Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1992, Page 11, Image 27

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    I hr Downtown Athletic C lub
Award, was renamed 111 his
!'he* Hrisman winner now
is determined b\ open
balloting of MIS voters made
riI> of print and broadcast
journalists and the -18 living
fonnei Heisman winners
“ I hr award in ^ivrn out rvrr\ vrai to thr Ik-nI plain in
thr countn ami that’s ail it's intended to in sa\s Jamie
( iimmmv athletic dirrctoi at thr Downtown \tDIftit
( Inh. whit it will pirvrnt thr award Dec 12 on national
trlrMMon "How people hvpe ot public i/r ii in tiirit
hiiNinrsN Were confident in lhr was ii ’n handled
lint plavet n like Swat UNr I n Oadrv “tlir Missile
Ismail, who watt lied hin olein hrothri Kaghih rndtiir a
veai oi livjH- in 1 ‘^Ml at Nolle Dame, aie ir< ipients ol that
public its, regard levs <»t how thr tiophv rat r in handled l»\
tIren athletic drpartmrntN
"With tin- Mrisman 1 rophy comrs a lot ol stievN and
pirNNiirr." sa\N Ismail, a semoi wide in eivei kit k
rrltimrr. who now has I leisman Iio|k*n «>f his own "But 1
feel it I t an maintain
im |K*i sotialitv and in
no wav bet ome
pigheaded. < ot kv .
< one c ited all those
negative c onnenations
— bet a use t he
moment i teel I m the
tug man t>n • ainpus.
s<>me thing negative in
g« mig to happen
I hat s w hv l ot
Notit Dame senioi
(jiiai tei bat k Kn k
Mu ri avoids talking
about the I It Oman
I rophv. tb«»ugh like
most t ontendei s, he
untiei stantis inlet
vlews ait part of tin
pi ot ess thev must
it s not something
i want ti• talk alxmt
Mii ei sav s Mi ll be
nit t (o win n. but I'm
n<>i t»t uni: I*» l< «st anv
slrrpovn H I in it a* little iinif* as I i an
< >kiahoma Malt* l S|*»m Inhumation Dnrttoi Sir\r
Bu/zaid savs < >Sl Hrisman I inphv vonnri Bam
San<Iris vs as lhr Mine Vsa\
"H* didn't rnjov doing tliai." Buzzard s.tv> “He
vsantrd t«» Imvii alls pla\ to pi at tu t- ami l«> I* left ait»nt
We Int el t<» shield him an.n tmm that as unit ii as
Buf a l (In saint* tunr. « ollt grs and mmri situ s ilia I
hast* Hrisman trophy t audidatrs have a vested intei t si
in st ring thru plaveis promoted
"Winning ilir Hrisman doesn i just brnrin the
individual piaver Holden Bears Sports Information
Duet toi kr\in Rrnraii sa\s “! it Irriiriifs j thr s< h«x»l in
trims of national vtsibiiiiv, t arrvover ft»i irt rutting and
alumni support
\iit 1 tin plaveis themselves de< idr how they H handle
ii»r ii\|H-«»! tyring tlu* most sought alter tollrgr plavrrs in
tlx* t ounttv
~ I in just taking it in stride.* sass l of Hoiitla srmoi
(juaitrii>a< k Shant* Matthews, vsho plated fiftii in last
seal’s balloting '‘Anytime you p!a\ at a majoi university
and ining a <juaitriba< k, some going to g«'l •» lot of
attention "
\nd that's attention from who li most Hrisman
conirntlrisaren’t lumiing
I he Iasi 'rim llcisman
h in nr is vs 11 ti ihr rxi rplion of
Kn^ham Young t quaitrrhaiIs
Is Drlnirr liavr Ikcii selected
within the lop In pic ks m (lit
Rim round ol ihr NH drail
Nrvrrthrlrss ihr Mrisman
never play in
“If some kid who’s undersized, who u
the pros wins it, that*s what it’s all about.
— Michael Clear)
I mpin is nn guai antrr u| piotrvsional sin t rvs < hih hv<
liristnan winnris .tic- in (hr Piofrwmnal hmOull Hall nf
i.line hail ( ampbrll. Paul Hninim^, * * I Ninipsun.
R«>>»ri Staubac h and l>«»ak VValkrr H\ < unii.iu t7
Hnsman winnris ait mrmlxus of (hr < ollr^r huothall
I fall of Ktiw
“< )u< r it ^rts (n (hr [mint whrir thr\ ir MV1H^ who <»f
this vrai s tniRin will Iw (hr Ik si pio, dial s not paiI <»!
I hr I IciMiian, vi\s Mu harl t Iran . rxrt ntivr dlirt (oi «»f
(hr National \sso< laliuii «>| ( ollrgialr Dntu mis <>!
