Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1992, Page 10, Image 26

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    Marshall Faulk’s
remarkable numbers
once again are
grabbing the Heisman
spotlight. But will he
survive the process?
DO* l ItHKi .-AU'VHt SAf
.»i sh.ilI KniIk was alwas s < onimi to spend his at trt noons
(lodging Imrhue krrs on his was to thr rnd /one until
somrlxxh neiiiird hr wu*good .it it
So thrsr etuvs Faulk is tunning h»i collrgr loothall's most
pirsttgious .muni, fielding nioir uiitimr than looth.ills along thr
vn.i\ \s hr is Ir.ti mug .» d.ish foi thr Mrismun 11 ophs t an inrun
incur ill.m limning with thr hull. Mugging pusses und throwing
"M iking photic* tails and inte rne svs and trlrusion tun wrai
sou out. hut wr tis to wot k around th.it with tool hall pi at tit r
and the* game* whe n it Im*si suits mr,” \u\s Faulk, who Ird thr
nutitin hi lushing and v 01 mg List sruw»n as a freshman at Sun I)irgo State* l
1 his seat Ktulk is a < andidatr lot thr Iinsmuii I ioph\. a national uwaid gist n
aunuulis to thr rounto s In st pluvrt . sdne h me ins levs time foi things like* ftM.thul)
"Somrtmic*s you want to do othri things anei go out with thr frllas. hut I’ve* got to do
intrmovs and tnukr phone t alls, suss Faulk, a nmnmg bat k tot the* \/trt s
Kussell While . tin seniot uillui k .«i the- l «»! (lil<u nta Bei keln. kiKm^ahmi ilmv *
phone tails, ton White who was named first team \l! Vmetuafn the Football Writers
\\mk tat ion and M'loiid umid \ 11 \ meric a bv the Xwociated Piess last season, is a
11< isinan I ioph\ t andidate ft** the ( hilden Hears
Ml dus media attention lake s a hide hit of an effect on the mind and die* ImkI\."
While savs. “Its vei\ time c onsuming li takes nine awav horn academic duties I t ould
Ik* doing Hut in oidet to win the big om vuu iiuim do it
Ihr nalM >n s im cst piestigic »us t< *» »duil aw aid, at let ail. isn I (list atxuil fc * mImII
“Not olds do tin \ base to lx* an outstanding plavet on die field ihc\ have to have a
stiong i haia< lei and good judgment in what dies sa\ and how thev cam themselves all
the time." savs linda Yen/on, spotts inlormation duet tot at the l of Miami “ lhev re
looked at undei die muiostO|M* fiom the )>egmniug of the season to if»e end of the
season in even asjiet t of then life It's kind of like lx*ing a |x>htu tan
It all started with John Meisrnan. the lust alhletu dure toi of the Downtown Athletic
( luh in \<*w Yot k. whu fi s|x»nv us the aw aid I feisman, who m m< tied .it seven sc hools in
his career, uuhiding \iibum l and (**oigia lech l . died in l‘Hr» Ilie award, then
B\ Josh B\km i i. The Daily Orange, S\ k \< i m l .