\l!Th Finding it hard to get around campus today knM\ C jilnuan wants a n comma!* and shr is suing iIh l ill \c In aska It h »Inning hn injurs! < * ilrman. wt»t» has < t i r hi al ji.tlw ami usts a vs hr cl t hail. bet tries I he* uimrftm is disc i against hn lx-t auvr she is disabled I nth i lhr gmdt lints «»f l hr 1W0 \ mr i it ans w ith Disabilities \< t. nnivt iMlirs mus! jmiSTclr tijiul aurvs in buildings piogiams anti n ansp<»ilaiion hn disabled sliiih ills ( o liman savs lhr •* bool's irfusa! to honoi hri irtjnt-sl vie tales I let lights “I want a loommatr plain and sitnph sin savs “I*, verymr else gris«*nt But Itn mmrisitv otfn nils hkr those at ( oilman s m htMil. \1) \ guidelines haitlls pioxidc a madmap lot drtt imining what nHite inmmitMs slituiltl take to c t »mph vs ith I hr lavs vshu h vsrn! into Hire t last vtimmn Whrthrt <»i m»t voti ait in t umpham r sometimes lit | n litis ill) Who VOIt l.tlk lo." saw J.mr )ai i ow . t \c t mivr tliict toi «»f the* \ s sot i.itmn on I fight*! Fill it atH >n .tilt! i >i\al mIhh'n I lit \ I > \ gimirliiws air fmslialing (of |K‘«iplt likr (»ar\ Shumaker. assistant ttirrt Uh of 1*1 is-sit a! I*t*fu .»! the l of Notir I Fame u Shtmiakri n stiotatavof lit il kin (Ssing win > to (tint lo ft if .ii isvsi'i s il sat aw of the answers blanketing i PurVot Access dented tt n i wi1 mulnj>l\ «11v.iI'ttt'cl Dawn i'.tikoi befoir sh« aiiivc-tl. Itui vhe ''till t .uinot att rv» mans buildings on (ampus \ltb« Mit»h iii< »m m h< m »ls arr Hilling i«» hoi k with students, (hr i ompirvit) <>i thr \1).\ guidelines makes il 11111x ivsil>le ftm administian u\ to m>mpK lulls. Shumakei sa\s ( H!u i.ils at othei uimetsities. (hough, are taking .4 svait and-srr a 11 it 11< 1< “Wr it- still Halting to yr nli.it the s|*< itu n are going to ht untlri \ 1 > \ sa\N |anr Mooir, assistant (Iran of students at the* I o| Iklawair lit it Delaware student Donald Mooir, who is unable to most his anus ot logs. s.i\-s the st h«*ol has a lofig Has to go in juov » lhi\ hnrf ► ft takes a lot of balls to be this artistic at St Mary’s It s {ii\t tout lulls o{ |*»|\ median* IhiI u s»auvrd the irwwt heated alt n ts% at St Man s < * in I *> \( at s I It* (.iral BulUm* s, ulptutr ( a»fUfi*rt\\ licgan when tin untitled voifk bv artist Man la Kaplan was put on otiuinut display at the all women s( atholu roBcgr m Indiana \nd n m turn to tin* w ulptutr lias run tin gamut ' I hr m ulptutr was vo hlalanth sexual that the lawn was not tin appi opt talc plate to display it, * saw junior (rnnilrt MARGUiMTI tCMOft ■* WAWAb ' WA.W* huvmuvan But senior < lit htmr M .1 k a i r w i. / saw t h< m 11{pt1111 has aitisiu merit *1 was v*lad t<> vf that it was (in u»|| < aillims slir va\s I laid timrs of a haul In* Is — broker ihr s» ulptuir and St Man s adiinn tstiaiion le apt i< * the irv nr Birstdeni William Mukr\ dct idril in inmr (hr art indoots where it» otikl Ik- pioin ted 1'hr saga ended m Vptrmhei thrrr weeks latet when l.u ult\ pirvvurr ion rd thr administrators to move thr woik )kk k outside hut stude nts like Makatrwu/ still air billri it vou it «>111>4 to put Mtmctlimg that has possible tontioversial (iilitnil a tnllegr i .imptls is the ideal setting • M.»fU« .» Nani and \nn.i Mane I abut I hr Observer, l »»! Daiur St MaiV* College ^ Thrill seekers risk It all in elevator surfing adventures \t least thrrr college stiidcuts have dird in thr last t\s11 years whilr rlrvaiof Milling — a thrill trservrd t*»i ihmr seeking an adirnalinr iihli h\ hanging horn » allies underneath p a moving elevator t ah in Srptrmbrt a heshrnan at Southern MrthiKiist l vsa> kilird whilr elevator surfing I wo freshman weir hanging Ix-low a doiin clrvatoi liwir, irding up and down when one «»t the students l»»si Ins gup and graldied the othn . 