f \ Oregon Daily Emerald f you're ready to warp, catch the campy, trashy movie that is usually shown at midnight and has acquired a devot ed group of follow ers who dress up as characters in the film and act it out. houls, goblins, and ... Richard Nixon? No, this list is not an asso ciation game, it is merely a sampling of the hundreds of masks available to party-goers this Halloween. etter get your vocal chords in shape and prepare to scream. The zombies, witches and gob lins at a local haunted house are prepared to spook visitors in more ways than one. 4 hildren are begin ning their annual search for that “perfect pumpkin," the largest candy holding pillowcase in the house and the wildest outfit to scare the neigh bors. f you came home last year with rot-your teeth-in-a-mat ter-of-mmutes candy, you might want to check out the top-ten Halloween movies guaranteed to scare even the faint of heart.