DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS 36**97 2ndt|50 J exp exp «# set 1 J I coupon must accompany order. fl I CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO I 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 STUDENTS • FACULTY • STAFF ‘J(u Vaccination Influenza vaccinations will be given at the Student Health Center every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from S (Hknn to 9.(Him until the end of Fall term. Only one injection is needed Students $3.50 Faculty and Staff $4.00 Annual flu immunizations arr rreommendni tor the following 1 Healthy jversons hS year*, or older 2 Persons vs'ith long-term heart or lung problems 1 Persons with any of the following kidney disease, cystic fibn>sis, diabetes, anemia, seven' asthma and conditions which compromise immune mechanism Influenza vaccine nwv be given to persons wishing In reduce llieir .tcaives tv# tatchmg the flu, [MTsnrts wfvo provide essential community sere it es and students or others in St Iv H 'Is (>r colleges For more information, call the Student Health Center at 346-4441 QUESTION: Do you like President Myles Brand better with or without his mustache? *1 like him without it. He's kind of dorky look ing without it, but it looks like he has a hairy Tootsie Roll on his lip with it Would you kiss a man who looks like that7” JODI MAI ophomore. music “With it because il makes him look much j more rugged Our presi dent should look rugged Decause he is our leader." •With it But it would* look better with a goa- j tee and handlebars» on each j side He ' also needs some big lamb chop sideburns that come down the side of his face " MANNY FLORES senior, landscape architecture “Without because his nose is much more prominent, which makes him look like Kermit the t-rog. ‘I normally don't think mustaches look good on men, but it looks good on him He looks more sophisticated and serious with it ." MEGAN MUHS junior, anthropology 'Definitely with it because he looks much more distin guished. It's impor lam 10 iook oisunguisnea, so people will respect him." SHYDA GILMER junior, business MIKE O'LEARY senior, history SARAH MEAD freshman, psychology ET ALS VOKTIMCS Ijrm (Wtelofwmml i»l«m®h»p am wjl havr it* oflanution mooting iur winter internship* today at i M( p m in th® KMt K<".m All major* with junior and wnior statu* am wait nine Ior more intutmatior*. t *11 m* «M 1 l.uldra key National Muwur So* iH> will meat today iDpm in EMI (a*ntury Room A F or mom information < ail Mtt won Philippine Student Ammm iatu>n will mw! tonight at fi In KSfl Ontury Room A KMU Hoard will rn«*»t today at 4 30 p m in the KMU Board Room h «>r more information, call J4tt )7JO It*-}iuLI*« ana No on tt will imwi today |r«wn 2 to 2 30 p m at die Mo on 9 booth in the KMU For more information, (all 14 ', ow il Oran >>i MudtviU Ofli«r and (iMirueluijt C an let Mill offer a In* hi an and bleexual drop-in group on ”(i»l»bfiung Our l*ndt» today from l 50 to S 50 p m at th« Koirionia ( «nt«r 14M Kintaid St For morn tntormauon.« ail 540-1l 42 KKUGION Tha Night* of lha Koundtablaa Mill dtw ua* "la !e*u* tha Only Way to C.ody" • night .it 7 in KMU foniury Kuom I) For m»*r« information,« ail 545 4014 Fall Suit & Sportcoat Event Clothing of quality and style help you create the right look for this years events. Steven J is Eugene’s leading store in traditional mens apparel. This offer good thru November 1992. Steven J Business or Sper ial < ) ti ll w h« n il s I .ill men I v» • .ihiH( I hr 11 tu « « >1 \ hi*fs|H»ft |