Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1992, Page 9, Image 8

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    Oregon Daily E TH61*211(1
Tennis team struggles in tourney
The Oregon men's tennis
team struggled this past week
end at the Kolex Western Ke
gional Championships in San
In a talented field featuring
playors from nationally ranked
programs like California, Stan
ford and Washington, the
Ducks had limited success, fail
ing to move anyone past the
second round of the tourna
In singles play, Oregon went
2-7. receiving its only wins
from senior Lee Kirner and ju
nior Dara I’arlovi, KIrncr
opened plnv with a 6-1. ti-2
thrashing of Santa Clara's Steve
Millar but was later knocked
out of the tournament with a
second-round loss Sunday to
Pacific's Adi Kremnr.
Partovl beat Brett Murio of
San Jose State 7-5. f>-0. but was
later eliminated from the com
petition, losing to Robbie Wen
dell of Washington on Sunday.
Orrson's doubles teams also
poster! first-round victories In
the tournament but were un
able to advance. The teams of
Klrner/Rob Atkin. Christian
Oelkc/Jon Amundson and
Partovi/Josh Prager opened
with wins on Sunday but were
knocked out of the tournament
on Monday
Despite the losing mark in
San Jose, the Ducks are :t-o In
dual competition for the fall
Last month, Oregon opened the
season with victories over Ha
waii. Idaho and Illinois State.
Oregon will enjoy a long
break until the Pacific-10 Con
ference Indoor Championships
In Seattle from Jan 17-20
Ex-Duck Miller has knee surgery
ATLANTA (API — Chris Miller's sixth NFl.
season ended at the midway mark Monday when
the Atlanta Falcons quarterback underwent re
constructive surgery on his left knee.
Ur. John Garrett’s arthroscopic examination re
vealed a complete tear of the anterior cruciate lig
ament It took 90 minutes to repair the damage
Garrett said the surgery went well and that Miller
was in stable condition
Miller was injured in the third quarter of the
Falcons' 30-28 victory over the Los Angeles Kains
Sunday when he was scrambling for yardage He
had gained about 10 yards when hi? planted his
left foot to cut. His knee buckled, and he went
down immediately, dropping the ball and grab
bing his left knee
Initial reports wore that Miller appeared to
have a torn cartilage and deep bone bruise, an in
jury that would have kept him out for 4-6 weeks
There was no intJnediate reaction from coach
Jerry Glanville and other team officials The Fal
cons reported to the Suwanee camp earlier Mon
day. watched a film of the Hams name. jogged a
few laps and left ladore Miller’s condition was
"I ran to the left and was going to cut hai k
right, sort of underneath the defensive track, then
go into my slide." Miller said front his home Sun
day night "I just heard the thing pop It hurt like
a son of a gun.”
Although eight games remain, Ken Herts k. the
team's vice president of player personnel, said he
doubts the Falcons will attempt to sign another
Billy Joe Tolliver replaced Miller on Sunday
and threw the game-winning touchdown pass ear
ly in the fourth quarter The Falcons also have
Wade Wilson on the roster
Tolliver played two seasons with San Diego be
fore becoming Miller's backup last year
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Air Mail d Suicide Squid*
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