Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE c: M i HUGH DUVALL Veralfud & CUrtu Attorney* PC 345-3333 TERIYAK1 ! ACCEY j S CURRY DISHES_IgJJO • a sm.2.50 S S VEGETABLE RICE_3.50 f ! CHCKEN BREAST » 5 STEAK_3.50 8 : YAKJSOBA ; ! NOODLES-_lgJ.50 8 sm.2.50 S SWEET 4 SOUR | CHCKEN_150 8 Take Out Available « Across from Dairy Queen * 1306 Hrfyafd (345-9555) 5 Noon rally to provide time to vent feelings By Tammy Baley Emerald Associate Editor University students will have a i banco to voice the anger or happtnoss they fool In response to the election results tixiay at a noon rally In the KMU Court yard. Troy Shields, oo-diroctor of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Alli ance. said the rally will focus on student reaction to the re sults of Ballot Measure 9. "It s for |M«jple to celebrate or mourn together in a non-vio lent way,’1 Shields said "Whether (Measure 9) passes or not. someone will lx- hurt " The rally will include speak ers. music and information booths. Shields said No open microphone will tie available Speakers at the rally will In clude Shields. Marlene Dres chor, director of the Office of Student Advot acy, Tiare Meth ison-Bowle, campus minister of the Presbyterian Campus Min istry. Sally Bryan, minister of thi’ Unitarian Church; and Dorn Vutri, University law professor Cnitilin Twain, ASUO safety affairs coordinator, said she and other rally organizers ob tained a parade permit in case people "need to move.” The University Office of Pub lic Safety. Kugcno police de partment and Eugene Peace keepers will have representa tives nt the rally to prevent peo ple from venting their emotions with violence The rally was designed to give students a peaceful means to vent their root lion to the election results, Twain said. "We've decided we need a way to focus the students' ener gy. which may not lie good en ergy," Twain said "We're banking on a large number of students showing up "Particularly if there Is a 'yes' vote on ‘i, we can expect there is going to I hi a large number of angry people needing to group together for support," she said The Lesbian. Cay, Bisexual Alliance, ASUO. Dean of Stu dents Office. Women's Center and University Committee on Lesbian, ('.ay and Bisexual Con cerns arc sponsoring the rally ONE IN TEN THAT’S WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY. THEY LOOK LIKE YOU. THEY LOVE LIKE YOU. THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BE AFRAID. SPEAK OUT AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA! Set-vl support ’ J'trcl harassed’ Tell us about ii (Hike of Public S*!rt\ Affirmative Act km jrui l^ual Opportunity ASUO Studrnt Advocacy Ijrcbun, Cuy, Biseiuil Alluivr letbun. Gay, Bt*ctual Concenu Counseling Center Cnw* l ine (HnbuJ Officer IV^n of Studrnt* 446 S444 446-4124 446-1722 446-4 460 446*1142 446-4227 446-44(48 446*4(25 446-4210 The students, administrators, anJ faculty and staff members of the University of Oregon are commmcvl to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all students. Bean poll picks Clinton A jar full of beans predicted Bill Clinton's election us the next president of the United States. The ASUO conducted a "bean poll” at Friday's election fair in the EMU. I’assers-by were encouraged to drop a bean In the jar of the candidate or bnllot measure of their choice. "Wo wanted to sec if student tallies m^b h up with the election results," said Chris Bauman, ASUO events coordina tor "Using beans was a lot of fun, and we think it turned out well." * Bauman said about 200 students took part in the bean bal lot. In other poll results, U S. Senate candidate Lets AuCoin col lected more beans than Incumbent Bob Packwood, and Mary Burrows edged out Ruth Bascom for mayor of Eugene. Ballot Measure 0 was buried under an avalanche of "no" brains. ET ALS MEETINGS kunM Student AmwijImih will have « meeting today from ft to 7 p m In the (aru>n (‘.old Room For more information. < all 343 S7}& Alpha Phi Omi|t will have a general meeting today at 6 p m in KMU Cantury Room C For mor* information, call 14ft Oft 30 OSPIRC will have an Environmental Education ('.roup meeting tonight at 7 30 ln EMC Cedar Room* C and t) For more information, call 34ft-4377 Student* for Oimre will have a general into.ro*t mooting tonight at 7 in Room 276 Education For more information, tall 146 064ti Pr* Pfcvaw aUhrupalMvial Therapy Club will have phytic al therapi*t Mindy Hold tjwak at today * meeting at 7 p m in Room 112 Willamette For more information, tall M»-)an lapaiww Sluiirnl ()r)|«nii*lNin will have a meeting today at 4 30 p m in EMU Cndar Room C Inc mImiIiI Em Caimmittee will have a meeting today it A pm in EMU Century Room E For more Information, call 146 .1749 Unwanted Seiual Behavior Tank Kona meeting scheduled for today hat been canceled For more information, call 146 1210 Counseling Center will have a post olw Uon drop in support group today from 1 to S p m in the EMU Walnut Room For more information, c all 346 1227 Alpha I arnbda Dell a/Phi Fta Sigma will have a general meeting today at 6 30 pm in EMU Car da r Room F For more information. < all 346*6377 Bebe The Circus Queen • Slug • Mr Lieto WE’LL HELP KEEP YOU IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT! 1917 Franklin close to campus 485-8226