1992 University of Ore sion Career & Sponsored by Career Planning and Placement, 244 Hendricks Hall November 3, 1992 Students facing competitive job market It’s a cruel world out there. Especially if you're looking for a job. "There have been few points in the past fifteen years when the job market has been as difficult as it is today. In this region, there has been a major decline in job oppor tunities in the last three years," said Larry Smith, director of Career Plan ning and Placement. Smith warns students that competition has in creased in every field, and there are no positions that are easy to obtain. "Students have two choices. One is to realize they better get going and get started on a difficult task, and the other is to bury their head in the sand," Smith said. One way to start on a successful job search is by attending the Career and Internship Fair on November 4 and 5 in the EMU from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The fair has been held during spring term in the past but has been moved to fall to help students begin on their job search earlier. This year's fair will bring a diverse group of companies, professional associations, non profit agencies, government agencies, scientific comp an ies and graduate schools to campus. Representatives from each agency will be available to answer questions and discuss possible career options and internship opp ortunities within their organization. In addition to the organizations' booths in the EMU, many comp anies will be having information meetings in the evening. Smith believes these "are great orientation sessions to the company a n d the industry, where you can get a better sense of how and where you fit in a company, a sense of the style of the company, and how they treat their employees.” To benefit the most from attending the fair, students should develop a list of questions to ask the organization represent atives and should enter the fair assuming every or gan/ation has a potential job or internship for them. Due to the competitive state of the job market, students need to have an open mind about career possibilities. Rather than only looking at a specific careers. Smith advises students to identity themselves with one of following types of work: word analysis, numerical analysis, persuasive work or supervisory positions "Identifying ones skills and capabilities makes a job search easier and the scope of job titles potentially broader," com men ted Smith. The Career and Internship fair is spon sored by Career Planning and Placement Service. 1 Schedule of Events \\ t’ducsddX, November 4: 12:00 - 4:00 Booths open in the l.MU 4:00 Carolyn Chambers gives keynote address in the 1 ir Room, 1 Ml Panel to follow. Information meetings: Organizations Participating in the Fair Wednesday, November 4_ I hursday, November 5 Arts/Social Services/ Education/Recreation: Council Travel Glacier Bay Lodge. Inc. Emerald Kidsports Integrated Research Services Maude Kerns An Center Banking/Finance: Andersen Consulting Beneficial Oregon Inc. First Investors Corp. Primerica Financial Serv. State Farm Insurance United Financial Systems Wallace Computer Services Inc. Consumer Products: Black and Decker Lanier Worldwide Inc. Mary Kay Cosmetics Government: City of Eugene Nat'l Weather Service U.S. Comptroller of the Currency U.S. Office of Personnel Management U.S. Peace Corps U.S. D A. Forest Service (Smoke Jumpers) Graduate/Professional Schools: American Graduate School of International Management Warner Pacific College Willamette University Retail: Jay Jacobs K-Mart Corporation Mariposa Meier & Frank Target Science: Molecular Probes, Inc. Oregon Health Sciences University Oregon Society of Physician's Assistants Smith Kline Beecham Transportation: Enterprise Rent-a-Car Arts/Social Services/ ICducation/Recreation: Council Travel GEOS Corporation Glacier Bay Lodge Inc. Integrated Research Services Maude Kerns Art Center Wilderness Cruises Banking/Finance: First Investors Corp. Northwestern Mutual Life Primerica Financial Serv. Safeco Corporation State Farm Insurance United Financial Systems U.S. Bancorp Wallace Computer Services Consumer Products: Black and Decker Lanier Worldwide, Inc. Mary Kay Cosmetics Government: Federal Aviation Administration Internal Revenue Service Nat'l Weather Service U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Navy U.S. Peace Corps Graduate/Professional Sch(K»ls: Monterey Institute of International Mgmt. Oregon State University Graduate School Warner Pacific College Willamette University Manufacturing: Weyerhauser Retail: JC Penney Co. Mariposa Payless Works Corp. Science: Merck Sharp &Dohme Oregon College of Oriental Medicine Oregon Society of Physician's Assistants Transportation: Enterprise Rent-a-Car Lane Transit District 4:00 - 5:00 US. Comptroller of the Currency. Cedar E 4:30 - 6:30 Target, Board Room 5:00 - 6:30 Enterprise Rent-a-Car, Rm.. Century A 7:00-8:30 Meier and Frank, 154 Straub 7;00 - 8:00 Black and Decker (Dewalt), Ben Linder Rm. Thursday,. November 5: 12:00-4:00 - Booths open in the EMU Information Meetings: 6:00 - 7:30 - Wallace computer Services. Inc., Walnut Rm. 6:00 - 8:00 - Merck Sharp and Dohme, Cedar E