Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1992, Page 2A, Image 2

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Bush is history,
Bill Clinton in ‘92
Why Bill Clinton?
Because he has a comprehensive economic plan
that puts people first; a plan that recognizes the inhor
ent flaws of trickle-down theory. Clinton is aware of
the problems America faces. He is os in touch with the
voting public as a politician can bo.
For months we've been listening to Courge Bush
deny that we're in a recession, blame it on everyone
else and then claim he's responsible for the small up
swing in the economy that occurred .1 week ago He has
proved unwilling to accept blame but more than will
ing to accept accolades
Bush continually refuses to acknowledge the prob
lems this
country faces.
Health care in
surance is hard
to obtain, un
employment is
growing, the
inner cities arc* decaying and America's technology is
falling behind Yet Bush continues his blind allegiance
to trickle-down economics on the premise that we will
pull ourselves out of this bind.
Rush doesn't understand that while the rich are
pocketing more money, the p<x>r and homeless popula
tions are sinking fast Trickledown economii s as
sutnes the rich, through tax incentives, will be inclined
to invest in private industry, which in turn will create
more jobs for Americans and a stronger ec onomy
Clinton offers something different. "Change" has
been an overused word in this election, but it's truth
fully the best we can hope for.
Clinton has hope for the future. He recognizes that
Reaganomics has not worked and that something else
must he done. His system may not work either Not all
of Franklin I). Roosevelt's programs were successful,
hut he recognized that government had to take an ac
tive role in pulling the country out of recession. Reagan
and Bush had their chance with trickle-down Now
Clinton must have his chance to improve the economy.
Whether it be health care, job training, the environ
ment or inner-city decay. Clinton offers real solutions
on how to get things done. People say he has 100 ideas
for every problem, that he is a "policy wonk." Hu! at
least lie has ideas and is willing to take chances. Ex
pecting the country to fix itself is absurd, economically
and socially. We need a candidate who will not cry
out. "Come on people, it's not that bad."
Clinton is not a knight in shining armor, lie has
negative characteristics. For people to assume he can
pull us out of this recession overnight is unrealistic.
Hut he offers solid ideas and hope for the future —
more than can be said of the other two candidates
This is the time for change. And Clinton believes
this country can move forward while recovering frmti
the recession at the same time. We must prepare for the
21st century while addressing the problems of 1992.
Bill Clinton is the man to take us forward.
Oregon Daily
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read it novj.
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The VisionThing
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The Oregon Daily Emerald endorses the
following candidates and recommends
these votes on ballot measures in today's
Rill Clinton
Vice President
Al Gore
U.S. Senate
No endorsement
U.S. House
Dist 4 - Peter DeFazio
Secretary of State
Phil Keisling
State Treasurer
Jim Hill
Attorney General
Ted Kulongoski
State Representative
Disl 40-Carl Hosticka
Dist 41 - Cynthia Wooten
Lane County District
Lauren Holland
Mary Burrows
City Council
Ward 3 - Eben Dobson
Polling hour*: 7 a m to 8 p.m.
r«K)t j*f I D
No. 1 - Shall Oregon's
Constitution allow state to
issue up to $250 million in
general obligation bonds tor
state parks, recreation tacili
, es Vote Yes
No.2 - Shall Oregon's
Constitution be amended to
allow Legislature to dedicate
future motor vehicle fuel tax
increases tor state park pur
poses7 Vote No
No. 3 - Shall Oregon's
Constitution be amended to
limit terms tor Oregon legisla
tors. statewide elected officers
and Oregon's U S Congress
Vote No
No. 4 - Shall Oregon laws be
amended to ban the granting
of permits for triple—truck—trail
er combinations on Oregon
highways9 ^ Nq
No. 5 - Shall Troian nuclear
power plant operation be
barred until permanent federal
waste site is licensed, other
conditions met? Vote yes
No. 6 - Shall law ban Tro|an
nuclear power plant operation
unless plant meets earth
quake standands, and until
permanent waste storage site
Vote Yes
No. 7 - Shall constitutional
property tax limit tor property
other than owner-occupied
residential property be
increased, residential renters
receive tax relief7
Vote Yes
No. 8 - Shall state law
restrict lower Columbia River
fishing to most selective
means available, to allow
release of non-targeted fish
Vote No
No. 9 - Shall constitution be
amended to require that all
governments discourage
homosexuality, other listed
“behaviors," and not facilitate
or recognize them9
Vote No
No. 20-01 - Shall we restrct
East Alton Baker Park to pas
sive recreational uses
Vote Yes
No. 20-02 - Shall we authonze
the issuance of $74 3 million in
bonds for the repair and mainte
nance of buildings, construction
of additions and instructional
equipment replacement
Vote Yes