Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Look it up
Regarding Allen lames' letter
{OOF, Oct 2H) It has been scl
entifically proven that homo
sexuality is a human genetic
Look it up Science News.
Aug 31. 1091. p. 134. News
week. Feb 24. 1992. p 4(i
One would ex poet more from
someone who speaks so highly
of "academic responsibility."
Let us hope that not all life-sci
ence students are as irresponsi
Patar Nias
Journalism Flna Aria
CIA on campus
University students interest
ed in a career with the Central
Intelligence Agency will-be in
terviewed by a recruiting offi
cer on Flection L)ny in Hen
dricks Hall.
Interview applicants have re
sponded to a call for students
of Soviet studies, history, psy
chology. physics, political sci
ence, sociology, journalism,
mathematics and foreign lan
The New York limes report
ed that the military anticipates
seven potential enemies for the
next decade, which demand
large expenditures for "de
fense" and intelligence opera
Our most recent visiting CIA
recruiter operates under the di
rectives of the National Securi
ty Education Act (1991). which
provides SI SO million to pre
serve the long-standing rela
tionship between academia and
the intelligence agencies
The act funds the creation of
new departments, student
grants and foreign student re
cruiting programs Approxi
mately one-half of the funds
will be used to entice participa
tion from foreign language stu
dents and from those who wish
to study abroad
The emerging multicultural
"New World Order" has had an
influence on the Intelligence
community, which now per
ceives a need to re-|uslifv it'
budget and insure a continua
tion of its mission
The "new direction" of the
CIA is to repackage the agency
and sustain its central mission
of destroying all obstacles, real
or perceived, to the attainment
of unpopular corporate and
government objectives
This Election Day visit pro
vides a unique forum for the re
evaluation of the agency's role
in American policy. Reliable
accounts suggest the agency has
played u critical role over the
last 45 years in at least six mil
lion deaths, accompanied by
widespread torture, starvation
and (H)litical subterfuge.
Trond Jacobson
Pata Mohn
Political Scianca
Light my bike
On Saturday night i was rid
ing mv bike on lHth Avenue,
on my way to and from Sale
wav I did not have a headlight.
Two citizens called out to me
on my way to the store and in
formed me, in varying degrees
of derision, that 1 really needed
a headlight. Six different citi
zens voiced similar concerns
on my return trip
in my own defense, I was not
riding on the sidewalk or riding
recklessly My bike is registered
with the University and has re
flectors, tint I agree that a head
light would tie a good idea
Therefore, bocuusc so many
of my concerned neighbors ei
ther feel 1 am a menace or,
more charitably, are concerned
for my safety. I would like to
announce the "Dike Headlights
for Poor Students” fund-raising
drive 1 will see to it that all
funds, or actual headlights, do
nated will go to equip as many
needy University students as
possible, starting witii me
Raymond Blakley
Graduate Student
Political Science
\ non-credit group discussion workshop which will cover various topics
ihout women and their bodies, fitness, nutritioy, weight management, and
opics chosen according to the group's interests.
Every Tuesday now through Tuesday, Nov. 24
Meetings held from 3:30 to 4:30pm downstairs in the Student Health Center
Medical l ibrary. Space is limited, so please call to preregister at 346-4456.
Sjp»>tvo#cd by the Student Health (Vfiler IH-fvjjimrnt of Health I duration
• Is there someone who stands convincingly for human rights?
• Is there someone with a proven record in fighting the degradation of
the environment here in Western Oregon?
• Is there a candidate who believes in bringing people together to work
for common causes instead of excluding people whose ideas he
doesn't agree with'.'
Yes, there is.
Eben Dobson for
City Council Ward 3
1 hen in endorsed by:
I lebru I him.m
Jack Hilling.
Ann Dunnenhcrg
Jackie Chanu
rhom (‘hainblis.
Kent Howe
Shannon Mc( .iritis
Right l» Privacy
lane Co inis l abor Count il
Oregon Daily Emerald
Nam. > <ijlljgher
Mary Kav Mciuiaril
Orclchcn Miller
Killy 1’ieay
()Uo I’olictu
Id Rago//mo
Roger Kulan
Ron Schliliter
Dob Steiinger
Jean late
Kurt Wik or
Jim William.
Jeriy Dicthclin
(lieg Evans
Dr. Sarah Hendrickson
Oregon Women's I'oiilicol Caucus
WHO FO* A*OAUTWO«l/l0 • » 0O#«O« fO* OTVCOO^CC PO »OJI »«t# tOOtUt OH MClt
• I- *
I The EJUU. r~»
W“rt*hop In /'*"»««• A
I Sunday,
NOV. 8,
»1 4,30
Tdrmfo. M6-4M1
©nut ^ M*?0"
__» fnll inf#»rvlr\VS for all stUu<!
Annual fall interview* for all student
animations with space n'heRMU
now being scheduled In the
dent Activities Resource Office,
ase call 6-4000 to schedule your
-rvlew. These are mandatory tnee
s required as part of the annual
ice Inventory conducted by t *
ird of Directors House Committee.
Frank Geltner
Associate Director. EUV
UiHrertlty 8ched^»g^®{^ f ^
27th u’hlch resulted In Monday or
rr„rv*Uons or c*nC'’ d lln,l office immediately
Cvuy. call me Mbeduimg ^ Js . une
W^CT10WS--nje EMOWain^ Novffnbcr 3rd
County Elections J/JJTJLwTs rtunpa^nlng tn«
nreoon election Irui-’pr»nw“ mctudes the
P““* W' '^"orSrJdre pcMi* f*£ and
help us comply * * Career Fair on
CARER* FAIR - , has been
employers- —
NOV. 2-8
3 4 6-4365
"Warner Creek Recovery Project "
L. No» 4. 7 pm - Free 110 Willamette Hall
foresl Service team will pre-ten! the
rCJfund *lnd process of the Imp.icLs of
the Wamer Creek fire
"Ancient Forest Update"
Tfcem. Nov S. 7 pm - Free loo Willamette Hall
Andy Kerr, director of ONKC. will d|s
ouss the legal & political landscape of ,he
forest °VCr °,r*on* remaining ancient
Ancient Forests: A Vanishing Legacy"
* 4.' 50 Pm “ Fntgram Km
A look a! the devastation resulting from
massive clearcutting In the Pacific NW
U : WSe