I-------—\ Post-election SUPPORT University Counseling Center will he available to individuals ami groups who may need support No appointment necessary Drop in group to express feelings surrounding the election HMU Walnut Room For mor? information, mil T-M 1227. FOR INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS r O S T F. R s RESUMES AND MORE It 1 T $ ft t*t ft $ t C t Graphics *46-4381 sum. *00 f MU DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS ■exp exp V set ■ * 1 coupon must accompany order. I I CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO ■ 1231 ALDER * 683-4693 Visiting scholar says hope faded By Mandy Baucum frrwald Reporter When Ibitola Pearce, senior It* lurer at Obafrml Awolowa University in Nigeria, attended college during the 1VH>Os. leader* like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr offered hope for improve ment among black communities Now. after spending 12 yours In Afric a and re turning to the University as a visiting scholar, Pearce said she believes that hope may lx? a thing of the past. During her time in the United States. Pearce said many people have told her U S race rela tions aren't moving as progressive!v as they had in the past "The black community was moving forward." Pearce said "I've tieen told by many bine ks that that is something of the past On the surface it's very calm but one has the feeling it's not very calm." Pearce said she has more knowledge and con cern of the events taking place in her African homeland I he iniernuiionui Monetary l urid and World Hank treated tin- Struc tural Adjustment Program in PIHfi, Pearce said SAP was supposed to help African countries get out of c rises and improve their economic situation Thirty six of the '12 c ountries in Afric a must follow c odes of SAP In the early lMOOs. people began assessing the suc c ess ol the program "The genera! consensus is that if h.is been dev astating." Peart e said "No country has bounced back." Over the years. SAP has devalued currency, de manded crops lx’ exported and spent less money on welfare, education and health. Pearce said In 19«5. one naira, tho monetary unit of Ni geria, was equal to 1.12 American dollars This year, the monetary power of the naira has de creased to 23 naira to $1 American Pearce Mid in Zambia, where SAP exists, the monetary ratio Is 300 kwacha to S1 American. Peart* said the people under the control of SAP work harder, but they remain at an economic standstill. Pearce said her country has had a difficult time recuperating from the devastating effects of first the slave trade, then colonialism and then SAP "There has boon a lot of external (pressure on Africa," Pearce said. ' Before you get ready to stand up, something blows you back down again." There hasn't been much internal help from Af rica's ''poor leadership," Pearce said. "livery new hand of leaders blames the former leaders," she said Pearce graduated from Mills (.ollege in Oak land, California, and earned her master's and doc torate degrees from Brown University Pearce's stay at the University will last only until the end of fall term Prom Eugene she will travel to North western University in Evanston, HI A pregnancy test you don’t have to be a Chem Major to use. Ahsorheni t mi \ Hmk hnr yourt f* cyrutni nhuc*. un/rr run 4. /*Ni.' w:r I hunth imp hot raw hanJImv ( Untrii! W tndoH V> \i»m kmm the test i\ h oritnx The First Response 1-Step Pregnancy Test requires just one easy step — no cup. Shi leave tlu' test tubes and complicated procedures in ytnir chemistry lab. Ibis one-step, one-piece pregnancy test is our easiest test ever made. Just hold the absorbent end of the tester in your urine stream Within three minutes you'll know It .1 pink line appears in the result window, you’re pregnant It it remains white, you’re not Even it it's your tirst time using a home pregnancy test, hirst Response* I Step is so easy to use, it’s virtually mistake proof For more information call us at 1 -800- J67-6022, Mon-Fri Tam spin EST. So easy, you can trust the result' *H«hh accurate m i>.«*utnrf tmum WlINDERLAND . VIDEO 5th STREET A PUBLIC MARKET I (TAMES hi 683-8464 30 VIDEO ADVENTURE --.1 VALLEY RIVER PLATA ( “’ jSgjyj*y *OAl UMS ITI Exercise your brain with ©©MJMMl ©®WIL the Varsity Sport of the Mind Sign Up November 2 - 6 at EMU Rec Center or any Residence Hall For more information call 346-3711