4 aiiMiig them t«»tail ah nit ill fret. Mu harl S< hiossei was killed and his loominatc \dam C hat Irswmth tiioke lus arm in -r» pla< n I hr death sIuh krd thr t am pus 1 his kind of loss ot litr pist srrtm like- something that should not have hapjH'iutl. lull it d(k*s." savs itrshinan Fdwm l ampei t In Man h a student at tin* l of Massachusetts tiled when hr lost Ins footing in an attempt to move fiom a shall beam to thr top of an rlev'atoi tah \fter the incident. mIum>I ofTicials said tii«*v received 1 rjxuts ot "elevator suiting- hut hadn't c aught amour \nel an Indiana State- l si mini t was killrd tiistantlx in .iMitiil.ii .«< i nit nf in Man h !** I 11m e sltnlenis wnr inline <»n top of a efeHitlitoiv elrxatot vsbrn »l ste»p|»rel on I hr lop !lo*»i I tie MminiLx u ictl to < limb d< iwn tin sm1< of flir i drsaloi. .mil (Mir of them foM his grip ami fi ll onto another < ah trave ling up the shaft in an attempt to pt event mote lives horn l»rm^ Iom. some uimriMlirs have installed alami sxvtrins »eople to vote "< Kil goal is to rr\eise the tieiitl in this n >un in suite l‘»7'j the liist time IS-\e.ir-olds got to vole anti .VI pen ent turned out s.i\s Muh.iel Dolan, naiioiial held duet toi ot R*x k the \ ote ” I here nas f>«*c*n a un ii msc in me nunihei of \r.in»l(h who vote In I9Hh !H» |H ii mi of those IN to 24 wrtr rfgiMrirtl, ami only M million of t)t« »se 2.r» iiiiIIm mi wited, fir says R«h k thr Voir in taking a appioat fi in its drive to improve tfiosr statistic s V oluntrets legistei }x*ople at «*»nc ft ts. music i a ns take tiir mrvvi^* t« > thru audiences. public servic r announcements ate broad* ast. a toll-It«*<* inhumation line* is available' and displays art* plat rd in canon* businesses l fir presidential * audit lairs also suppot t its rfiot is. "Kik k the \ <»tr is helping to filing a !«•( of new j>eople into the |>olitu a I system who air disen* fiantrd v\ 11 h 12 \rai s o! Republic an pi mime * saw hi ban /indie t. assistant piexs seeretaiv tot tfie( litit<>ti (*oirti*kc‘t In the uppostlion’s camp, l oiie ( lai k, press so trials lot the Hush Quale campaign savs. “Anything that helps in* lease turnout, we think t* good \nd I >* »lan b« »|k*s Rt h k the \ «Mr vs ill help souths base a loot hold m \ men* an polili* s “Roc k the Vote is a permanent feature of the ronteinpoi at v political scene Dolan says ■ VI | Mt< ollutn. I hr IrmtUe \ru\. I einple l ► College freshmen go the way of the dinosaur I tic* latest wave ul |x»litit al < (>m*( llirvs is wifiillg out ticshiiK ii ae mss itic* < oiiiiin ( hit c- tailed “heshliirii stude-fits mining < ollegr I**« the* first !!!!!•' it sevi*f.i! timveisities fi« air « “iilM veal studemts bill nouiic veins hi.t^icr whefhei it '.ill mi}* uiani issue of a |x>htie all\ e nm*< t hut Nrhiaska Meslevan l is oik* of (I»«* lalrst t«» make* the « bailor Students started the* mo\r and now the term 'heshman has lx-rn phased out 4ailipuswide vsH11 the r\e eplnm «»f the tegisti at s ofl’ire “Reae turns ha\r i*eeii mixed m aitr students t ouldn i e air less, savs (ariieen (x»wen. assistant \n e pirside nt lot univrisitv trlalions at WVl Students wante d the- e hange Ih*( a use the- trim is not m* liisive. savs semen \shlev Phillips “Student* ate < hanging dies ie not ahsavx fresh |K*oj>le." he vavs ' ll > diilic ult to < all a gtandpaietit a freshman Xlliietugh lew students e eunplamed at I tankini and Marshall < ollegr in I aneastri Penn . admimsti ate-i * dec ideal to use fiist vrai student" anvwav I he- e hange was luxe »lous and mi|x t f u lal savs juiih >i )»m Reaelr * ! he adinintsii ation has take n a pseude>-|>oIit it alh 4ortect stance Re aele savs “It's alxmt as tmfMHtani as e ailing a d< »i union a resident c hall 1 he administrative mandate hasn't e hanged students language nine h. he savs "People sav fiosh. or heshlllig • a host «»f other names that I wouldn't re*|>eat,” he* savs “Most jK'ople demt se t* what the point is f tist veai adviH ate Kt istin l angr uw listening ami c < unmimu at mg are what matters “It s not the »me we ml that s important. it's the me aning Itehind it," savs the l of Kansas se nioi ■ l«*m Jense n. \<>Uinir. I of South l >akola ► WORTH A LAUGH