After Class Ode to the band I hr\ m.n Ium jMoblrttiN i mu dilution .in imnlii, Inn tin v u illc)>c I uni I ii Kin! hi x Li low how id i»rt .1 mmil i ilril \ih 1 Imiii llll|>l>SNlhlr ill ills 111 .11 l llll'lll.ll 11 oli< ' lhr\ II do in'll .<1 mMil .imtlim^ in i Ik- iiumr i il 11, ii Inn in Activism What’s in a name? ( -olk-gr Irmiiitsl'.ii mss ihr 11 niiiin sii lie’ll in til id .hi iilrniih in I hr wiiiurii n lights iimumrnl I inr nm!i\ miiiic Niudi ntN |innulh rlllhi.ii r ihr frillllllNl l.ilx l nnhiIi iilhriN .ivnid ii Page 12 In Entertainment Spike's latest battle Spike 1 jlt doesn't give .1 lm V even it ll means pissing von oil Ik-1 ore sou gel In the (healei /Viaj»- 16 .:0m , r r - , r ve the most Silent struggle: Students stand ground over budget cuts — Page 4