Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1992, Page 17, Image 33

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    S|>ik<- is telling little- hl.ick kids .ill a< toss \m«*n« .1 to
drop out <>f s< In Mil foirvrt and tli.it was not vsh.it I
said." I < < saw “I think that this is .1 vrr\ imjxirtant
Idni ,md that it would hr git .it d vsr lould hr
meihtli/rd that da\
I hr tilmmakei savs thri t s mol r frai of hlai ks
umh ing than am tiling eh*
"1 think that anytime that somebody tin s to
oigani/r hla« k proplr it s mtii as a threat Non
know that stooholTlhlr. I n savs
So. I mran. what s hap|x-mug iralh heir Who
sa\ s th.U U mi ning. rd tic at ion onlv takes plac r vs it Inn
the h >ui vs a I Is of a s< he m »l I had to go see* ( «>nr \\ lih
tht IVwhe n I was in fouith
gr a<le and I ii.id in w nte .1
i epot 1 about it. and that s
«»ii<* of the m<»si 1 at ist films
evet made
1 re who hojxs to get a I’t.
laimg foi \ dunks training
mot r about Mali ohn \
should hr | >.«It oi the
rdm allot! of all young
I ] 11 si thmk lhrv stiould
i oiiit* attentive, pit pated to
hr ruin tamed and als»» to
Irui 11 sotnet fimg and
hopefulls bs thrill seeing
(fits film it will make them
v\ant to |> 14 k up / hr
t 14 h dm tginfthy t >/ Malt id m \
aiiothet hook tfiat thev
haven't lead and just tealh
fuitfiei tlirii knowledge o!
Mali olm \
Krgai(Hess of die lating,
1 umoi s ahout possible
violent e ma\ keep v jewels at
h< unr
Some theaters lejMUtedlv
have drt idrd to <i<>uble thru
set unis at the film bn ausr
1 »f a feat of 11<Us
' 1 fiat s bullshit \n\ lline
vou get mote than two hla< k
people on the mine! it's a
{Mltetlll.il 1 lot," I IT SUV s
I heater ovv net s have
nothing t«i feat and people
ate feeding on ignoiamr
r.ithn lli.ii! reality, hr sa\s
“ ! I s 1 hr s.imr l \ nr of
tnentalits where ii \oiiir hl.u k and you walk into .1
depai tineflt sidle .ill llir sudden m i ill IIV stalls to
follow vou Well if i tie \ i ( hl.uk 1 hr v iuu%t hr
getting leads to str.il Wi ll, we have .ill these hl.u k
folks .it .1 movir (hralri. thr\ re gonna riot. "
1 re is worried that .1 pattern is <k*vr loping whrrr
people piefei to see his films oil video at home
Ih*< .him- thrs ate aftaul to go to the thealei
“ I he's keep pi.is mg on white hysteria, white teals
It’s the same old ignorante, again and again and
again," he saw
I hes did the same thing with lk> The lii^ht /'hing,
where .1 lot of white movir-goeis were wared to see
the .ilm Ik < .iiiw they read in die pajieis that their s
gonna Ik- riots I he* same pattern is starting to c ome
out again with MaUulm V"
I * < i .nmol ilrnv that ptihiu e nthusiasm foi the
him .inti I o i ( rirhi at mg (lit hh of tin milii.ini
Iraein has In cn ^lowm^ lot months hr has fxrn
s<Ilm^ l shuts, hasrhail taps am! pins with an \
jMinlrd on ihnn .if Spikr s joint in’* slow in
Hiooklvn. N N whit h m lls iik h hamhx irl.iln! io
his films
I wo Spikr s )oint sioit's fiaw oprnr < l m I <»k\o
ami fits toniifi stoir was \t httlulrd t»» ojh n m 1 os
\ngrl» s f»\ fhr i nil of < )» IuIk i
What (I*M*s hr ihmk when hr s« rs |><oplr walking
aiouml thr slit t Is with \ (»ai aphrt lialia
“It <i«K'sn t hoihri me Hut I <lo trah/r that M s
“Other people have a perception of me.
