1992 Career and Internship Fair, Nov. 4 & 5 Get the insiders’ edge into the job market Do you want to know how to make a good first impres sion in a job interview'.' How to make your resume stand out ’ How sucesslul people have "made it" in the lough job market'’ These questions and more will be answered at a seminar entitled "Realities of the 'l>0s Job Search" on November 4 at 4 (H) in the EMI' Eir Room. This event is sponsored by Meier & Frank. Carolyn Chambers, I'm versity of Oregon alum and owner of KEZI TV and Chambers Communications Corporation will be giving the keynote address She will be followed by a panel ot hiring managers offering inside information on how to conduct a suc cessful job search and will be answering students’ questions The panelists will be Angela Burns from I'.S. Bancorp. Bob Chessen of Meier & F rank, Priscilla Could from I ruled Way, and Dennis Hop wood of Spectra Physics. Sheila Stickel, former ASUO vice-president, will also he in the panel describ ing the challenges she has faced in the job market. "The panel represents a broad range of career fields," said Beth Swank, career counselor. "All stu dents will find the informa tion invaluable for their job search." © TARGET Visit the Target Stores inc. Career Fair booth on Wednesday, November 4th We will have several recent college graduates who arc now successful managers w ith our corporation on hand to answer all your questions. Immediately following the Career l air. Target will be giving a group presentation on campus. (Details on exact location of presentation will be provided at the booth.) SAFECO WELCOMES ALL ATTENDEES 01 mi UMVLRsrn 01 Orkxyn Career Fair Thursday, November 5. Wl: INVITE YOU TO STOP BY OUR BOOTH TO TA1JK ABOUT FUTURE EMPLOYMENT OPIKYRTUNTITLS. SAFECO Weyerhaeuser Development/Diversity/Teamwork Weyerhaeuser Company is engaged principally in the growing and harvesting of timber; the manufacture, distribution and sale of forest products including logs, wood chips, building products, pulp, paper and packaging products, real estate construction and development; $nd financial services. Weyerhaeuser is the largest private owner of softwood timber in the world and is one of North America's largest recyclers of office wastepaper, newspaper and paper boxes. Weyerhaeuser is a Fortune 100 company with annual sales of more than $8.7 billion. Our businesses operate in more than 200 geographic locations and employ over 39,000 people. Please meet with us at the Career Fair on November 5 Weyerhaeuser is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Consider A Career in Sales It's Rewarding! As the #1 supplier ot customized business lorms and labels, Wallace Computer Services, Inc is eager to attract graduates interested in a career with a short teaming curve and a high earnmg curve As a W.i ace Sakts Representative, we'it prepare you tor success with a comprehensive SABS training program Your training program A allow yC . deveiop your own leads serve* ma|Of accounts, and design lorms to solve customers problem; ana increase their productrvity it you have excellent business and interpersonal strengths, plus a college degree preferably in Business, success may be waiting tor you. We otter a guaranteed salary, unlimited commission potential and the opportunity to move ahead into management or marketing Wallace wit! be on campus attending the University ot Oregon Job Fair, November 4 & 5. Please stop by our booth to find out more about your future m sj.es or attend our evening information session November 5. We II also be on campus to conduct interviews November 18th & 19th. To schedule an interview, piease visit Career Planning & Placement Service a! 244 Hendricks Hall or call Pete S: Germain at 293-8343 tor further details Equal Opportunity Employer UF WALLACE COMPUTER SERVICES. INC. When* Simvssliil Careers Take I oim jf When you’re 1 part cfthe nation's best j sales force, you fee! at home with success. Physician Assistants How to find out more about ‘one of the 20 best corporate jobs in the U.S.’ That's what Career Vision Magazine had to say about the Executive Training Program at Meier & Frank, a division of The May Department Stores Company The May Department Stores Company is the largest department store company in North America, with annual sales of $12 billion Each year we recruit over 250 seniors from over 40 schools for our executive merchandising team Our nationally recogm?ed training program will give you a balance of classroom and hands on experience before you begin your first assignment as Assistant Buyer Subseguent positions include Area Sales Manager. Buyer, and beyond You should consider a career with May and Meier & Frank if you enjoy identifying opportunities and solving problems, want to work in a dynamic, changing environment, possess solid analytical capabilities and have developed strong interpersonal skills OLIAM VISIT OUR BOOTH AT TNI CASHS PAIS IN TNI IMU MEIER & FRANK A DIVISION Of THl may DffWOMS N’ 'WTWNY An Equal Opportunity Employer Atkinson Graduate School of Management WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY More Than Just A ■ For careers in Business, Government and Not for Profit organizations ■ Rated as one of the top five regional business programs in the West and Midwest ■ The Northwest’s only Master of Mangemcnt program ■ Merit Scholarships available ■ Ten percent of Atkinson alums completed their undergraduate degree at the University of Oregon Business Degree See us at the University of Oregon Career Fair November 4 & 5, or call us, 370-6167 OPPORTUNITIES IN JAPAN Leading English Conversation school (160 schools throughout Japan) seeks ENERGETIC and RESPONSIBLE teachers who like to experience other cultures! •Teaching experience md Japanese language is not required •Bachelor'3 degree is required. •Please* .end Resume' an J Cover Letter GEOS CORPORATION one union square, suite 1910 600 UNIVERSITY STRt E T SEATTLE WA 98101 12061624 6701 <£ GEOS Will your company grow as fast as you do? While many firms have been struggling. Andersen Consulting has been growing An average of 20“* per year That couid mean the difference between getting ahead And banging your head A\Pf Ksf \ CoNsmiNi. Please join us at the Career Fair November 4. 1992 '£ ' W2 Ar*j0r%T OontoHmg An «qy« opportunity #mploy* "Realities of the ’90s Job Search" Carolyn Chambers, owner of KHZ I/Chambers Communications, keynote speaker Nov. 4, 4:00 p.m. EMU Fir Room / 'his event sponsored by Meier A l rank U.S. BANK « IIAPPY PARTICIPATE in 'he (JNIVERSITY »J OREGON CAREER FAIR Thursday, November 5 We invite you to stop by our booth to disi uss future employment oportunities. U.S. BANK