Nine Inch Nails on a Chalkboard • Neil Young-er Un-Inspired Carpets • Beasties Tours • Sugar: Sweet & Hot U. College Radio Chart I Sugar / Irlfi/ru '1 Sonic Youth IhtK i Tom Walts Hnu Wmhmf t PubHc Enemy (•iruU'J Ml w* > Screaming Trees N.i*rf CWrtw/ri ti Throwing Mum hvrfulr 7. Mary's Danish Atnmrnit St, null nd S Bates In Toytand hmUmrUf <) Flaming Up* I 111 lnl truth 111 thrluturr Wmiii in Suzanne Vega ' fiir inArf) f-ii..urf u'^>< ' !*•»?*** i K \SJi I KM V I * 1 n ihj HrtWfcr* M.V I .«< « ■ t > •» V.M^r tr> kl i K I -4 t | .4 |WI»J« Ihr.f! I \S 1 < * l 4 wil S Mm.) I V*\|M }»:•.■• • M>•!)*•.», 1 MKH I 4 %• • ■■■■■ k* W\ 1 W I 4 Mu... %%< RM 1 J Ml unr man Nmr liu h Vuls is nmlimi; slum ul In iviilr 1 irtil Rr/nor ilrv t iulv min vtolrm imlult>rni .iiufinvli In < i r.m* .» (itMtlf lung vrt mlrnsrh pupping .iltmin, Hn&nt, I ikr I hr 111 hi N i nr !n< h Veils album, /W/? Half Maihitis, Hutkm is \ music . Ihough ihr Ivi it s Ii.cnr shifted hum trie- attractive tlrxpriation of Hate \1tuhinrin an nit ohcrrrit. < haotit rambling When taken in its mutely. Htukrtt vcmv to lu* a single, t omprehrnsive entity “1‘mion." thr album’s fust tut k. is merely a rnmtitr «>1 noise t test entitling into "Wish,’ whit h entertains a ( Uib M 1^ rstjur tt*t hno beat Moir rmptmg into (hr muxit al frrn/s that sets thr t< me lot the nr\t font songs “Happiness in Mjvciy" paituu lailv is appealing. combining a srnsr of (Irs)Mii with ill mug linden minus but don't Ik* fooled Mthough thr Htukeri all nun covet lists onb six vmgv Rr/noi has inserted two extra ti at ks af let *f‘J t \ its m mipanit >n. hut fans o| lair should v%ait until Young's < \( lr teat lies ft mi ••nn n Rtiggrti ( dirty ■ Danielle Noll. I hr (iH Hatthrl. t *rorge Washington l Inspiral Carpets Rtvtiiffr <>f the (Goldfish ★ ★ I lie ness Inspttal ( ,iij>rts album sounds at tx'st, 11k<- an under ptodutcd ummoii of S|»andati llallri, and, at .1 lr< lino \prrd lake* oil «»ii ilir Vsyt ha (h ilt I til s lilt ousts trill N i »n !«•( It IS the* IIU Iumoii «»i solids like ** Nl\ siri >. v. ii h its [Mink i emg Min I»l\ insult< rablr llic lyruson ihr laitri an* I tir deepest and most insightful on thr album it seems vou lost voui brail lot gi red Pras foi umr to mm vmi tin* I know tills is < omplieatrd slutl, people, but trs to keep up Itir highlights definitely air lr>s and lai lx*twrcfi. “hirsistihle Four” bnmhaids tlit senses vsitb a di//vtng collage of |*>st mod rm mdusttial sounds vsitii thr overall rflrt t l*rmg something like a modern l 2 (" I hr Hv") meets Skmm Puppy ("Inquisition") In othei words, these guss havr a sriious identity crisis \ i t tiougli Kmrngf sliovss small sris small glimmers of hope, thr album tails as a whole Inspital (atjH*ts are irlrasmg “(Generations" as thr first single, whic h mas piovr to hr prophetic 1 lie Istus “Sandman s coining out tonight" air ic|>eaird several times in thr vmg Well, n c ritainh put mr to sleep Save soul mones •las Rrat h, Vun Slut, 1 of Alaska. 1 an hanks in the studio They re baaaack Nirvana continues its Seattle success story with a Dec 22 greatest-hits you've-never-heard album, full ot outtakes and umeleased tracks and probably some tunes Nirvana »wi#nmln' In It they were just too stoned io nnisn ine aioum Throwaways will attempt to arouse the year-old won ders from a rattier stagnant period ot oh, nevermind Sex Pistole Ians take heart Sid Vicious may be dead and Johnny Rotten may no longer be rotten, but the Nirvana ot the 70s live on in a greatest hits compilation, The Great Rock n'Roll Swindle, due out Nov 17 Slouxsie ft The Bensheas. finally discovered by the MTV generation, is cashing in with its own greatest hits thana The album. Twice Upon a Time, is now in stores Finally After years of writhing and screaming m obscurity. Daisy Chainsaw has released its first full-length album. Eleven teen But if the dm tust doesn't work for you m digrtal. you can check the very unwashed band when it kicks off its first-ever U S tour later thts month The Bolthole Sorters are back after a three-year hiatus well, almost Those demi-punk gods are busy making lots of noise in the studio, cranking up an offenng slated for release sometime next year e Lisa Mtkesch. The University News. St Louis U on the road A brief look at November concert listings Daisy Chainsaw: Austin, TX. 11/4 Dallas TX 11/5, San Diego CA, 11/8 Los Angeles CA. 11/10, San Francisco. CA. 11/11, Seattle WA. 11/13 Beastle Boys A Rollins Band New York, NY 11/6. 7. Raleigh NC 11/10. Atlanta GA 1111, Orlando. FL. 11/13: Miami. FL. 11/14. Tampa FL. 11/15. Jacksonville FL. 11/16 Dallas TX. 11/19 Houston, TX. 11/20; San Diego. CA. 11/23. Los Angeles. CA. 11/24: San Francisco, CA. 11/25 Mary's Danish: Austin. TX. 11/3. Amarillo TX. 11/4 Phoenix, A2. 11/6. Los Angeles CA. 11/7, Sacramento, CA. 11/8, Santa Rosa. CA. 11,*), Chico, CA, 11/10 Santa Cruz, CA, 11/11 Pat Metheney Pittsburgh. PA. 11/7, Cleveland OH. 11/8. Detroit. Ml. 11/10 Chicago. IL. 11/12 14. Toronto. ONT. 11/16, Buttak). NY. 11/17. Albany. NY. 11/18 Upper Darby. PA, 11/19. Boston. MA. 11/20-21. New Haven. CT, 11/23. New Brunswick. NJ. 11/24, New York. NY, 11/25.27 quotable “Madonna makes me feel like I wanna do a whole lotta push-ups or go to a hardware store." —Henry Rollins, hyper-intense frontman for the Rollins Band