means a lot to Spike- I rr so mm h it s hat<1 to figurr out whether l re s uptonting miivtr Mnltolm Vis about the* slain hiae k lr .1 > skip tsoik aiiel se hoed te» (otiir out and sup|x>it tins film He* hail to take* donations lioin < rle*bntirs to e tivt*! e osls and now he- e an t atioid to not make* mono a lot of monrs Hut Spike l re » ail take tile he at < >11 top of that, lie e ould i ate less vs liat am one dunks of him I tiiink of imsc'tl as a hlmmakri Otiin {M'opic itave a )m i( e pti<»n of me' I heir* wa* a time sshcfc i e ,il<*el hilt Hots I u i tsoik that ton have to do, weuiving a trout whrthri jK*oplr ate- ^otili.i like mr »»t not What I re* eJoe*s tale alnni! is that peopir se e- ins f ilm What s mijxiilant is tliat even the |x*etple* who distikr me*. I think air going to s* r tins film Maludm \ Ml I can sav is (Hat dies will not he* Kiddie te nt to tins him People* Mill dclinitrlv liast* opinions about tins him t ea has had to fight foi llualit e s and feu studio sup|M>tt to make- Wahidm V and hr e xpe-t ts tin* him t«» hast* an impat t on Us anthe m rs “We* just want people* to he implied b\ Maltolm s life*. h\ out depiction of Malcolm s life " Ur sa\> "We vsant |>rople* to Ik implied. sptntualh Uplifted Vs he II tllCS t * nnc out < >1 the- the* a ita fot l re- this vs 111 hr llo small (rat tonsidc’img the* seemtngh endle ss huhhuh that has sunounelrd V suit r he* (nuhivri lot Norman Jewison as dure tot se vrial veais ago I re* stattrd filming \ in September 1WI I hr film, laigch based on (he late- James Hahlvsin and \iiudd Perl original Mirrnpluv, written mote than ’JO years ago, has t whom fxdtcvr the III** ol Male olm X will Ik* distorted Non nniM trail/*- that the script is based upon lkr Auiohuigmfthy ofMaUvim \.”I rrsa\s “It ‘s a losing jx>ittaval erf the man \ ma\ Ik- a loving txirttaval. but I-re has not Ixrcn adored since hr asked all hi a* ks to * 111 < h wot k and sc hool Nos 20 lot t hr <>}><-mng (i.»\ <>l Maiioim X Paicntx. tca< hri v c-ihn atotx and jouinahxts .»< toxx tlx* nation have (iilKi/rti lx*<\ vising hr ix mot* mtrirxtrd in prot'iix than in ihr rdu* at ion ol < hiUlirn 1 x*r xaxx hr believes h»x mrxu^r \x.i\ mix< onxti urd In thr media “I think that got hlovxii out ol piofHwtion Fhn make it *rrm likr Spike Lee doesn’t care what you think of him, but he needs you to see X. by Jennifer Galvanek, The Washington Square News, New York U.