Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! Doonesbury 1M NC7 POiHG ThrS KX IMSUS TH£ PR£SiP&gra|4tual error that changes the meaning of the ad. if reported h> I PM Krfundt still he limited to credits only No cash refunds vtill Ik issued after the ad deadline Credits mutt he used within h rmaitht t4 issue Copy Acceptance • Ihc 01)1- reserves the right to res isc, ret lastify .reject or cancel arts ad at any lime • Political ads arc payable in advance and must show clear endorsement, i c "Paid for by (Advertiser)" • A sample of all mail sutler items must he submitted prior to the publication of the ads crti semen! • No advertising for term paper sales or editorial writing and/or research writing will he accepted • The 01)1* will not accept ads containing a I 90L) phone number EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 t JO FOR SALE Wise 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS Graafca Today *» tha clay to Mm m y ^iiEivv^i^riavviHirm^Lsmsijavi^ |p H y*w h«v* »«m* lu#> Wflg ?.* yt txd Mad# ea • fesac__ __ To tha houM o* ’wpw**** ttvam* to* frw*mg rrry 22nd fWlhday msm‘4 l ova you a* Scammy O PS I you wari untH Jan i0th. 93 FREE! TODAY ONLY! IF YOUR LAST NAME STARTS WITH THE LETTER YOU WIN 1 FREE CLASSIFIED AO! (3 boa masurium*) (Not good with any otna* oha^) Coma IN PERSON to Room 300. EMU. lAftMPM, to piaca your ad (No phona calls ptaaaa') LETTERS WILL BE DRAWN RANDOMLY THROUGH NOV 2, SO KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE CLASStnfcPS EYERYPAY! VT (uni elaaarooms and 1 a VJP 1h# library Tcamorthipiraa Go iMoogh tha ballot to tha and to VOTE NO ON 9 Today **•* to an* W“oi>l larw ***C Hmy M0f«u •or im»44 8798. ROOIN * GRAD SCHOOL APPROVtO ?0 yarn/ tx*r*> ground T»rm paper* f j« nfcjm# mk V<» f cMing t&MW&r ON CAMPUS' T yping A word proca**ing 6* Ct>>* ipiKwO iava' P*g« ?4 hr turn artxmd F *aa OI4^p^% eP»?W tMMr 'OW^a. A3 4IH *>4tt 344-4510 QUALITY WORD HUH LVMM, i.ttMuH m inxn *rr*u>Mi nnu 605 E. 13th Punted lent to computer1 hies QBDmtsnnn 747 4i89 51 -0 IM #J JO TNI TYPING PRO Word Procaa**ng£{Mar *y*tarr ancJ *&ar pr*ntar ffcMKorvaD* aim, C«l Paggy at M24MI PROFESSIONAL TYPING A»*o wom {KOC»*4*ng adM«ng I o® Ronfl4, 83 V168? Prolmumtl typing mkvics I m: aocruMBa V and up Ai*o (iarman «nd F ranch Roaamana 344 7833 TMt wo^o sptcUUSTS^ Word Procat *mg A Daewoo PuWiiNng Grad Scftoo* Approvad Laiar j>rw*«d ad*tng graphic* dtunmom. (Nmmm raa^m#* tramparanoa* A mora CINOY _ 4A4V4V4 TYPING UNLIMITED Bartoara t and 48S-3343 Saving LX) ar«Mt MK* 198' DIAL A-TYPIST mTttT Raiumai T arm Papan Manuv RpCi j'»xu.^ 6oo*Aaapnfi * **y» __ 110 FOR SALE MISC U? TICKETS! Noy 3 concur Vam tx.'V*' BC can 346-06?* You Too coed ba than* Ui. Arm*. Ralph. YuppM da*tgnam hang out al tha Ck>thaa Korea nail to 0 O Go* Ciuba Bon Hogpn iron* Arnofcj Pa-mar WooCK. T una f*u»ar A ’ kon 683 *33 i* Man GUITARS GALORE' Mjmu rtam* of a£ wr*j% Amo canwu and etaraoe Buy and SaP Canta*36* W Stn Raamuaaan 4 hamaae ?* me* Tafi*a loom lor *** 1200 741 1?