Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1992, Page 3A, Image 3

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Youth fuu i n d i sc ret/ons
to tHe Public. whilst /
CLOUDlNCj THEiR/V^in/^5 to i
m own/ misdeeds ]
k \ tUTUjp: KBth NOT ApPlH
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Bush doublespeak cuts to bone
Pal Malach
It's about trust Well, actually
it's about trust and taxes.
Tho t h eme of t ho
Bush/Quayie campaign has
evolved Into a character assas
sination of Democratic presi
dential candidate Bill Clinton
"My opponent, 1 like to call
him Gov. Doublespeak," Bush
has said, "needs to come clean
with the American people.”
And Bush should k no w
about not coming clean He has
lied to the American people
about how much he know
about Manuel Noriega's drug
dealing Ho lied to the Ameri
can people about being in "the
loop" of Iran/Contra And his
administration is currently in
volved in allegations that it
covered up a banking scandal
that led to U S dollars being
used to arm Saddam Hussein
The press has done its liosl to
cover these stories and dig for
some semblance of truth
On the down side, the media
have also admitted spending
considerable resources proving
that no woman besides his wife
has slept with George Bush (go
All the while these fine jour
nalists have been hounding the
bedroom trail, a character issue
that could have a oral offoct on
our nation'll leader has all hut
been Ignored.
It’s called Skull and Bonus.
During his junior year at Yale
University, George Bush was
"tupped'' to be a member of the
school's elite secret society. Af
ter an Initiation that involved
laying in a coffin naked und re
vealing his adolescent sex life,
the future president was hon
ored as one of that year's cho
sen 15.
Because it is a secret society,
little is known about Skull and
Bones Most people (including
journalists) huve always as
sumed the club is just a secre
tive good-old-boys' club for
hast Coast WASPs.
There has never been any
substantial proof offered that
Skull and Bones is anything but
an innocent little clurT yvTTn IT
few odd rituals. Of course, no
ono has aver proven the harm
lessness of the group either.
The point should he made
that if The New V'orA Times
and 'The Washington Test have
spent considerable resources
finding out who slept with
whom, you would expect the
organizations to look into a
club whose membership boasts
the president, the CIA director,
the country's loaders in hank
ing and industry and numerous
.senators, congressmen, journal
ists and publishers
Other than Ix-ing rich, white
members of America's aristoc
racy, what kind of bonds and
allegiances do these men have
to each other? Mow far would
they go to scratch each other's
backs, ns it were?
Those are _____
In the I’osi article. [cllow
Bonesman William Connolly Jr
characterized mnmbtirs as
"siand(ing) together. 1 .*> broth
ers under the skin. (It is) thn
greatest allegiance in tho
world "
Hush has stoadfastly rnfusnd
to discuss Skull and Bonos Ho
refused to discuss it for Wood
ward's I'lHH article, saying ho
"didn't know that (he) could
contribute anything to it " It
wasn't until Bush was cornered
on an airplane by /:'.squ/re writ
nr Kon Rosenbaum that he It
milly admitted he even a
"The amazing thing is that
we don't even tiring the ques
tion up," Bunch said "We
don’t ask that of Bush, and it
_ should lie a
the kinds of
that bother
like Dr
Bunch, a |x»
iitical sci
ence profes
sor at Port
land State
"The real
question is,
since II s a secret organization,
what relationship do Doncsmen
have to each other that would
bo Inappropriate for a public
figure'" Bunch said “What
kind of commitment does
George Bush make to his fellow
Bonosmon that he's sworn to
uphold their inton^ls'"
In an article written for The
Washington Tost during the
lttHH election. Republican und
Yale graduate Bob Woodward
reported: "Throughout his life
Bush has forged a series of
strong allegiances that have
been critically imjKirtanl to him
personally, and to his rise. In
deed, friends and associates
from every phase of his life
agreed that relationships with
other people have always boon
much more important to Bush
than political ideas, policy
preferences or any abstract po
litical concern."
This is a pretty strong state
ment made about a man who is
sworn to uphold the interests of
a country full of people he's
never met, people who certain
i y uwll i 1,1' 1 hi.'- *. 1 i ■ r: i
cratic class.
together, 15
brothers under the
skin. (It is) the
greatest allegiance
in the world.’
William Connelly Jr,
Skull ana Bones member
public (|urs
T hero is
ulso lho Is
sun nl wh.it
the agenda of
Skull .1 n if
Bonos is
Bunch sonms
to bollovt) it's
just a fraler
n.il i lub with
strong ties
h o I w o o n
Other researchers believe the
agenda of Skull and Hones is
much more sinister I he idea is
that Skull and Bones is an or
ganization bent on developing
one governing body of white
males to rule the world
It's easy to laugh at this con
spiracy theory. Hut remember,
all knowledge of Skull and
Bones is highly speculative.
Few facts are known about the
group. The idea that it is sim
ply an "old Ixjys' dub" is en
tirely as assumed as the con
spiracy theory Wouldn't it lx
nice to lx; able to laugh at the
people who believe Skull and
Bones' agenda is to set up a
"New World Order" (a quote
from Bones founder General
William Huntington Russell)
out of knowledge of facts, rath
er than a blind assumption?
Why don't you just level
with the American people, Mr
Finer.! Id
Our landfills
don’t need to be fed.
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