Si BOO-QUETS $5.99 ) Htfwtr fun in a rate .. /nr haikfwrrn ! I 'mi lts ,\si) <.,i| js nr ►. i Vk o, rmi • us im .Jl 5IIVTPSTAP vioeo CWeV SHOWS $1.00 incuiiMriQ rirw wurAsr-a fU p4rrji Nov 7. 1992 1888 FrankJin Btvd. * 344-2691 * r\ __/ / °*k/ Bolle' ey y AND MORE... HO D69 "REFLECTION IS OUR BUSINESS" One of the Largest Selections in the Northwest 524 Valley River Center *45 l)417 ® EUGW5 HILTON AVAHAGl? AT FAST1YV ?UU?n ^ ■■ « ■> i me tm t^i | SI2.QQ DOS Ysir^iTfii M 1 1 Rtporttn Hoieboc* Halloween is here and the time has come to start limbering up those legs We re not as young as we used to be, but that is no ex cuse tor yielding a smaller candy count And don't pre tend you don't know what I am talking about Yes, I am talking about the best holiday tradition known jo the people ot the modern world THICK OH TREATING' And no, you are not too old to participate No one is ever too old to lake advantage of something that is offered for free, no charge, no down payment, no initiation fee, no deals Just plain and simply TREE And this is not just any old some thing for free This is the most valuable of all vatu able objects offered for tree OH YEAH, CANDY. FREE CANDY And no you are never too old for candy Since ancient times, great mind» have often ar gued the inherent value of candy They understand a human s internal quest for something so insatia ble rt can only be placated by sweets Yet somewhere along the lines candy lost its in herent value because a few ignorant adult" folks continued to insist that we are too old for tnck-or treatmg and thus too old for candy These folks have gone astray in life and have somehow misled an entire generation of would-be Trick or Treaters Well, the time has come to stand up and fight for your right to go trick or treeeeaaaimg To help maximize your candy count I have de vised an official candy collecting strategy for the se rious Trick-or Treater For starters, do you have one ot those cute lithe plastic pumpkins with a ban die on it7 Get rid ot it A 40 gallon, 2 ply hefty bag is a must. Keep in mind, time is candy To minimize time wastage, plot your potential path early When choosing your targe! area ask yourselt these questions Does the area have treacherous terrain, i e large hills, barriers between houses, haz ardous lawn fixtures9 (Trip on a sprinkler head and your out tor the night ) Or is the area relatively flat wrth homes set close together, fence free9 Once you have found a neighborhood with maxi mum yield, you're set Begin your quest at dusk Now to fill these bags youve got to execute the fundamontals of trick or treating with an undying dedication To avoid doorbell delay scream trick or treat when your approaching the porch so they'll hear you and have the candy ready as you reach the door Conversing with home owners is highly discour aged Remember, you're on a lime schedule And a word about dressing-up Costumes, smostumes Its the candy you're after tlaborate costumes are sure to slow you down, so just hack up a bed sheet, align the eye holes properly, and make sure your running shoes are tied. (It would be a pity to trip and spill your candy.) However, candy spillage is nothing compared to the devastating effects of an apple To avoid those so called healthy treats," it is a good idea to put your biggest candy bar on the top of your bag. They'll think this is the norm and give you the same In the event that somebody does give you an ap ple. explain politely that in this day and age you cannot trust unpackaged goods from a stranger and could you perhaps redeem this for a Reeses Pea nut Butter Cup and some Skittles9 So now that you understand the fundamentals of trek or tiealiny and the laws of maximizing your candy yield, I wish the best of luck in your Hallow eon endeavors Jenny ('arey YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR HALLOWEEN < PARTY y Friday and Saturday Come su\* our amazing display oj very UNUSUAL FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS All' ireolioot" *rc original by uui suit BE A JUDGE Ht4f> « tmumr tfw f»»l cttlwmt [ms ^ REFRESHMENT fiii rtlrr. ruuhn fiafiuri PRIZES < ufc* AartW [4tir\t* %tnts JlovJtr !Homt w T h» Untvftrsiy F k>nsl 610 E. 13th t Pilltnon • 485-3655 • drive-in parking *5 EXCELSIOR CAFE *|j BAR OPEN 11:30 A.M. TIL MIDNIGHT Our bar is now non-smoking LUNCH 11:30-2:30 M-F DINNER Seven nights a week light meals, coffee, desserts, & drinks 342-6963 754 E. 13th Ave. MONSTER TEST EROM mi We will help you prepare for theMCAT. Call 345-4420 KAPLAN Thtt answer to the test cjue»Uon