors • Must be currently enrolled as a Junior * Must maintain a minimum 12 unit courseload • Position term-thru June 1993 Apply Upstairs at the Bookstore before 5pm Wednesday, Nov 11th For more information, call 346-4331 2to CHILD CARE 270 CHILD CARE 210 HELP WANTED CHILD CARE Spot* od maK* wbo ®ofoy* *wynm*ng turn' 10 cruo ky 10 yf oM art-vu unwtty 'marnml boy A hi* ngrrrmr 7 yr <*) hrocho. altar tcfxw M F Car no; tvbf n8.~ .HI _ JAPANWORK !*!* hundTOda Ot amptoyora in Japan i 'tm into Dopr 0. *tn Goodman Ay* Sanla f*»4. CA 95407 Fat, 707 527 1 737 MON* V FOR COLLEGE ffru lot draa*i4 Scbotarvi'ps plus 2852 W -am«n« Su«a 188 E. E ugona OF1 97«05 iw **&&&» motivated students Gal a haad atari on earning Holiday cash* STUDENTS. 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On b*ke route to 1X3. lee>ls !*e country, no pels. $320/mo 345 5715 Studio- 2 bdrm. available Nov i 15th i 484 9822 3 bdrm apt S695mo Water sewage garbage md 1 btk from campus' Also, t room to rent m fabulous house $240. inc) ut»l 683 2110 Redwood Park Apts. Quirt. Country Living With City Convmnlmr* UnlurnlakAd 1 idmi $145. (alatlmg Nov 1) Low UnUlnOn Buallna Equipped W*>gM Room. Spo Wood Park $ Playground Laundry Faclkllaa aim Fumlrkad Solloa Studio. 1 $ 2 B* $600 10 $475 Individually Doc oral ad Comptataly f urmahod Evaryihmg From CaMa TV lo Lnona For Bad, Bath A Kachan On S«a Managamant Taam 4103 W. 18th 484-5775 270 CHILD CARE LUEE CRRE Child Center Inc. 32 Marion Lane S. Rtuer Rd, near U.S. Bank Now Offering SATURDAY CARE 9:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. Games, Crafts, Music LUNCH PROVIDED Register Today. 689-431 6 SATURDAY CARE Great for Holiday Shopping! 52.40/hr 1st child $2.00/hr ea add'l child with this coupon GIUE ME FIUEI 1 Run your TOR SALE" ad (items under $500) for 5 days If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! |L* Private Party Ads Only No Refunds/Credits.,'