Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1992, Page 4, Image 20

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    You can’t mis* u* — protester Matt Hoick on a six-month vigil against education cuts.
Students not budging in protest
of budget cuts at San Diego State
1 Tir\ have s1«h xl hi pmiesf on the San I >irgn Stale l < ampus f< »i almost six months
mm lluu | u cv in i oni« st,»t k. is a siiuj >l<- lermndei the* fin.uu i.il c nsis sir. moling
iiimi iMiHMih alit<>i lti.i is l.n Ilium»\rt
\nd tin students h|iu Like mins standing wait li amtmd the »I<m k sav .is long .is
til H\ efMt ies Ilk i San 1 )|< gt * Mate fat e tin fe.u «>i l.n tills .iilil t ills In ,i< .idi'iHK pi ogl'.tllis,
llun will si.n
\\« m vk ttiii ni |x ivtii.ii icl.ithniships. jobs. savs graduate student David Itovns
Ur n b.uelv keeping up with mu t las\< s hut it s ahsolutelv worth il \« \t veat we
might in it have am t laws
\ few days .tilt i I’m suit ui 1 hoittas it I >av unveiled plans in Mas lu eliminate nine
at at It nut tit pal mu ills .UK I lit ai h I "H f it i lui << I t »i Iriiiiu Hat k fat ult\ [MiMlnins at San
Diego Siatt a handful of students aimed with sleeping hags. look In the steps of the
at In must i at it m building
I he\ staved (juit th pittit sting die fin.int i.il demise of then institution. until eaih
\ugust, when i ampiis set irrilv f<»n ed them to set up t amp in fiont of tfie libiaiv
1 wo weeks Jalet. the uniNt i sit\ to* »k at lion against tin pit itestt is ai lesting thtee of
them foi illegal Itxlgmg a hum of disoidelh tondut t aftei the\ fell asleep at the vigil
sit* I he t haigt s smt < have ht en diopped. and the student piolestefs. who now
fitiiitbef aU nit iwt i dt i/eti. sav the\ an undetei led, tlespitr warnings tht law still will lie
enfoii ci\
" 11 it'\ it tmng tti pit s<n t then t av anti vs tit tivtug nt it to hassle them \avs |« dm
( aijwntei tinet tJ»f of puhlu salt tv We’ll allow a t c ttaiii amount«»t fierdom »»f s|x 11 h
hut just 11 \ it * keep it vs it fun a manageable f i.UMewt >i k
But pmit stei Matt I h dt k a giatluate student. savs he and oth< is vsill keep this issue
alive I vt ivluxls has tti think afxiut tht hmfget < nts Ix t.iuv vse te tint here, he says
Non t an t miss us • Paul N fun undo. I hr/hub \ jt,. San I hegu Stale I
► You should see the realty
old books at Ole Miss
\\ lien I ivi I .in found out hei rtonomii s i lass at the
i ui \1hMsM|)|)l would the a jinpulat lm.imi.il
iliaga/inr lor irNc.m h this tall she bought a
MlllM I 11 »11«111
It sennet! easier she saw. than lighting with her
i lassmatc s tor a lew iatt\ conu s .it the uimnsitv %
1 hr i r ha\ v
1 win times when
I h.ts r n t l»rrn
ahlr to find .1
journ.il rtfhn ,"
s.n s I .n .1
srnioi \mi it
yum honk* and
.ill .nr no!
