(\efim Daily f-'mcraLfj \X efkly Muspm Tha Daddtea (rock) al Good 7 imes 9 30pm Stevie Zee (blues) al T aylors 9 30pm International Anl hem/Jamba y/G T Noah .rock) at John Henry s 10pm Hitting BlrtMMy Name/Three Day Stubble/DJ Lebowtti (ad rock) al the WOW Hal 9pm Saturday, October 31 Etouftee/Art Grooveaux (cajurvlunk) at Good Times 9 30pm Stevie Zee (blues) al Taylors 9 30pm Two Minutes Hata/Nervioue Chrlstlana/Susptrla/Factor Red (all root) al John Henry's 10pm Simpson’s Reef/Scallywags (al rock) al Nee Mans 10pm The Nlghtcrawlera w/ Henry Vesllne (blues) al Rick's Down Under 9 30pm Little Women/Renegade Saints/Aquarium Rescue Unit (rock) at the WOW Hall 7 30pm Curtis Salgado and the Stllettoe/No decay Band (bkievrock>at the E ugene HU on costume contest 8pm Monday, November 2 RootUr's Blu#t Jam at Good Timas 9 3(*>m MudwimmtrVA Dick Did (&n rock) al John tienry's 10pm Yanfra (al rock) at New Max s 10pm Tuesday, November 3 Unrest/Oswald FlveO (al rock) al John Henry s 10pm Cardiff Reefers (rock) al Good Times 9 30pm Intensity (al rock) al New Max s 10pm local Hero (acoustic) al Taylors 9pm Wednesday, November 4 Heather Perkins (acoustic) at OetiertS 8 30pm Jet Harris (rock) al Good Troes 9 3C*>m Greenhouse (rock) at John Henry's 10pm Perfect Alibl/Acidophytlus lalt rock) at New Mass 1 Cpm The Strangers (acousbc) al Taylors 9 30pm Thursday, November 5 Pels Ju)u (reggae funk) from Sara Crur. 8-woman band at the WOW Hak 8 30pm The Pat Travers Band (blues) at Good Tunes 9 30pm More Time (work! beat) al John Henry's 10pm Renegade Saints (rock) at Taylors 9 3t*>m The Undertakers (alt rock) al New Max s K}pm Visual Arts The Museum of Natural History exlitils 'Death and Fiesta Day of the Dead in Oaxaca. Mexico'(Ihiu Dec 23) Noon ■ 5 pm Wed ■ Sun 1680 E IMhAve The laVerne Krause Retrospective shows Oct 36-Jan 3 al the DO Museum ol Art 1430 Johnson Lane Maude Kerns Art Center’s 'Oregon Made lor Interiors' Fourth Biennial exist* features the art work ol 10 UnMersity students, among others Furmure as art Is the theme Also. Club Mod ties ceramics on display Jam bay la harm from Saattla to /am tha houaa with jazzy prograaalva rock at tha Baar Gordan tonight In tha EMU. r'huto by t *rt**on One participant In Saturday's ritualistic festivities cut himself with a razor blade Piercing Rituals Story by Carrie Fenelon People who squirm at the sight of blood, of feel pain wall long their ring gut a shot, were not among the partic ipants at Saturday's Industrial break Show The ‘‘freak show,” which took place at John Henry's, was part of a bill that included headliners Sow Belly, a Eugene band, Bill, from Seattle, and Rhythm Collision, from Los Angeles Sow Belly performed their regular set, then provid ed background music for the show that followed. The show involved ritual self-mutila tion, whippings and piercings Participant Marcus Dravius said he'd rather not he known as a freak. "breaks are a weird abnormality of nature." Dravius said. "It was called that heduuse it had to be added to the poster at the last minute.'' Shayno Dunbar, who was responsible for pulling the group together, said the show should be called an Industrial Strength Ritual. ‘‘It wasn't a performance, it was a life changing ritual That is why we chose |[u* wo Dunbar said The ritual began with .1 procession ted hy Dravius. who carried an incense burn er filled with frankun ense and myrrh A robed woman carried a five-tiered cande labra. She was followed by men covered only by loincloths and tight cloth around their waists Darbies* fish hooks pierced the men's skin and oranges were attached to fishline Once Sow Holly began playing, the men danced until the oranges fell off. The purpose of this dance is to reach an ecstatii slate through pain It is called a ball dance and there are many other forms it can take, including sewing silver halls lightly to the skin or using weights When the dance