MARCH Continued from Page 1 and "unnatural Braving the rain. mart.hors gathered at tin t.lcn dale Nursery on Franklin Boulevard .inti snaked their way along Main Street toward the Spring field Public Library After assembling on tho library s steps. a micro phono was passed to anyone interested in speak ing Congressman Peter DoFazio, D Springfield, said he intended only to march and listen to speakers but Ins own feelings about the measure ont polled him to seize the microphone himself " Things like the (X'.A and Measure U are meant to distract ns from the real issues." DoFazio said He said the attention focused on Measure 0 could be used more constructively to find solutions for school funding, homelessness and other Issues The Oregon Citizens Alliance sponsors the measure. Scott Seibert, member of the No on ‘t cam paign's state steering committee, said the measure encourages people to discriminate and persecute homosexuals, citing some recently committed hate crimes, "Ballot Measure <) is a violent act. hut we must not respond with violence." Seibert said Seibert encouraged the crowd to combat bigotry by vot ing "No matter what happens on Tuesday, we are a proud and loving people,” he said Brandon IVrrv idenlified himself as a guv Springfield resident and addressed Ins remarks to Springfield Councilman Rnlf Walters Walters has tieen outspoken tn his support of Measure u and of a similar amendment Spring field adopted to the city charter earlier this year 1 hope you're listening, Mr Walters." Berry said "This is a government bv and for the people, and I'm one of them We’re here and we re queer, so gel used to it . Sally Meng marched with her son. who is guv Meng said the measure makes her sic k to the depths of my soul It's like a personal attac k on my child Both are members of Barents and Friends of Lesbians and Clays. Brook Stembrni her marched and c arried a sign that read 'I love my lesbian mom " Stoinbrri her said she's uncertain the measure will he defeated "There's always a chance it could pass, and that scares the hell out of me." Steinhrecher said The march's route afforded protesters a chant e to witness the kind of bigotry they were speaking out against Vandals had spray-painted derogatory terms on windows of The McKen/ie. u Springfield restau rant. apparently In response to anti-Measure 'I material posted inside Restaurant owner David C’.ltison stood outside and greeted the passers hv "None of this stuff ever happened before the (X.A came to town," (ithson said Gibson said he would continue to display No on 0 materials al the restaurant Dwyer says, "—— "We don't need rhetoric, half-truths and slogans. We need leadership that recognizes our problems and formulates solutions." CHECK THE RECORD SENATOR BILL DWYER — DISTRICT 21 l.uokimj lor .i qood dealW Head the- , Oreqon I).iil\ tnn r.ild ( lassifiitls v * * The Great Airplane Toss Sec the women's volleyball team heat the UCLA Bruins at Mae Court on Saturday, Nov 7th, at 7 p m Win two y round-trip tickets Use your paper airplane throwing skills to win two round-trip tickets to anywhere Mori/.on Air flies. In order to participate, pick up your of ficial "airplane throw ing" paper all week f rom ail Eugene-Springl'ield Burger King restaurants. |-tn mote information call promotions department at 14<> V>90 Sponsored by: 8188^*' VOICI O# TM( DUCK ft Oregon’s people are faced with repression. It’s called discrimination. Vote against it. Vote Democratic. Vote No on 9. N© T Authorised and mkI for by ibr COttet* Demcrritt Sujft 1, FMt . fcagmc OH <*740* 1 from Westcliffe Publishers & Others »**#.» I \«. \< .1 M < M t M»\K glTOTTERMX OREGON I fl \ M I \H « U I VII \)' A large selection of Oregon engagement & wall styles available on the main floor • 13th & Kincaid • M-Sat • 346-4331