updated 01 iioi
Ihric, "e 11 e»l i out sc going to Ik* rxhind the* ie*st “I tile*
I lu* l of Missivsippi lost its inrinlx islnp in .1 IiIii.iia
M'umk li .iss4H liition last spring Ik-<aiiM* it hadn 1 spent
enough <>n 1 rsoiu 1 e*s dm mg the* past chirr vrai v
leaving sine tents like t -»\ willifi wri III Hal's scm» e*s
\nd Mississippi is 11«>t alone*
( ,tinpu% libtanes a« ions dir rountiA ait < lit til 1 w; Iioiiin
and 'stall Innmil Ml drt 1 rasing stair ami Irtlt 1 al IiiixU
and risingt oslsof lihiais manuals
1 liosr t nts have staitrd to lut hoinr lot Shaun
Staullri. a mi no 1 at Sou the* in Illinois l
"I've lomul frwn ami Irvset aitle Irs available*
rsjx t lallv with jx*i i« xht als in th<* ttndetgiaduair lit x»i
he savs Students pav a lot of inonrv lor thru
rtlutation. and it’s sad that thr faulitirs mav not hr
aniplr enough to provide* that e*dm ation
I o siiiMve* thr last thrrr vrats of hudgrt t uts. the* Ml
iihraiA has Urn fort eel t«»e ut moir than I ,(HH) title's and
( ( »|X with .1 Mil.ill* I Nl.ill
Mthough all students mav Ik awate nl (hr i uts in
hhianes. getietalh i*nl\ fat ultv gtaduatr students anti
undetgiaduatrs in spec lah/rd upfxi t lassi e have tell
the pint h. sa\s ( •lent) Ki< krtts. ii'M*.if1h duet tor fin the
National \%mh union nl N< holats
I dual irs an- i limin' Hriiis urairil foi those lining
n sraii h Km krtis savs Moir sprt iali/rd pi'tiudu als
and at adrmit l*>oks go fust Ik-i any thrv air tin* most
t \|M iiM\r and most ohst uir
l .rgislatoix air looking h»i am tiling to i ut hr savs
' I hrv sav linlxwiv is trading [the \|>et iali/rd wni ksj
I hat s ti ur. tilth »V tuna tel\. hut Ithtat tes nrrd to hm
those m hopes thr\ vs 111 hi- then* (when leseau heis
nerd (hem 1
Stan ( -»! jK'iitri. eset utim* difrt toi o! the \ss4 h lation
loi the Stuch ol I lighri hdiit ation. savs il a uni\eisit\ is
te seal i h-otir tiled it hi 11 «lit 11 hi an sri\ues instead of
pini hays
hut moir umvrisides air undrigt aduate-based and
i In nim to det iease* tienodit als anil lx m iks, vsIni h hints
lac ultv most, savs ( ai|H*ntei. an avwK iate prolrssoi at
I rxas \\ M l
"hithei vsav. something has to go," hi- s.tvs "It \ou
dmi t hm malrnals, what the hell is the |x>tnt ol having
a lit>ian - lUit hv the same tt iken. it you ir i utility i»tlu i
sriuers is hat’s the point ol haling a Ithiarv'" ■ lorn
Main usd, I huh I 'gyfiitun. Southrni Illinois I
► Bye, bye birdie —
‘Tiger’ flies ratty coop
\uhuin l has M ill its mast ot pa< king lot a while
I hr si hool s golden eagle hum ot I ign. has hern
living m suhstandaid eonditions outside the stadium,
wlieir she lell ill to a iIim-.im- that rauys lesions to ioim
on hri fret 1 igei s surgrrv h it hri vsith hall splints,
simtlai m shajM and si/r to tennis halls, i m het iret
\ovs rrioveting hom the ailment. I iget is homeless
« .i lias no proire lain
against Inc e irmrnls
\nd il veins tie »Im m)\ wauls («> least iht hi id mil sale in
lou^h wealhei while* he i Irrl heal
Homeless mascot
hut Hi tan Helms, thr
e*aj»lr's head tiailirr, who
took I he* bird in jot .« while
eiek'sii i waul I ij*ri shacking
up with him ammoir “li
kind.i sue ks when vou lose1
\otlt brdi < »e >in to a h11 el.
'.is s He lms, .» giadtiatr
slue It lit
I o ke e p I trims 11 mil
sle e ping on thr (dill h the
tie*vt time- thr I ‘J ve at-old
hild ne e els shellet lie»ill
tmii’h wcathn. thr \lpha
I Mi i < hncga sen it eliateimtv ami Nuhtiiiiollieialxair
vsoiking lo hiiiid I ign a slu*lit*i anil \iui aj{c area
adjat rnt lo ihr eagle*'s a\tan
I hr proposed 10-hv 20-fe»e»t siim luir uill pros icir
I igri with a lrm|Hiiai\ hoinr vshrnrsri she* nrnls It* Ik
ke pi inside ami vsill m im as a stoiage- lac ihlv ft*i the
e agle s It m k! am! < *lhe-| ne t evsities
In (he* meantime 1 igei is slaving in a shrllri on
t amptis. vshrrr she will live until \lpha IMii ( hnrga laise s
enough fttnets lo l*-gm e onsiiue tiem on ihr hum ot s mv»
a hoe It \nel though the inase ot will saddle \lpha Phi
t >!lle*ga and Allhum vsllh a $20,000 hill (o ke e p hei high
and tin Mike I | litMtkci alia(c*init\ mrmlx i. saw
iioUkIv \sil! kit k I igri tail of Ik<I Ioi cannot rat keis
She s a human imprint I hi not kidding vein She
dunks she s a fx-ison." flooke i saw “11 slu* vse ie out in
die vs del she* would piohahlv do ( )h foi a vshde- hut as
st*011 as she savs a }xison, she1 vsoulel ll\ nghl up 1“ 0.
< \pe t i lo he fed. expe t i attention, and th.it prison
won lei piohahlv hint hri out ol frai." ■ Sran Serlman.
\ubum f*tam\man, \ulnim l