monster 0^00 A 000 ,jort' _ RITUALS Continued from Page 7 A Rituals of this nalrni* have their roots in tribal cultures and Eastern religions, especially Tibetan buddhism Trowbridge and Dunbar say they have an eclectic view of spirituality and magic that does not incorporate traditional religion, although Trowbridge has studied them She says that even traditional religions have practices that am sup posed to bring believers to a higher state, such as the use of incense and the practice of kneeling and singing Piercing is a ritual used by tribal cultures that is still in evidence today in modern society. Circumcision is a rile of passage that has become a common medical procedure -Now men are join ing women in the "ritual" of ear piercing. Many people are beginning to pierce their noses, if only for the look, which Dunbar agrees with. "Body adornment is fabulous." Dunbar said "1 have no judgment about reasons." Dunbar has born doing piercings for four years and recently began doing them commercially at Antrican in Eugene. Trowbridge also enjoys piercings. She says that "you can pierce anything to make it prettier. It doesn' ! have to be limited to the ears.” She also likes piercings because “anything that breaks out of the norm says this is my body, not owned by the stale." Lucy Lizz.ard. hooking agent for John Henry’s was pleased with the show. She said she enjoyed it and wants them to come back. The ritual wili lie taking place again with Sow Belly, and there are even plans to take it to Portland and San Francisco. If you are interested in this type of'perfor mance. be forewarned. Some members of the audience were clearly disturbed. One women had to retreat to the bathroom while the show was going on. ONSLAUGHT Continued from Page 8 A impressive barrage of stage per formance and sound j>mmiui * lion You may he till too familiar with the usual hag of tricks (sage burning, dancing and playing a shopping cart) that accompanies a description of Hitting Birth in print. Forget it. There is nothing you can road about this hand that will pre pare you for the sensual onslaught they provide. Hitting Birth has successfully managed to reach another level of rock music that barely legitimizes being categorized under that heading They blend tribal influences with primal instincts and a pounding sense of urgency and purpose to encour age you to break out of whatever jail you may happen to be held captive in Hitting birth is now. Everything you've read about here can be yours tonight at !) at the WOW Hall for the low price of Sti in advance or S7 at the door. Tickets are available at the EMU Main Desk. ERIC CLAPTON UNPLUGGED ALL USED CD'S 15% OFF REGULAR PRICE SALE NOW THROUGH SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1ST OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK W, I ITU 1 SENECA ▲ CDs ▲ Storage Units ▲ Carrying Cases A Blank tapes A And More Paarerful, (ayful, axubar eat. Eiperteaca this remarkable caatiaaat firsthand when 40 perfermert traai al|ht African tribes daft Eugene. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 SILVA HALL 7 PM 687 5000 ♦ 1 MU CONCERT! (MAMMY ftW/WP WlfiflilfiO lylTlovett h» Large Band Mon. Nov. 9th at 8pm Hult Center Tick its Availabia at tha Hutt Can tar Boi Offica or Chary by Phona: 1503) M7-5000 ♦ CIjOOoQ