Xthlrttcx ll snmr ki<i whoN undriM/rd. who'll nr\ri
plav in (hr plus wins il, dial N what U s all alxuil
In (hr rntl. Honda s Matlhrwx vns pl.nets fust hast (u
t * >n« rntl air «»n playing K«md Iout hall
Hut hut hype: U Ol Miami s Qno Tofretta. Not/e Dame * Rich Mlref and Florida State » Charlie Ward get major pro^.im publicity
' \ s long as I plav Well .11 Ml llir (I .111! pUVS well, IlllllgS
will take t air ol itself." hr savs
lit 11 sometime* it d*»esn t him to give the |ii<n < ss a I it 11<
push al* »ng ihr WAS
Most liristn.ili I rophv voirt s ir« rivr a hulk of mail
tmsn sim>11s information drpai line ills touting various
candidates liN 1 se nt out nr* ktn s willi a list of I iv«
kravms (hr fletsiiiait Kate Should hud in a Iv to lout
lormrt (jiiaitri ha* k l)rtmn in Ihr l of
Pitlshuigh look advantage ol a nation,tlh televised gam*
on Halloween in |MH? and matlr masks ol lirisman
« andidat* < raig hotthrad Hrvwaid I hr athletn
depai tmrnt latrt mailrd out 1 ,IHH) masks to voir is
"S< unrtimrs thrv v*« u k and s«»m**timrs thrv d*»n t, savs
\ rn/on. who was involved m I Irvwaid s ptntiii *i i« mat Pitt
Ix-foie taking *»\«*i sj>oits inioiination at Miami "You r*
taking a gamble «*vrr\ tun* von do it
Part ot thr gamble is having the gimmi* ks «liaw moir
attention than th<- plavrt s petiottnam r on tin* field
‘You have to ask yourself, If l <lo something giiiimi* k
ot rented, * 1*> l have a * ham * in this dav and agr of media
batklash that I'm g«»ing to hurt Shanr Matthews. savs
John I luilirnik, Honda sjxuts mfoimatioti dur* toi If
thru s even a |>ovsilnlitv that the I*m us that vsas Shan*
Matthrvss her otues v%hs is the l nivrisitv of Honda
“It takes time away from academic things I could be
doing. But... to win the big one, you must do it.”
1 — Russell White
»,i*i mg uh'ih n . I h< n
\ oil VC* hull \ Oil!
i andulalr hig iimr
\\ Ikmi m hooU brhr\ r
chrv haw* Unwnan
oualilv plavriv mam m i id
out \hui i highlight ta|K*%
lo hrl|» h h u% I hr s otr i \
adriilH»n on a pal ik ulai
< alifomia has Ixen v iulmg out |*>sti aids with While
h«>Ulm^ a golden football S\ia*use vnt out a pamphlet
with Ismail hurstiiiK ilitough the root «»I the ( amei
i KHue \nd HoimL* umm! ms annual honotx jx*st»i t«» tout
M.it thews vs ho apjxais lai^et aiul in full < oloi t onijuin!
to his trainmairs who surround him in t>la« k and while
" I here’s some afxHit plavets sh« 'Win^ vou then
stats, hut no real hi/ane stutl this seat I hat's go<nl
he i a use ! don ( think that slut! vsoiked anvwav." savs
set* i an I lei small \otri Rn k IV »/n fi «>f tlie- / nuiwilU ■ hv I
( ttunn Journal I’m not opposed to a videotajK* if vou
vs ant to explain vs fiat a ^uv Iras done It H s v»methin^ tfial
a< tuallv explains something, tfiat s ( )K fun if it s a
........... L ... .1
1111111II * , II '• . 1 <
a point t% hri <
th.it tut ii% < >ti .in
mam jm «»plr .in
II tnu ic NiN "
hut I s|’\
11 ilir^r h m tth.ill
.nuh n t Hr .mo
( ook n.iv n t hr
i in in it k n .it r
.ill pal! of
winning I h r
I ii iMii.in
" K til if | i kin »»>
.utv * it hr i vn .i \ ti»
fin n hr n.i\ \
I’ropli ha\r
lx < f» < i tin i/ing
t hr I ir tNinan
l hr last I'» oi 20
u .iin It’s alvsa\s
m *iii« i In (hi
playr i n at t hr
n k 111 post I intis
plsl like I III
{Miltfii ims who
hr i iinn pi < s
Kirill usual Is i tMiir 11 «Ult I hr nig stales
l«u offensive Illicit ini and defensive plasris it In IUik h
11 n »i c cliff a nil to draw enough attention to Ik toiiMtlt u d
lot ifu await! < )itlv two t »l!rnsivr IIIicmi n I .»«1 % hi lies
of Yale in l‘» Vi .uul 14 on II. in of \oir< I ).u i n in 1*M*»
r\ri have won lilt tlophs \otlt tensive plasrisrvrt have
w*hi (In ) 1< isiii.m
iill l l In *\r plavrls l h.il tit» Will gain ‘ o11\u 1 r i aide
t \jx»Miir on national trk*visjon I hat means plasris like
l of Miami sc* mm tpiai tei ha< k < »ino I oi irlia who
a|)jm .ii on national television leap Ik tit his Itoin hit taint
IY 11 Hill at Is
~( .illo wifi have pleiitv of l\ explosuit \ ri»/oti sass
lit nerds to plav his he*si game* r\nv time* he ’s out
\ntl Ik t a list I It I Milan Iis|m stalls in the* perse a soli ihr
plasris must rnthnr gieatci ututinv. *»n oi of) u*I<*mskhi.
Ikh aust (In piim css is v» long I'lc sravm inaga/mrs hast
Mt isinan lisis m ihr spring anti thru weekly Henman
ns alt he*s us in keep lalis on how t andidatrs 11 nil pa it vsiih
othri plasris through ihr rai Is pal I t»l (hr vavm
I hat makes it lough lot plaveis like I aulk. who air al
then Ik si jum plavmg fooilwH
“ l s ris hods a I out id t a III pus is usrti (o see'I fig me
aitmnd and I 111 the same* old me, I aulk sa\s
■ hill if VOU ’ I e not
strong you rr gitmg to
g« t worn Hown inrn
i.«llv ,«nd |)Iin Mt.«I In 1
Mil! uii out thru* .iiid
(is lo h.(\< lun .inti
hope Ini thr bc sl lo