Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1992, Page 11, Image 11

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    Dancin’ Ducks
PfwK) Oy
Oregon basketball players Jell Potter (left) and Jordy Lydcn try to keep up with the
Duck cheerleaders at Saturdays 'Late Night with Jerry Green." which included the
team's first practice of the year Nearly P.000 people showed up at McArthur Court
for the event put on by head coach Jerry Green to introduce himself and his team
Beavers gain split in Civil War
By Erick Studemcka
Emerald Sports Reporter
Despite a career high of :»4 kills for outside hit
ter Stephanie Warren, Oregon dropped its I’acific
10 (inference match against intraslate rival Ore
gon State, 16-14, 15-17, 14-16, 16-14, 11-15, Fri
day night in Corvallis
"It was a fun match to play in." said Oregon
middle blocker Karissa Meith. "Stephanie was
playing great; she was really putting the bull
down "
The match was one of the longest in coach ( Jer
ry Gregory’s seven-vear tenure at Oregon, taking
three hours and 15 minutes to play. Meith said
the length of the match had little to do with the
final outcome.
"We had so much adrenaline going in the fifth
game, I don't think anyone really felt tired,"
Meith said "i’lus, we re pretty well conditioned
Warren made 82 kill attempts for the evening,
picking up some of the slack created when in
jured teammate L.uKeinn Woods was forced to
leave the match in the fourth game Ixtcause of a
sore shoulder Woods finished the match with 11
kills despite the injury
After rallying to win game four 1 (>-14 and lie
the match at two games apiece, Oregon began
game five slowly, falling behind by four points
Although the Ducks made a late charge, they were
never able to pull even with tho Beavers
Gregory was pleased with his team despite the
"VVn fought hard .ill nigtit and gave a good,
hard effort," (Gregory said. "Wn had our opportu
nities, especially in games two and throe, hut
overall, I felt l! was a great match "
Oregon's middle blockers had their l>est night
of the season, with Anger Henderson. Anne Con
way and Meith combining for 32 kills Meilh said
that the play of the middle blockers helped ac
count for Warren's high kill total
"OfiCe the middle bloc kers got established. It
helped open things up for Stephanie." Meith
said "It wasn't as if we were only going to Steph
anie Wo were still trying to mix our plays up "
Shelly Smith, who was questionable before the
match because of a sprained ankle, led the Hea
vers with 1H kills
"She (Smith) looked like she was fine to me,
Gregory said
The loss dropped the Ducks into a lust-place tie
with Oregon State, as each school now lias a Tit)
conference record Things will not gel any easier
for Oregon this weekend, as the Ducks play host
to No 1-ranked UCLA on Triday night at 7 p in
in McArthur Court
UCLA has an IH-t) record this season and is the
defending NCAA champion 'Hie Bruins are led
by 1991 all-conference players Natalie Williams
and Llum Youngs
(Umi 3 par curtoma)
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a duck in Y>, ...**ad tU Emerald QootluM.
ike knout... j1* SufifiL<*te+it Imfvia tit*
Bob's deathly fear
of life after politics
This article was published
in Tht‘ Oregonian on
October 22, 1 ‘>*/2. in Steve
Hum's "I\>!itics" column
IVrmission was obtained
from The Oregonian for
reprinting this article
Changes in design have
been made to enable it to lit
into this advertising space
All right, let the scene Tin
Kreightlmer plant on Swan Is
land Monday middle t»f the af
ternoon A 40 ton truck is bear
In* down on Boh Pa* kwood
For once in hi* life Packwoud itn I
looting over hit ihoulder The truck it.
big as life, but he know* it i only paint on
a canvas A backdrop for the TV camera-.
