Oregon Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS Charm ’o ^y 11R4* f Of TCC + i wa* cJy 4 l Ova A '« Amy LKJf NNIf f H C IK T **«> * »•*>■ *\«s rnx* cn-.,*e you're she ••' ** !hju * ■’ VatiU ix« ah'* *"■ •'w fii *ao* «r--3t far a* I teem# ?■* b**f >' * -«r.3v V VBS _ 10S PERSONALS Bruce. Happy *> year* I love ytx. '^Ar> over «i£> j «*>• "« . D«*« * grOv/nd T#rr~ .. w ON CAMPUS' it $ TYPING SERVICES JO T m( TYPING PMO WoPd •%»» o- *■'■$ ?y. ^ T *•••» OwMrtaliorti on l .t M3-WM.iYw« Poggy • Typing Sorvtco I i ,m*' «» v ml ly ' o^o^ng tOKv cm Or lf*M tVtp -«k A',n1 -*’•» rv - :**f IUk,vwv'^»rv« AI in MONII 1‘HIM y.VMM. hau« *«» \» ihh» «rTMn«>u nmi j CaH P#ggy •« U7-4M 344-4510 605 F 13th i IS TYPMG SERVICES f l VINO f ING4 MS typing *#r*ic* f Ul. KCUfllf p#ot*ft»aon«l >«••< f 1 OOp«g« K*> 4«4 00u Probation*! typing *»'. »• I .** I I ‘tt'Vf1; Min* '‘-V « >44 (U l PflOFtS5K>NAl TYPING Aino * Oftl p* {*.»■** -.J ml ' ’-j l <**> * ;-4 >Jo »*»-> MwtU HIS '(*».' .»l 3»*rf -O'. l l 4H4 0041) ir-w-ww ■ ■ Printed text to computer filei 3170 M4. #j Hi TYPING SERVICES I mi woho smc«Aits rs W ' !’• ■■ *»• % •'$ A V*>- f ' '• 'Q •W. ■ '• '%(>.%'*>''■ '«)*, A CINOY 4*4 V4S4 TYPING UNLIMITED H«ftv«ra l 4ixl 4N *> 1 U ) *>-» ng UO A'tM 'v » ' -w 125 WST RUCTION HortalMck Hiding Instruction Dy n i ;vr>'«: •- *» 8 ‘ «■) f«M> f >•»' t MQ&w't ■advisor', ixyu (Mam ,j ci> . ■g Baity ‘>40 t no FOR SALE MSC. Go* Ch*y IU- Mo )A \-.y A »! i’rt '"*» Wv.XXte» I «♦ '**' K ' fiiimuiim ■» 1 *»'.•. . *; •*» l <»• 1 *> %. *' ’ •»•.* ' -r (U'tklM f»f*n#t Guttvanaan f»*r>o > *1 ' y*«Mf h . V V- >*> * APpO •'**■ UK) . .t 4rtS Vi#£* or 144 ’ ‘*«U Buy. uli. trad*, cloth#* clothaa. cloth** blah blah Nah Th# Clothaa Moraa. ?2Q t 13th "The burden of paying Trojan's heavy decommissioning costs should be paid by PGE's shareholders, not by ratepayers who have already paid too much for PGE’s reckless nuclear venture. The Trojan nuclear power plant should be closed this year! Allowing this costly nuclear lemon to run for four more years will only generate more radioactive waste and pose a continued safety hazard. PGE's desperate effort to delay should be rejected. Ralph Nader Consumer Advocate The sooner this atomic power plant is closed, the sooner Oregon can move on to a sustainable energy future." -•Ralph Nader Vote YES on 6 Authorized and Paid tor by the Do It Yourself Committee. 1K41 N.W. 23rd Ave , Portland, OR 97210 (503)221-3080