CUSTOM PR I NTT D T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi T $ fWUNDERWNpPiS 5*VI0€O GAMES SOi STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 (1530 VIDEO ADVENTURE ^ vaujfv nrvcii plaza rtruuumjuo WP ; »*A* UNi m J - **• **! -*» V crontrl „ ROSES r ^9.99,1 at Cmimmi: I WO Mart M l>th k» hnWNCiti sj&*ru(jetu>ru; rowers and gifts i:ii(WnvrM. i>f r«j-anj*i •mi ito >ar«..(i»n»i-»iw “30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. | 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 TARGET THE Uo>0 MARKET I The Dean's Hick of Hicks A five fitin senes presents Twclve Angry Men Wed., Nov. 4 Rm 129, Law School 8:00 p.m. Admission $2.50 Still to come To Kill a Mockingbird ll/ll Die Wrong Man 11/17 Paths of Glory 11/24 The Verdict 12/1 EDWARD ALDWELL Ini Wi 11 Timim ri i) G avii k, Book II liM \i.|rs .1' .: i!11 v ? .Ilik ii p i .♦ 111 n I H.lllUit I ,lu.Hvi \V > !' . tf(. Ilf-l ot In, .. ,1.1V u.h h -v, .uls .it \, v, V *r k s Mv ? k ! i' I I ill 1 \ « - pk V. !• ■ > '-.He , i! :> fu (hi u ‘mu i! I' .»( 1 I' l p I ■ • 11 u V .If I n u « ■!. i \ • I * I M t < > (ill l I 'l If ! t U tui' I • ■ ill p V\ h.l ( l fit N " l ! V. ii< uni1 .imi rush . -v 11 t-. hi .ii h.i! »•. )S h.ippi Mi:.,; I ... P « - • . . . V ( l \ .1 I U l! l • Hllp.i 1 l\ I i.., 11 | ■ l ( a. f j VI t > v f s i ..Mil ( ,k in C ...Uhl \Mu I ! %U.n h IS h. '!',(■ . . s 111 niii iip! \ I u» uI \ i1 Hu 111 ?11r (I■.• ■ si u h" liki their mumi mtnn.iti l .11ul f .lpl III 1 111 Karros top NL rookie NEW YORK (AP) — Eric Karros, who nearly played his way out of the Los Angeles Dodgers organization, was se lected the National League Rookie of the Year on Tuesday. The husky Lew Angeles first baseman was chosen first on 22 of the 24 ballots and received 116 points overall from the Baseball Writers Association of America. Montreal outflnldor Moises Alou was the runner-up with two first-place votes and 30 points, followed by Pitts burgh knuckloballor Tim Wake field with 20 points. Karros hit 257 with 20 ho mers and B8 RBIs His home run total was the highest by a Dodgers rookie since Greg Brock hit 20 in 1983, and his RBIs surpassed Ron Coy’s Los Angeles rookie record of 80, sot in 1973 Karros also led all rookies this season with 30 doubles After getting one hit in 14 nl bals for the Dodgers at the end of the 1991 season. Karros went to winter bail in Caracas. Vene zuela, instead of completing the 16 credits left on his economics degree at UCLA. Karros hit .113 with six RBIs and no extra-base hits in Vene zuela and was released three weeks later. Oregon forward quits Oregon men's basketball coach Jerry Croon announced Tuesday that junior iirtc: van der Veen has left the team. Van der Veen, a 6-foot-B forward, is leaving to plav baskotball at a smaller school to complete his two years of eligibility. Ho is a na tive of The Netherlands and played at Mead High School in Spo kane. Wash., before signing with the Ducks. Neither Green nor van dor Veen could be reached for comment. I SAVE UP TO 50 % VMH OFF! ON TAGGED ITEMS THROUGHOUT iTHE STORE , SELECTED SPIRAL I NOTEBOOKS, FILLER PAPER,& RING BINDERS ftjm* 3 pmi cullom*0 I ALL CALENDARS 1 AND DATEBOOKS , SELECTED 1 MATBOARDS SAif tMDS II IS W UMHID TO S1QCK ON HAND | KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! Here’s your chance to learn C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate $10.00 Fee Includes: • 4 Hours of Personal Class Instructions • Instruction Booklet • Red Cross C.P.R. Certification Card Date for C.P.R. class: Tuesday, November 10 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. (C.P.R. classes held in the Student Health Center Cafeteria) Register Early. Limit 6 people. 346-4441 Cancellation must be 24 hours before class or no refund. Sponsored by the Student Health Center, Office of Public Safety and the Lifestyle Planning Program.