An artist's rendering of what Ijn Au< tun
beg* for when Iw wishes upon a alar
Pack wood i* cruising Talking trade to
the suit* Casually asking for a show of
hands on a balanced budget amendment
He asked for this pep tally This is a GOP
crowd and the senator is working it
It all goes arcnrdmg to the script until
some guy with a blue collar won’t go with
the How He asks about the big spender*
who are funding park wood'I campaign
What do they expect in return’
Pack wood looks trained, as If tin* quid
pro quo ha* never occurred to him I've
got l*» million coming in he say* Maybe
a third t* from pro choicer* and another
quarter is pro Israel money and let's see
when you add that together
The blue collar shake* hi* head He
doesn't want to hear about fractions or
nickels and dimes Who give* you the big
buck*, he repeats, and why*
Pack wood * face is wonderful to behold
It's a total blank l>evoid of memory guilt
or panic There is no trace of the Sir. uon
he's received from the cable television in
dustry in the last ill months
No sign of lire $3)7.000 handed to him
from health care and health insurance
No hint of the 12 4 million in PA‘ con
tributmm he s lapped up since I9T7
Pack wood sadly shakr* Ins head I
wish I could help you. he sa>*
but nothing comes to mind He
srana the audience and sails on.
unfaxed and unashamed
Watching Pack wood work you mine
why he stripped off the environmental
sheepskin years ago
He s not a preservationist
lie % 4 M ’f |H ' n-1 vaUOHl '.l
When Ilf It survival i* at >'‘I- ".I
will abandon then tall*. amt «rab* “ "
(W«* a claw i o votes ihey say will mm^
their own teeth into the leg that s < »»u;ht
in a it ap
TVv beads Inn* nothing “«i I* »• k
wood To get re elected. hr will • iv .iiiv
thing Sell anything Strlni* myon. »•'•**»•
lie'll even hold up a t agged old Sum' hk*
live t14l.un rd budget .oiWinhtM llt win «»'
rr hr wanu tlie dogs to bai k
There is no rnysterV tn l’a« kwo»*1
frenzied play for another term On 1 m
day. he told 300 Nike employee* that
Washington would b* a safri wiser ;.l »•*•
If legislator* m*i veil 12 year % and then *■
went t*a< k to the prufn&aton *r fame
rick Wood has r.whrr e l<> go lh* id
milled at ITeightliner that although hr
was trained a . a lawyer I haven't li t* >1
five mo in my hfe
ami href he vr «** opt'd hi* 11 ( Im
mcni apartment won l l**<trough to <1* 1**
a crowd il tie no longer stalks 1 apitol Hill
The campaign brings out I hr only fight
left in the man Asked to name In* pi mm
ry accomplishment in the last two vr o
i'ai kw«»Ml rummaged around ami. mu
up with his vote against an wfdrd i 11 »tl •
impif t«il mini van*
Mr stayed out «»l sight dm mg th»- I ■
as Hill he n me • II* only -.** * M< o- *
for its poll in al imp.t< t on him not n »*■•*
son a I toll mi the voter *
The IWk» I ax A* t. on* r Hk* crowning
achievement of his Senate career’ l‘.»« k
wood can t tuck pedal tail enough Tin
best thing hr can say about the act 1* that
AuCom voted for It, too
Mr play* stupid when he has to and It*
honest when he must ll«* still c taini* thai
the drift net hill tlui recently cleared t < >
grew is his bill even while his shift
sheeptfthly com edes that ll * not
Me brays that tie introduce*! tlf In -,r
drift net lull to mandate sanction* when
Hep Peter IWlIlO beat hint In the pun. h
by IS months
Arsd lie feigns that he would limit
terms campaign spending and emigre*
tinnal pay mi*** only afler abusing •
to the let*.it limit
When hr 1* < dhu on tin * an»>. l’ » *
wood simply sail* on In this n* • a*,
all the oilier * Im is not weighed down I
memory guilt u« inuir lie'll s.m i «i*• •
whalevet U takes, play squash with om
arm if he has to. to keep his seat on the
Me has nowhere else to go
c lias no fall law k position N"
life after politics Mis wtl*
gone hi* kids 41 e grown And
lie’s terrified that the 1 (nil
-End of Article
So, AuCoin isn't perfect...
Paid for and authorized by Oregon Fourth District
Democratic Party
Margaret Wilson, Treasurer (503) 687-2111