*6 a** ’or Bartart 135 BUY OR TRADE CASH FOR LEVI SOI JEANS Wul Siim 77 40 up lo S'0 M>* idopanp-ng on UfMOfKMion) AIM buying L**L Lm and Wrcngtai. and motorcycle |ac*«1» Good guaMy uMd (atm. darwn and coala ado to» aata OPEN TUES IN. SAT 113 775 Monroe_14HMI us CARS TRUCKS SEIZED CARS. truck*. boat* 4whaaNr*, motorhomae. by FBI IRS. OCA AvaaatMa your araa now CaM i 800 338 3388 ad C 1210 71 Maverick mtaia graan. run* good. SS00 683 3080 no FOR SALE Wise (.ct Kartli Smart - Bu\ Resale ('lollies ‘The Cfothes 'Tforse a clothihy exchange Tor women 720 E. 13th Street 345-5099 KIDSTUFF The Gourmet of Children's resale since 1978 62 West 13th Avenue 484-4488 U < / • l»j\ v j h I.* \1 ■tu v 1.4Ik jiiJ ••II*. i in *!►••*•'*• \ l*U' * 1 I' ji" JN ' • II ilk |*f* nil - 41 kj \ • -U Ik ' 4|'P‘tll 4 "**k Juiai; ilk I III'*1'll' l.-f* * I* Jll I'fU ' '*!»••'-I * 4l* Ikiil 'flic Clothes '.Horse i $1.00 Off | For Every $5.00 i of Purchase | FREE PARKING! 1 Expires 12/31/92 KIDS I'llFK iSsBCYClES !Uft*c Bicycle Repair Ctaaa P*o» toughi tt Porta Rwr ft*** Onfy $35 PlMMCll M7-1775 Womtn cordially invited lib COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Free Soft tcx Bo'll lotion on Mac po*tcoi. economy ft *rg torn* Jap. CnQ Soon Kpfengo Go* 683 5554 leading Edo* CompuMO MD. 5 5 rncti DO monior ft panto*. $?50 060 Co* Peto«« 464#g?7 Power Book COM. $5® CoH Mark at U? S791 Moc • 30MB HD *#» of sohwere used Kfte |735 obo Chn* 345 5453 iro SOUND SYSTEMS Bloupunftt deck. 300w Proto* amp i<7 boi iptaio Sony £Q pa $1500 to! ky $550 OOP Ky 4» 6B6 5995 CASH”! We buy M* and ww» VMS VCRs and «?o^oo* Thompson FioctfOTMCt 1122 00*1 343 85*73 Vi on Kakegewe Japan! Doc t 7 - Jan 5 *i#y with Joponooo 'am--«t vnfl Kyoro co*ew*nrV lf *o you may be o'fl'be tor tea *uppu»i (Tutoring, counsehng adv*mg advocacy C*avLae m anting, math. CfttC-O thinking) through tb* Education*) Opportunriioft Program EOP tt*k has tome tpaco* avaiaMe Stop m 66 PIC ky >ntQfmotor a'*I app^eton* GRA NT SSCHOl A RSHIPS Pononaii/aj computer search f roe into wrrt# Money For Cosege ?B5? Wtiamone #m l ugor>e OR 97405 Or colt 342 6105 275 ELECTIONS 205 OPPORTUNITIES Ann •« A SIX) Programs 92 93 Budgat Pacnat* an* -w ava^abw m ASUO i *ac Sor?a 4 t MU Lass day to p<* !bam up «* Nov 6 Ouaations'’ Ca* Marna 346 3’?4 Mandatad diac rtminal ion Km no ptaca in Oragon Go through tho oaftoi TO !hO #nd IO VOTE MO ON • Tuesday Nw 3rd *md *r» ar* m* by No O • . c<***ty PhC NiK>(.aNf« ’>MM* WO r«M aor SulHO? tufTW Oopyi STbOS *404 N© T YOU lIKED IT LAST YEAR AM) THIS Yf AR YOU ARE ON TMI VERGE Of DOING IT AGAIN UnMaralty Thaalra 92-93 Naada YOU lo Lfchar Son MUSIC COMEDY. DRAMA for F Rf f whon YOU Uthsr a Robinson or Arana Thaaf'S Production Visit lha Un-varvty Thaai'a Bo* Ofhca. ‘ocaiad >n tha obby o' iha Rob>nson Thaai'a Mon f n 1 3PM. asm for tha SivxJant Bo* 0*<» Mgr Aobna Abbor or tha As&n j Mg' Mar lay Tr»vo*va rnsiaim ton and debugging of CATI software and hardware natnucttng others m use oi in# CATI and t'oubwsnooting hard waresoftwa'e problems For fudhar •nfo caii Calhiaan i aua 346 464? 346 2547, 9 PIC J A PANWORK »i*f* ^unarmot o» #m P*oyers m Japan f ae nto Dopf 0. 46* Goodman Ava. Santa Rosa. CA 95407 la*. 