ET ALS M vxnst.s Student Fra^fh will twv« a hoatd of dtrw i«tf mewtlnfl today from l VJ to 4 K> ir$ FMl H'*om Onturjr I) F«»r morn .. Mg I'. Amrruan MariHin# Awwtalum Will meet with a fw fuller from * Frank tr»mj|h» at ft in Room 22* Otlle* lot more information, f ail *4*» JoSfi international Student A**o* ial»«>n will have a *ub*foup lo4*y at !• pm »n KMt; Room Odif A Fof more information, t all A44 4M? I>roui* fun tor Honor Sot ndy will have a momb*rf*hip mwllng tonight at ft VJ in the KMl lJ'***rf Hmm*. Student Senate will !w»( today at ** ji m in EMU Ko-»m (^ontury A Student* lot I iprt**d Saturn* wtii meet today *t $ p m in EMI Room ( eniury F For moi* information, call Jtn iinw MMM Will • -:l ft ' gh« a? ft in the S" A S A I, ft n |t h t) u t <' lor !*!©»* i n Infmatin n all »t«> i .on OSPIRf. Hu' ^er *ftd llom*l*i»neM Pfojmt group f«tSu*k wsii take pi*** tonight at *» at J»?4 fcmarald Hj No 4 For mor* information.«uii *4ft *t2? A 1 F S Ft will h a v »’ a R«ne!tl m««Uf g/r* tt - nal toftfercnte itvift* today *t S :«» p m in Room ill (.{theft lor more Inlftitiuii'in, rail 1441 1 Mi) M1SC hU-ANTf* s iHiPtiff pr|t rtVAioki will have an UiHlJon Day watch and party tonight from ft p m to 1 a m iiptiairt tn the (fowof'i m * r» o *. building at 4*4 WtUamatt* St Thr ( mlrf far Asian and f*a*n«Mbic PtsthUcal and Economic Ttand*" by Naokatu Takamoin today at l .10 in Room 111 C.iihart kor mor* information (all 14A 5*21 MK.bA will *p f. moral 4 front . <» ncfort tha day bnfam pttblfi at inn 77»c nrwi i*dilnt rfoai not fiavr « fim* mat form f t A/» run ifo> day of tb« ovwnt un/pti t.#M* «*van» tairn /*/w «• hc/uftt noon ViK/ipi of nwiti »*(fh a i/••nation <».* «rimittmn i hatjf* mill not l*t» amnumj Csmpu* #v»nn and ihow n httonirnd nnatntt fhn fiahht atinn datr witi tn> #ivnn futurity IT** Kmnraid rmmtvm th« right to milit hot /grammar and tiyfr B 4f» run on a ** avail*h!r haut Emerald Pass it on (please) Help our successful recycling program on campus Cry putting the Oregon Dull fmeiMO Dec* In in original rack when you ve flnlsned reading ft This will allow another person to read It and/or oe easily picked up lor recycling 1 "If Measure 4 passes, thousands more trucks will be needed to do the same job that triples do now. Triples may seem intimidating, but the alternative will be more frightening More trucks sharing our roads mean more traffic, more accidents and more highway fatalities." Emil Brandaw FOfroer Super inler»ck?fM Of*QOn Stale Police MORE ACCIDENTS "According to the Transportation Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences, banning more productive trucks like triples will result in more highway accidents and deaths." N B Nat Giustma Past Oregon Transportation Cowmtsston MORE POLLUTION "Measure 4 means more trucks and more pollution. Oregon just doesn't need more air pollution, particularly in the Willamette Valley from Medford to Portland.” Representative Mike Burton House Environment and f.neigy Committee Advocate Oregon Clean A« Act HIGHER COSTS According to economic studies, Measure 4 will cost almost $400 million a year-the equivalent of a 4% hidden sales tax! stop Mote Trucks. Pollution S Accidents Authorized by Oregonians for Safe & Efficient Transportation 6125 North Basm Street Building CE PoMland OR 9721 7 pawn Put the power of Oregon DailyJtmeralrL advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712. REPUBLICANS Continued from Page 1 publican groups, Krrtw said Bui senior Chris Case said thai shouldn’t neces sarily have to Ire "I fell kind of eerie al that meeting." he said “Somnbndv said we vote for the party-line that kind of soiree me I don’t agree with voting party lino just because you’re Republican ” Casa, n senior in religious studies and history, said ho already ensi his absentee ti.illol for inde pendent candidate Ross Perot for president Borrowing a popular phrase front Democratic candidate Bill Clinton. C.ase said "it's time for a change." hut he said he would likely never vote for u Democrat for national office Against a jropuiur stereotype, Osanka formed the Republicans' No on 0 group, which has S8 memlters Hi* said it was ‘‘critical’ to show that not ail conservatives are in favor of the state measure, which would proclaim homosexuality to t>e "unnatural'' and "perverse " Kerbs and Osanka said the (College Republicans voted against endorsing most of the measures de spite the fact they agreed with what some were trying to accomplish Kerbs said as conservatives, they usually vote no on "poorly written” meas urns "Like (!‘WO s) Measure 5," she said. "Even if it looks good, you don't want hud law Kerbs said the majority of her group was in fa vor of the principles on which ballot measures 5 and n whir li would close the Trojan power plant were founded, hut she said I ho text of the initiatives did not propose a gradual enough solu tion This may come as a surprise to some, as might the fact that Kerlis and Osanka both said Ihev were disap|K)in(ed with the Republican National P*oto by K«ti Ngcry»n Jeff Osanka. chairman of the Republicans No on 9 group, hands out flyers Sunday with Deanna Beppu. an undergraduate in history. Convention Thov said the convention Uxi negative anti didn't show a ‘ broad-minded" view they believe the party has. Clarke, who attended Ixith the Republican and Democratic conventions as a writer for the Ore gon (ktmmentalor. said he disagreed He said the GOP convention began "pulling its punches' on the opposition long before the Democrats did Clarke said he soon heard so much Republican bashing in New York that he thought he might be sick "After the third day. I was beginning to draw guns," he said "I couldn't stomach it CHINA BLUE RESTAUANT Iry o>j dtmers, too! e l 9791. 1Sth * upuaii to uo Booatote • 543-2932 • Take out Available PERM SALE continues tnrough November 15th! CfXXJM haco vVov 34? 5144 O'a Oa»> 48i> 3?*8 Morn** Mamit Pttce 776 1377 Pioneat Pia/a 747-0X7