1225 Alder • 345-2434 Former Duck McChesney dies Former Oregon !ra< k. star Bill McChesney died Io**t rhursday afternoon In a car accident on Highway JO near Newport M(Chesney. It, was one of the top runners in Oregon his lory He set still-standing Ore gon school records in the 5,000 and 10,000 meters McOhesney competed for the Ducks from lotto to D*H2 Traveling westbound about I p m . Mi Chesney's truck crossed the t enter line, spun out of control and collided with a delivery true k The driver of the delivery trutk. Donald Die (Imuser. suffered a broken leg MiChesney attended South liugene High School and was There’s no need to vote this yean Unless you ever plan on having sex again. If every person who's Pro Choice votes this November, people like George Bush and Dan Quayle won't get re-elected. The Freedom of Choice Act will pass through Congress. And abortion will remain a safe, legal option for everyone. On the other hand, if you don't get around to voting, there's always celibacy. VOTE PRO CHOICE This ad was paid for by students who recognize no method of birth control is 100% effective. Unplanned pregnancy is a reality in this day and age. If you would like to augment the cost of this ad please donate to Students for Choice. Students for Choice University of Oregon EMU Suite 5 Eugene, OR 97403 recruited heavily out of high srhool Ho made the 1980 U S Olympic loam but was unable to compete that year liecauso of the U S boycott McChesney is survived by his wife, Nancy, his parents, W i I 1 I a rn a n d M a r c i a McChesney. and his brothers, Steve and Ken Another broth er, Tom. was also killed In a car accident in 1986. The funeral will he Tuesday at 1 pm. at Central Lutheran Church. 1857 Potter St The McChesney family has set up a Bill McChesney Schol arship Fund. Donations may be madn in care of Poole-Larson Funeral Home. Wrestlers warm up with victory Oregon’s wrestling squad tuned up for the coming season with a 28-7 victory over tho Canadian National Training Center in an exhibition duel at Barlow High School Friday night. The Ducks were led by Pat Hirai’s 15-0 technical fall over Mike Livingston at ti4 pounds and Jason Muggy’s 0-0 decision over last year’s NA1A 142 pound champion, John Milling. The Canadian team was com posed of wrestlers from Simon Fraser University, an NAIA school in British Columbia. The Ducks will begin the regu lar season when they travel to Ashland Nov 2 1 Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE CALL HUGH DUVALL Veialrud 4 Claik A!tOfn*y« PC 345-3333 • DUU Hr oath T»?sl • Drug 1 ><>l«*nstj • Illegal Slops & S**