210 HELP WANTED Eipenenced m Acting end Modeling? Co" BAR8I20N tor ."10 cm pan ?;me instructor p0Sl«0^» 3434666 STUDENTS Ini *? nation* marketing company looking ky tiudmii who -4MR.1 tu# and pert ?«m« income wh«e maintaining studies Feu/Sue hour* C»re«! income potentMii C«fl 343-9567 2i5 WORK STUDY Now Hiring wort etudy qualified *J OOOl as computer hardware software tpeoakst D«trt aomputer ma-nter afx» skills r Cati Janca. 346 34*4 WOODWORKER? Wort study certified? Woodehop supervisor job* open’ Apply at EMU CRAFT CENTER ground floor, EMU 346-4361 Wort Study Student 8 i5 hr*** %fS 7 hr T ravaging eihipitron program • mm* assistant RwW wooden crates, pact eihtpmons, soma o«o» wo'* Musi *now power tOO*t* PreV*' SlwJent •n an related fiod Cas! *85 t?3C WORK STUOY Office of Affcrmal«vo Acton & Equal Opportunity rs seeking a Student Office Worker 1 to assist with general office tasks to include. sotting up Ming systems. Wing, copyng docu sorting. update manuals, de^vw materials to other departments on cam pus, and miscellaneous projects as they develop Dos to cand«Jat«s who are familiar with Word Perfect 5 1 Year round appointment needed 35-?v. R«« P»e hours Send resume and letter of interest to Susan Plummer ' AA A F O The UoO is an AA A fc'O msi*lut*on comm in «d lo cultural diversity 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Spacious new. carpeted. oaK catx not* 4 pdrm. 3 Pa. ? car gar W1). OW. vacuum, blinds. no pels-s/nosers lawn care & garbage pd $uOOAno, $155 dep pervm ?904 $ ?906 Orve Janet A Hon lo view 34 5 6 766 4 bdrm, 1 be house agues! siudo » Oath 41 W 31st Si $ 700/mo Frrel. tau.oep Call 503 937 3174 225 APTS DUPLEXES BIACKSTONE MANOR 1750 Alder Si Across Irom U of O. I ibrory $ Ionris Fum ? bdrm, $495 AVAIl ABl 1 NOW' Covered parVinQ. Uaibdry !acii.i*es 687 0684 or como by ap! >3. 1 5pm Campus Apartments Furnished 1A2 Bedrooms Fell raise I37V$450 4$V2123 Earn cash eluding envelopee el home All malar iai* prowled SASF 10 1*0 Bor 9643 Springherd. MO 6580/ NEAR CAMPUS ANO SHOPPING One bedroom house. $250 343 9011 225 APTS DUPLEXES ??s APTS OUPIEXES Studio- ? Ddr-r' avwiaMa Nov 1 *Nh 1 i*ya?d 4(M 9*ji?g______ 3 bdrm apt. Wafar tawaga gasbag# na i t** from campus' Arso » noom !o rant n tabutou* ^vx/sa 5240 ?«l Aaron 225 APTS DUPLEXES Forest villag APARTMENTS Jail mtnaln /ram Jaanlaan, -i Jml a aatU away /ram €Uy hoMilai RENTING NOVEMBER I SWIMMING POOL . WEIGHT ROOM BUS TO CAMPUS 2 Bodioom. 1V2 Bath $495 00 & SSI0 00 ' par monfo .b? 687-1318 ()n Sprnrft Hullf. f*nn «K |lM .*0 il/l, *1/14 »ui//v lU IM ;jHi.nr (jw I cm*!. Mt m *0* II- VOl!«KKEl NABI-K WKKJIVIKK IH HIM. MIK»K>.KOI OCTOBKK 2*TII, VC»IJ CAN NOW KKia.SIKtt IIV r,,og «• the #«§*■**•/• OIJ«c. 22'* 1 h*i!• 11>W1 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Hoofnmilt rvo+dod to 4 bod room tomnhouM ft50. 2 mi to com puo 342 510/ Roommoto Wontod »**•••»"«« non ft T*> • l>ep * Ap (m 34? ??*2 2 ?5 ELECTIONS VOTE NO ON • arxl VI S tor Mar, M C* . «y H-newN ‘«i—e«» WlM 400 W» 1Q> tvf— <>y >‘W VOX WINTER INTERNSHIPS Orientation Meeting TODAY! 1 30 EMU Gumwood Choose from 25 sites tn Eugene JR SR only Earn upper-division credit For more Into, cell COtP. 346-6011. 265 CLUB SPORTS FOOTBAG DEMO l— tu0*n— pro*—ton* foofb^g Kjuftd perform Thur Nov S Ifvn in bo Carton Cafatarta 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Ancient Forest Awareness Werner Creek Recovery Propel Wad Nov 4. no WMiemelte IMii ;pm I Hf t UO Outdoor Program 34»«365_ CMCOUMT IMOWI V Ws 14 Vil Met |J WICK ueOuWMW Hi M CAL IMG AH' s JO in r oo 4 00 ONC OP T>* HIT RLMI OP TM* 1IAJ» rr,,“” HAIRDRESSER’S HUSBAND_. srSiMb' StVu tiflifi V BALANCED PEREORMANCESr CLEARCUT, uw | cs . , .v. 11 00 I wSlnglt IMY)K^]\KN m ARTS & ENTtHTAINMcNT BUNGEE Bridge Jump Ci«9 iwhI am Ciittci** oono UntfrtHy at Oragon • School ol In Ptooonlo DEAN S PICK-OF-FUCKS Room 179. I •« School • 00 SHOW TIM* Otecueeton to Folow 97 SO m DM WAV MOV 4 jTjlflgfj' Mn O co CO *xt to FUmtlton ^ Dmtrxg C»nUr Moo-Frt 6 50 *m-10pm S*t-Sur> 9 S0*m-1 Oprn 275 ELECTIONS 305 HEALTH 4 FITNESS DANCE JAM* A dar t»kl» f *'•» t)» ftMMflM M7-46S1 Pro/Edit PvWtVid. pfQtMtuonti odRmg arxl coniuftJtMon on you/ i**™ t>a ywn> pfl**Ct* «fi W "««« "*?'» you jf YOUH convmnmrttM A.«* 343-2747 jm SERVICES "Women meeting the unique health care needs of women " Free Pregnancy Tests • Birth Control Gynecological Care • Cervical Caps Abortion Services 342-5940 ♦» 11 I jit ttth Avrnur Mrthcjid/lnujrjnt r 275 ELECTIONS 275 ELECTIONS idcNMny or» arnc*xj faont how endorwd Cyr^No Woolen k» far Sktir htouw of lnnurtoMi. DWrxt 41 mi ooflui mcnoN twpotwwn ' »■<- wit **■* •tM »—*■**» tw w«« *.Mv« VUI5 IT'S ABOUT LEADERSHIP IT'S ABOUT RESULTS IT'S ABOUT CHANGE CyitMa ■■■■■ WOOTEN DISTRICT Vole 01 if the future depend! on it. Becouie it doei. VOTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3! Remember VOTE Tuesday!