ended. Dravius spread a cloth on the stage and liegan doing cut tings on his side with a ra/nr blade While he cut his skin, a cross was erect ed and another participant was chained to the cross After Dravius finished the cuttings, Dunbar began whipping the man til’d to the cross The whippings were not done in order to hurt the man, hut instead to use pain to help him reach another state of mind Dunbar caressed the man's back and con tinued to rub his back and talk to him I Photo f •rwrtof' Krlaten Trowbridge waa handcuffed to a chair and pierced with long needtea (luring thu whipping-. Thu fin.il event of Ihn night w.is the rit ual piercings Kristen Trowbridge was handcuffed in a chair with her hands at her sides Dunbar brought mil n lung, thin stainless stm*I needles and began piercing her eyes, chest and the side of her neck The needles were left ill fur only a few minutes and then were quickly drawn out Trowbridge showed some signs of I min. but when she was released from the cuffs she and Dunbar embraced and kissed All of the participants then came together backstage to embrace and con gratulate each other "It was a bonding, strong moment." Trowbridge said. "It involves tons of trust and giving " Although pain was involved in the show, Dravius explained that should not D- seen as the only purpose of the ritual "It's more than what we're doing. It's what we re producing In my eyes I’m trying to pul myself in a different place and reality But I'm not an escapist. I'm not escaping reality, just trying to see what's out there." Turn to RITUALS, Page 10 A Taking in the Latest - Night and tha City TwantMth Century fot Rated R e u> At the end of \'i%ht and the City . screen credit is given to Jules Dassin. the director of the 1950 version of this film But the dedication should have been to Martin Scorsese, director of King of Comedy, the film that really inspired this movie. Robert DeNiro plays Harry Fabian, a shyster lawyer who can’t ever win. His clientele ts made up of bookers, degener ates and innocent people he meets simply in order to han dle law suits that shouldn't even be filed. He’s not even an ambulance chaser. He con vinces someone that an acci dent occurred and leaves his card. MOVIES He likes to brag about the number of cases he's handled The truth is, he either loses or wins in settlements defen dants suggest in order to get Fabian off their hack His latest scheme is to go head-to-head with a ruthless boxing promoter and make tons of money letting fighters who never get to fight step into the ring. A completely gratuitous subplot involves Harry's tor rid affair with his friend's wife, played by (essica Lange in a meatless role. Much has been said by crit ics recently decrying DeNiro's performance as derivative of his other work Specifically. Rupert Pupkin in The King of Review by Lucas J. Gutman Comedy. That's not the real fault of M/g/if unit the City. The problem is that the entire film is a rip-off of that vastly superior version of basically the same story The last line in The king of Comedy is Pupkin saying. "I figure it's better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime," This entire film is concerned with chronicling Fabian’s escape from schrnuck-dom The problem is, we don’t care much at all whether he succeeds or not It's obvious he's going to fail and we don’t root for him to win Wo don't won havo a clear understand ing as to why ho suddenly wants to make something of himself The I’upkin/Fnbian compar isons run deep. When Pabian is pitching .in idea, it's remi niscent of I’upkin. as is his manic behavior Ho even has the same sort of star-struck quality as I’upkin. which is in evidence when he meets Regis I’hilbin in a restaurant Well, nothing kills the atmos phere of a noir film faster than Kogis I’hilbin What really upset me in this movie was Fabian's rela tionship with his friend's Turn to MOVIES, Page 11A