hs± t)\NCV 1 loThc l Top^L Paint them here Costume Contest P " ■ —» w nirn—>■ ^ ISt (Prize — gift certificate i 3tl3 [Pi IZC — ^)25 gift certificate 3ref *Pl ize X 13 gift certificate Jth ‘Prize — Case of Pepsi 5til ‘Prize — Halloween Candy l'(>in,' in i'v h t li.' f'lu'tihflilf'lt l/iUU ii’.'tlU'li '/ ill 11/ /’Ih’t,’.' ill.'f'ltll/iil III i’ll’ i ix i I*: r.Au oo\s: i ki:i; I'Ai'i: pain i 1 \<. TRADITION ( onlinuci) (ruin Page ‘'H pull a lever behind the counter and watch the people shriek then recover trom shock and embarrassment (So much (or asking whether or not Halloween had any profound effeci on us1) Whether its searching through a muddy pumpkin patch, carving a ripe pumpkin, raiding the neighbor s candy dish or dressing up like Captain Cave man. almost everyone holds some degree o( spirit within themselves to celebrate the oc casion It however, you are in the in-between stages ot being an adult and a child, then per haps this notion does not hold true "The traditional Halloween was fun when I was a litlle kid, but now it has turned into an ex cuse to party for most of my friends, said junior Patty Len; The meaning of it just isn t there until you have children of your own A midterm in Mass Media Law will take precedence over Halloween this year for Patty, and perhaps for many other stu dents What we see of Halloween to day has virtually little sigmfi cartce to the meaning it once held One begins to wonder whether Oct 31 will become just another day on the calendar, or if the modern Halloween tradi tions we see today will linger on for generations to come Only time will tell l.t>ri Ann Hi tlinc.ski All You Can Eat •urm sm iai • Grrat littf « Fint <*( >*• U* • >44 ViJI i MAodi C Kj« K. *wt .> KV • THRILLER Continued from Page 9B tint* class. Hara It is. One of the bast horror movies aver made. Plain and simple. So simple that every director and his or her agent seems to think k can be suitably dupli cated. It can't. Give it up. Hitchcock is dead. But we can watch his movies. Do so. 4: Tha Company of Wobaa. As much an exercise in set design as anything, this updating of Uttb Rad Riding Hood as a metaphor lor a girl's coming of age is shock ing, violent and beautiful. Don't bother reading the box. h sells the movie completely short as a Howling rip-off. It's nothing of the sort. 3: Tha Howling: Well, speak of the devil. Joe Dan te's werewolf story is funny, bloody and has an amazing amount of believability to it. It should be seen. Its five (so far) sequels should not. 2: Honor of Oracular. Real ly you can substitute most any Hammer House movie here. It was a production company based in England that from the 1950s to the 1970s created some of the best gothic horror ever. Much of it is not available on video, but the ones that are certainly are worth seeking out. Chris topher Lee was the stock ac tor in most of them. i. i nw wytn mmwi* » know it’s an odd choice, but it's a personal favorite. The TV movie that led to the Kol chak: Tha Night Stalker se ries. It's kind of a spooky mi* of Colombo with monster movies. It’s atmospheric, flawlessly acted and some of the wittiest scripting ever on television. This pitot movie is available on video and many people have not had the pleasure of seeing it. -Lucas J. Gutman You cart find stamps & envelopes at the UO Bookstore. SAM’S ON CAMPUS sandwiches We Bake Our Bread Fresh Daily FREE DELIVERY 50e OFF sm. sandwich - 1/2 foot •xp.11/m2 75' OFF mad. sandwich 3/4 foot axp. 11/13/92 *1®0FF family size 2 foot exp. 11/13/92 804 £. 12th comer of 12th 81 Alder 343-1141