PLAYIN’ IN THE BAND These heroes of halftime reveal their traditions and prove there’s more to marching than meets the eye Fi inn iIm slands .if halftime. thrv i<* >k like .in l li 11 -i Ski ll h In a wave «*l sound and < oloi i apid patterns Ile x ami flov* .11 loss I hr in Id llailnii^ batons f 1 \ thtough ih«* an. v% hi it mg in sn in with bright flags and die* sound ol I hr hav\ ilium hut matching hand mriuhi n know dirtr s mote than patterns and songs dial luak< llinu tuitcpir \ «I|'Iiik liu bfrnl I ho lolrialr and rvrn ir\rl in ing initiations, gainh umfoimv and enough m hool spun to provoke nausea 1 hr hands tlcnieanois van as uni< h as th« ii tvprs of man long stvlrs some niainlain a traditional appioai li while oi hrts sj»r« lah/r in dancing and 11 >»11 v wood stv lr thrall ic s \nd dr spile thru ddlrtrturs. thrv ir a vital pail of dir pagrantn pomp and t in tlinsiancr that is «i »llrgr loot ha 11 todav being in ihr ham! al Stanford l means mauling and hi aw Impm I hr fir Id I hr hand m attets from one loimalion I«> (hr next instead nl man lung and |m»krs fun al other ImihIs lot thru serious man hmg stxlrs in one show, the group f< u inr«I two straight lines passing thiotigh rath olhei Our hand uietnhri "at t identaih " biini|H*ci anotliri ant! I hr mtur hand broke into a fight t otiiplrtr with swoids and 11^li( sabris until r\riM»nr was drat! on the field ! alk about a sweet wax to xrnt hostilitirs, imagine what it s like to parts with them "Kind is something to break the dailx lootine and irliexe the sltrvs of rsrivdav hie," saxs ( asex < > llaia a senior who manages Stanfords baud “It’s something t<> look foiwaid to on weekends sou get to waste a whole Satutdax at tailgates anti at the game \t levas WM I . Ikum! meillhris look foiwaitl to Saturdays, although one of then ton titles l mi tie is on the itii|M issihle Mihtaix piet ision is the kex to the bant! s stepping stxle. exert when they |hiform the "un|Hissihle drill" in which memheis lot in an iturrdlhlx dense let tangle in the t enter of the field “We h.i\< luin jKoplr in the umr plai e .it the miik (HIM lulling Imin «ill 11 n tit diin turns .it .i lrMlrgi(T .mi'll vivs Rav loin iliii i tot ol tin hand I hr t anputri i ouldn I plot the ptogtam, it s the iK iv« and take a I loses it I think that s vs In tlies < all it tm}>ovsihlc \t Hotid.i UM I people altnid games just to see the hand knovoi loi a spn lal step i ailed ‘ I In Rattlet " 1 hi hand gives speed liev% meaning hv tunning 2H0 steps a minute a little itmie than lout ste ps a sn mid It s ven stti tmous. hut vou gel \oiit eneigv front the toat ol the t towd, ‘ savs Shepito I latdemon section leadct ol the flag i or ns ' I he i lf Soiithrin ( -altfotina gioup I lollsw! thr hand ~IVtit vou get liv e! to it It s fun intera* ting with the stats 'Ve doit t do it enough to get bored." \nd thrs don't look bored rithei ham! memhris weal rsristhing fi*»iu huge fu//v hats to seciuined. metallic ti mimed jai kets piosidmg foi. it nothing else*, some fashion amusement. I he l S( unitorm frailties gold helmets and a ptofilc* of an an* tent Bn ALLISON 11ARTSOK, The Post, <>mo l . 1 lojan sill, bed in gold hi aid on the f.U kets "We vie w ouim Iu s as gladiators going into battle." saw \11 Kuincr, dunioi ot the Kind \i Punt rton l hand ineiitK t s wear plaid oi.ingr and hlat k |a« krls and boaters {straw hats) Members have wont the K>atrt\ Mine the hand s inception, and in \\m the* plaid jac krLs wnr a move away from formality saw Wolf! hnhvm dull master of the hand “Ihc woist thing nr do to nr* mmihris is give them the jackets, I Kihsoii savs And ( )hio Stale l s white < loss Kdts ha\e c aused them trouble at least one r “It was (juite a less \eais ago, but one tune an alto hotn player hooked onto a not he i player s c loss he It dm mg an ( )Sl shim," sass senior hand member (avail Dotson “He dragged hei all the vsa\ to the top of the "O" hi the “<)hlo" lotmatK»n." she saw Hut complications pioduced by unruly umtoims c an t c lush what really provides the hands with a sense of purpose traditions hath hand is hioken into instrument divisions, and often it’s the section traditions that Kind a gtoup of members. 1 he tuba sec tion undoubtedly is the cia/iest gtoup in mans bands I heir Ih disoideis ni.1' stem from a shortage* ol oxvgen to the* hr am ait|uite*d while playing thr huge* instruments I he l m! Nebraska tulrus take .1 dav l« • fw dlflrirnt when thr\ » hmh lows of stalls with thru instruments and tondut t y» tn>11 irheaivds at dir top \t Stanford thr luha plavets paint thr inside of thru while* libel glass sousaphones with pit tines \\ hen thr ()hio State* hand travels, one bus in the* singing bus, le tl b\ the* tnhas Hut l S< s < >111 /. a six \rai ban meinlMi, savs Ik*mg a iiiIm plavn isn't at tun and game s "It happrnrd timing . \otir Damr show aluml thirr vrais ago, hr savs "Stir was a shot! woman the tuba looke d as big as her — but she man bed as haul as thr big guvs 1 he wind taught the* top o! the* lx* 11 |of the sousaphuue) anel threw her bat k She bat! to struggle out from unelrt the* tuba and tun to t ah h up " Hut thru that's par for thr ctmisr lot a giotip of students that doesn't mind donning plaid fat krts and Ix ll Ihuioiiis and “living" mid-performance feu thr sake of trail 1 lion "In high vImmiI |K*oplr tiakl, ‘Oh th<»se band lags, hut 111 lollrgr people think ve>u’rr a 1 rlebrit\savs ()Sl s Dotson “When \uii have a I rand jat krt on people look up to you “