Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1992, Page 6A, Image 6

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"There arc few people in Oregon polilm I
admire more Ihan Tome Nailian She ha*
the courage to address issues dial others
would like to sweep under the rug "
Jack Robert*. chairman,
I .me County ( 'oimims loners
Elect Tonic Nathan
Slate Senator
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Fauvre considered long-shot
By Daralyn Trappe
Imerald Associate Editor
A Democrat who has represented District Ml for
six years and a l.llxirtarian who's not easily dis
couraged are the two candidates vying for the dis
trict's seat in the Oregon State House of Represen
Incumbent Jim lidmundson, an attorney, is up
against Hof) i'auvre, who was also his opponent in
I'auvre first entered the Oregon political
fray in 10HH when he unsuccessfully challenged
Democrat Grattan Kerans, the state senator from
District 20.
I’auvre. chairman of Lane County's Libertarian
Parly, is considered a long-shot to unseat lid
mundson. but he said his lime spent campaigning
is not wasted, no matter what tint outcome
"Libertarians have a gnuit deal of difficulty get
ting their message out. so these campaigns serve
cs. but what about when they lose their jobs7"
' Fauvre said he believes property taxes should
not increase to make up for lost revenue, but that
increasing the tax base would be the answer. That
could be accomplished, he said, bv allowing the
responsible development of land that is now off
“I want to get more more out of property taxes
by increasing the property tax base,” i'auvre said
"jf we allow responsible development on some
land now being set aside, there be will less taxes
paid per person, but more overall The current
system violates personal property rights "
Edmundson said he will continue to advocate
for a state health can- system that would build on
what's ix*en done in the House during the past
two years
Fauvre supports the Libertarian-backed plan
that involves a "loan pool." In this system, indi
viduals would contribute to a low-interest fund
as an educational
tool," Fauvre said.
The message is get
ling out widely, liut
we're not getting cred
it for it."
Fauvro said hr ad
heres to the l.tlKirturi
an Party platform,
whoso mam tenet is
that i n d i v i il u a I s
should have the right
In live their lives as
‘Libertarians have a great deal
of difficulty getting their
message out, so these
campaigns serve as an
educational tool/
— Bob Fauvre,
District 39 candidate
t I U HI VY II I v, 11
could take loans for
medical needs. The
amount paid back
would d e p o n d o n
each person’s finan
cial means.
The "loan pool”
would be funded by
private investments
and a small percent
age fee from health
care providers.
they want no long .is they respect the rights of
That freedom includes access to non-illegal
drugs and a responsibility to keep the environ
ment < lean, he said
Although Kdmundson and Kauvre agree that tax
reform and a c hange in the health care system
will lx- top priorities, they have different plans lor
approaching those problems
luimundson said voters still need to be present
ed with a tax reform plan He said be also favors
an increase in user fees, suc h as the cost ol stay
ing in state- parks
Tim importance of keeping the University vi
able through adequate funding is very important,
luimundson said
"Tuition's up, and it's worth it," he said "But
at what point does it Ix-come too expensive and
people are getting too little from U of ()? It could
get to the point where it's no longer a gocxl deal
And the loss would is* great in terms of jobs, also
People are so concerned about their property tax
lidmundson, who has Ixien on me House judi
ciary Commi11ms for two terms, said another pri
ori ty is changing the statewide court system to
help this ptxir.
Edmondson points out that currently, judges
hear cases ol all kinds. He said he would like to
seif a system where judges hear only certain kinds
of cases, such as employment or domestic dis
"If this change were to happen, judges would
no longer see three-piece suits, hut the issues,"
lidmundson said "(People) would see a judge
who better relates to their life."
Fauvro said he is often asked what he could do
it he were the sole Libertarian In Congress His re
sponse is that he would do what Libertarian pres
idential candidate Andre Marrou did as the sole
Libertarian in the Alaskan Legislature
"I would he the moral conscience id the
House," Fauvre said "I want to protect as much
freedom as possible and help allow people to fol
low their own happiness "
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