There was a time where I Cared, but
now I don’t care anymore.”
go! f IK lo take* imur than wealing 11»-i t \ hat oi \
i shut sometimes not .ill tlir lillir \e»u kilim these
po »plr who .11 r wealing ihrv things know vri\ litilc*
.ilmut Mali olin \ savs I <r
Hojk IuIIn tlir\ will kimw vmu nioie know .1 lot
mmr .iUmii the- man am! that knowledge* won t Im
•si 1 jm i to lal." hr vinv
While I (i had no problem no 11 handising
WalnUtn \ gnofli. selling thr nrrd lot a laigr budget
foi the* film pieAed nraih impossible
\\ .nun IVios ougtfiallv allotted I n million
loi Mahoim \ 1 re i.mrd anothri 5s * million In
selling thr loirign fights to tin liltn. hut tosts
im te ase d anothe i $'» million mei budge t and hr
irtusrei lo limit thr length of the* film !e> J houis and
1 *> minutes lire alise of this, the ( dfitpletinil Hold
( «> \%hl< h lUMtirs HUldlm hMin < «»si mciiuih • III
llN fUllHlflg
In i \t.i\ news i Mfilri rin < 1 < c 11 lh.it
\\ mu i Him\ would nut in* n im funds foi the film
.mil allow ii to hr .ii l«ms| tliii v !»• *ins long tn • .iiim
o| i ,h i mu .tnd Him i nn in.11 imii ig.miM t * I ‘ 1
hlimn.ik.t i s 1 re i iicil < >h\ i » Si« me \ l hmii s
niiiilltt' film /Ik ,inH .Hgtinl th.it it t shun whit*
hrio g( t> ill i ct houis •»! (oot.tgi tin n so should a
shun hl.n k ht'M i
\h< i hitting .( Inn k wall with tin studio I *•«
tuninl to hl.it k ( drl*titu s f«»i lirlj> Hum « t >j»i.ih
\Vitih r\ Hi 11 ( osh\. Mu li.u I }< n H.m and M.igu
Johnson among
• * * It* IN 11* I I'l l! 1 » »
hind his him
U .mici Ih * * s iml
th< bond i Hinii.iiiv
r\iulualls ij.iir m
two <1 ,|\ s .i 1 *« I t In
* nillri« ?n r .mil
,»l»s**i hi «l lit* « \ I < .i
i t >sl s I hr him was
11111s I HI l 1**1 S • i
it11111<>11 .mil tli*'
studio .ii'll * il to In
ill* him i un minr
i Inn i In < r Iioiii s
lh had vvuii ii»r
\llri wiiiiiiii^ ihis
.uni oi hr I 11\» li l s
I » t li.is |>i mi n in
h is i i t I It s 11» .11 li i
t .in take I In
|>i rsMiir ol making
a < *miiiirii i.iIK and
.li I i s l i i a II N
sin * < sshi I m* *v ir
Ills tuial asc t iimi m
l«> i .inks t>l ill*- hi^»
hiidgrf ht>\ s has
U rn at hii'si d
Bin stlent I hr
t i itn s ma\ m>l h« as
dll In nil lot I * * .is
• *»|iniK with his nrvs
loimd siahis as a
hi .n k li adr i vs 11 h
nr.it In as mtn h
mthiriii c i>1 Malt *>im
\ \onirtimrs ormg
dir sjh .kt sin.m ft >t .ill
Mat k Amn k .him an lx in v\* »m« In vi\s
" 1 hr iiiiinv tiling is who ait thrsr p< oplr to
m-|( 11' I don’l frrl dial I in .1 sjx*ki s|x ison I haw .1
1 rs|xhimImIiiv and .ii iIic vijik iiiih I 111.111.11 list so I
in to 1114 nrpoiair lx »t11 I n savs
"bring .t rolr mode-1 dial's .1 whole* in* k\ dung
I just think dial ihr stand.mis I m i f«*1 mw II air
Inghri than anybody rlsr s anvwav. so that mlr
model slut! irallv doesn 1 lx>iht 1 me,' hr savs
I or a vs hilt . I rr plans to Mav out of ihr s|xidi^hi
I |r savs hr d< h*mi I have am till lilt plofrt Is plaill ltd
vrl \ftri lilt* release* «*l Multnlm \. h< s going lo
irsi. kit k hat k anti revel
" I hr giralcM < hallrngr in doing this him was to
tnakr suit* lha! it's not fnt kt d up. dial wr had to
makr a great movie." I rr sa\>