HELP SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT AND GET ALL THE CREDIT. GET OUR CARD AND WE LL PLANT A TREE. Open a new MasterCard* college student account in November or December, arul we ll plant a tree It's all part of “Forests For Our Future " MasterCard's effort towards preserving our environment Each Fjhe?t> For Our Fitire tree u ill tv planted on public kinds through Global ReLeaf, a national program sponsored by American Forests, the nation's oldest non-profit conservation group. WHAT IF I ALREADY USE MASTERCARD? Dozens of your favorite catalogs are also involved its our "Forests For Our Future" program. Just charge each catalog order ui your MasurK '.ard card, arul you can have a tree planted. Call l-HOO'dM-1214 to leam which catalogs are fxtrt of the program It's never too late to help save our nui ronment So, if you don’t already have Masteri 'ard, apply today And, if you do have one, use it No othi-r card is more^ widely accepted at home and abroad It s the only card you need MASTER THE MOMENT *