ORIGIN Continued from Page 7B the Druids built massive bonfires on the hilltops ol Europe They danced and sang around the (ires in grotesque masks dashing frantically through the flames to hide from evil spirits The intense frenzy increased as the night wore on and reports of mysterious disappearances and unexplained happening filled Hallow's Eve with ever more fear The bonfires were not always enough to save these ancient tubes from the hands of evil For high above the full harvest moon lurked vicious witches who swooped down on their broom sticks to collect unsuspecting victims for the Lord o! Death The witches '.old their prey to the Lord of Death who devoured their entrails and made their bones into bagpipes The ancient observance of Halloween also presented anoth er element of dread Druid priests had the power to foretell events of the coming year But these fortunes could have dead ly results The priests carefully cut am mals open and from its entrails could read the future of the own er, If the bleeding animals did not live through the night howev er, the owner would not live to see the next Hallow's Eve It is easy to understand where the spirit of Halloween contracted its spooky supernatu ral elements Vet our modern Halloween is certainly much more calming on the nerves • Jenny Carey One-year-old Madeline Hoehmer totes an pumpkins she picked with her family ftv In by Kmt Ftguyvn oversized load ot PUMPKINS ('onimual I rum I Ml most ol the fun, sad Hugh Caldw.- ■ who brought his sons M.iw two, and Lucas, throe months Mason was very, very excited Caldwell ad, wh >e videotaping Mason riding on a cart filled with pumpkins Two year old Joshua Howard was lumping up and down awaiting the trip, his mother Kathryn sad When we were coming here in the car, he kept saying We re go mg to get a pumpkin' We re going to get a pumpkin' Thats pretty good for being only two, she said But it's not just the kds who look forward to the occasion Adults such as Susan Brarell, who has come to Determg Orchards many, many times,'' brought her mother m law from Florida to share the fun at the pumpkin patch And Davis, who has come to the pumpkin patch for the past nine years, has enjoyed her family's traditional event as much as her chil dren have When I was little we just got our pumpkins at a grocery store Davis sad ‘ So this is really special i/2 0FF Cover Charge Coupon LOLLIPOPS (Jiggles Junior) Totally Nude Dancers 2175 West 11th Next door to Jiggles Open at 5:00 p m daily ’ pet pffv n I8yi>af‘. ana older to get tn t xpires 31 L * 1 HOME DELIVERY 343-4734 Hours: Fri & Sat 4pm - Midnight Sun - Thurs 4pm • 10 pm The finest Chinese food home delivered. Fresh cooked hot and tasty from the Kowloon kitchen to your home, dorm, or office. 2222 Centennial Blvd. Eugene. Or took for out Menus on Compus S CXick Buck coupons (Prestige car wash Dusty Duck Special $o 00 off ( WASH WithTukpt Stub From Any U ofO Fighting Ducks Football (lame O ‘Lyestige 3570 W. 11th ....... Atrovs from CAR WASH Safeway/Shopko Glasses/Contacts/Exams Complete lab on premises tor fast service rainbow optics 343-5555 1740 West lHth lust west of Chambers 343-3333 766 E. 13th Av e. One block from 1. of O Hours M I Vjm4>pm Sit s.im spin * SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 1 ft 95.3 THE KAVE WELCOME COL. BRUCE HAMPTON »i mum mi inn NEWS 111 TIIaW OME N THE RENEGADE SAINTS HALLOWEEN WOW HALL AN EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRODUCTION TICKETS 110 UO 111 Of AT EMU MAIN DESK. CD WORLD. FACE THE MUSIC. HAffT TRAILS (EUGENE * CORVALLIS) HOUSE OP RECORDS RECORD OAR DEN SHOW STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8:00 P.M.