707-527 1 737 Subjects naadad Bao to back stud at o* judgman? and daosior making No bac*g'Oond noadtat T mas about 2 noum Pay depends upon your ano of bam deoMjnt Minimum $5. ma*. mum V4C Ca« 346 4325 Mondays 9am ? 30pm Wednesday* 9am -5pm 27$ ELECTIONS 210 HELP WANTED Oregon Community Support Nonpros organi/aton whpmen5a 0*sat»Miee and Chaltering b**4vcr| r a smail e* dental setting 1 h?nng Community Irv tegratton Special!#!* 'or po*. ton OCf o'ter* pa«3 ‘raining advance warn potential. a pos-tva and c^aiiang >ng working environment Valid 0rtv#»» cans#, a passive attitude A a smear# daufa *o work wrth DO population Pap*a respond to Oregon Community Support ' 88 Want B Si. Sail# N. Spnngfieid O 97477 Graduating? Takng a yaar oh? Super Connecticut family mo>.s outstanding five in Nanny begin O'A 1/1493. ona year commitment. aic reterences. non smoker. driving skills l ocat intern*** app4ca!on Shirley 484 7'68 Other position* ava.iabte Safanda is hiring! SatercJe « tooK,ng for an AdvertMungf undrusing Menag of Work study or Stipend Applications available at the ASUO Woman's Can tar. Suita 3 EMU Application deadline Tuas Nov 3rd. 5pm AA/EOE RETAIL-CUSTOMER SERVICE Starting pay $10.25 Part-time $205 weekly. $820 monthly FuA-pma $4t0 weekly $1640 monthly Ini'! rata;: cham many tamp A perm pos no a*p nac Will train, ties hours Work m local araa apply Salem head quarters Coitege studants work pan t ma school year and full time during yacat>on. soma scholarships and in tarnshipt ava»i Can 363-0776. GET REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE And tha compatitiva adga you naad in advertising aalaa with tha Oragon Daily Emarald t at s taco d Sometimes a co-iega dog-mo wtth a good GPA »s not ai ways anough to land tha job you want rignt out of school Today's amployars are looking 'or applicants not only with job eipor ance Put tha tima management skills ft tanas to hoW down a responsip-e sales position A a tufl load o* classes T ha Oregon Daily E meraid s display advertising department is now hiring ? sales pos«K>ns. beginning Wrier Term All in lares: ad Ml time U Ot O studants should pc* up an appica ton and job deecr>pt,on m Room 300 E MU Applicants win pa telephoned tor interview appointments The )O0 entails an aspects ot advertising saras plus eipo&ure to design, pro duct>on and business smiis Ga*n valuable ua world experience by workng at the 13th *rgesi morn mg 'newspaper m Oregon CLOSING DATE Nov 13, 5 pm Interested m radio?Need hands on o«p*»»iennat Several positions open n KWVA Campus Rado Inc GM AGM. Program Director Promo D* rector etc Apps at ASLX) Suita 4 E MU or Cal' John ■ 6063C Deadline Nov 2 KWVA s an AAt Qi NOTE TAKERS needed for GEOl 305 and INTI 252 Must have !a**n the cass Deiore Prater ^pper Qv son or grad student Start $2Vwk Appry at footnote* Rm B2t EMU EOE 275 ELECTIONS Hosticka Every candidate talks about change. Hosticka makes it happen. Re-elect Carl Hosticka State Representative District 40 Democrat for State Representative - District 40 Aul I ton/iii .tml I*, ml tor In ilu ( omiitiltrv lo Kt 4 It ii I jrl llmiiikj, l>jti O limn, IrrjMifvr i»o n<*\ mu*, inmiu. ok stum -c^>