Oregon Daily Emerald ^ports 1 Controversies mark wild football season From the Sidelines Sievt U*(tss As the college football sea son winds down to its fi nal few weeks, let's take a look at some of the local and national controversies that have already come up and those that are certain to come up in the weeks ahead The Heaver Bandwagon: Anyone remember about a month and a half ago when ev eryone was talking about the shift of power taking place in college football in Oregon? Af ter three weeks of the season Oregon Siaic was 1-1-t while the Ducks were 1-2. and con volitional thinking had the Boa vers on the rise and the Ducks on the way down Well, neodloss Tr> say. reports of the Ducks' death worn great ly exaggerated. A* the stand ings look today, the Ducks have won four of their past six games, and the Beavers have not won any of their past six contests It was siinplv unother example of Oregon State twxist ers getting overly excited about another horrible Beaver squad Beaver funs have watched so many losses in the past two decades that their vision be comes cloudy everyiime they win a game Contrary to what the Oregon State athletic department wants people to think, the Beavers football program is not going “onward," but instead is at a stalemate. I he- Beavers las! winning season was in 1970, an HI t IKI 'll M I \ \ I s 11. WE’VE PUT A NEW SPIN ON INVESTING WITH TIAA-CREF ■ At TIAA-CREF our goal has alway s k. In*en to make your retirement dollars go fai^lher. 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In a copyright story, The Dallas Morning News quoted two Pac-10 officials as saying the chief executive officers of the league discussed plans to bring in the University of Colorado and Texas at an Oct. 20 meeting in Seattle. ‘'First of all, we did not know they had a meeting," Dodds said. “Second, wo ha ven't been contacted. Third, our position has not changed. We are a member of the Southwest Conference and are working for its improve ment." The Morning News report ed in Monday editions that the Pac-10 plans to expand to Turn to PAC-10. Page 9 CUSTOM PRINTED T-SHIRTS Lowest Rates! I lie I Vail's Pick of Hicks A live Sibn series presents Twelve Angry Men Wed , Nov. 4 Rm 1 29, Law School 8:00 p.m. Admission $2.50 Still to come To Kill a Mockingbird 11/11 l be Wrong Man 11/17 Paths of Glory 11/24 I tie Verdict 12/1 BUY • SILL • T It ADI N ■ W ft USID SPICIAL OBDIRS CD'S-LP'S-TAPIS HARD TO FIND aSS I. 13th ■UOINI, OR 97401 3 4 3-7 9 7 9 FAX 344-7243