Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1992, Page 11A, Image 10

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Continued from Page 9 A
Palma said.
In Huanta, Peru, the celebration of "The
Day of the Dead" as described by Carlos
Castro, has many of the basic elements of
the celebration in the other countries. They
pay tribute by going to the cemetery, pray
ing and leaving flowers When they have
finishisl. outside the cemetery a few blocks
away they eat "gtiaguas de pan" and drink
"chicha.” (’.astro said the drink is prepared
early and allowed to ferment He compared
it to a bitter tasting apple cider People lis
ten to traditional harp and flute music
played by musicians The music has a sad
quality to it.
In some countries, the "The Day of the
Dead" is disappearing Marcela Leal, who is
from Bogata. Columbia, explained that the
tradition was very common up until a few
years ago. She says the disappearance is in
large part due to the fact that it was realized
that there were too many holidays Lea!
believes the practice is more common in
smaller towns which tend to he more reli
There are definite similarities in the ways
that "The Day of the Dead" is celebrated m
each of the countries described above The
traditions that persist today are a mixture of
both indigenous and Spanish cultures
Susan Deerbom Jackson said then? are sev
eral elements are common to both cultures
"Both cultures contain strong cults of the
dead, a transitory view of life, traditions of
leaving offerings at graves, the making of
special bread such as the pan de muertos
and a strong fascination with the sviiiImiI of
the skull." she said
The fact that Halloween falls at approxi
mately the same time as "The Day of the
Dead" is not a complete coincidence
lacksun said such pagan rituals as the
European "All Hallows Eve" and (ieltic
"Namham" fall at the same time because
they mark the harvest tune
Continued from Page 7 A
wife, Helen. There's no reason
at all why she should he attract
ed to him and no indication that
he would he a good catch. Is
there a prerequisite that all
Hollywood movies must feature
a love interest for the main
character? In this case, it’s a big
pimple on an already pock
marked movie.
The film is directed by Irwin
Winkler He’s been a longtime
producer and associate of both
Martin ScotMH and Robert
DeNiro. Hi* directorial debut
was Guilty By Suspicion, a dry
as melba toast depiction of red
baiting anti blacklisting in
Hollywood in the i;>SOs. That
also starred DeNiro in a fairly
forgettable role.
Perhaps part of what makes
DeNiro so good is the calibre of
directors he gets to work with
Winkler tries Ins darndest to
imitate Scorsese's style and teel.
from the random insertion of
50s and tiOs rock songs to an
always fluid camera. But there’s
more to being Scorsese than stir
Oct 2$, 29
On SUNDAY, NOV. 8 (last name A L)
and MONDAY, NOV. 9 (M-Z)
in the Robinson Theatre. Villard Hall
for three UO Productions.
ON THE VERGE by Eric Overmeyer
A surrealistic comedy about three Victorian
women who Journey through time and end up In
the I950's. By considering whether the women
will move on or settle down, the play touches on
such topics as finding a place
where one fits In and exploring one's potential
Directed by Amy Sarno.
Needed are 3 women and 1 man
T BONE N WEASEL by Jon Klein
An extremely funny and poignant story' ol two
ex convicts, one of whom Is black. They
travel around the south In search of
security, happiness and a sense of future,
and are repeatedly confronted by prejudice.
Directed by Dr. Grant McKernle.
Needed are 3 men. genuine,
with strong comic timing
A fusion theatre work Inspired by the
traditional theatre of Ball featuring music by Prof.
Robert Kyr and The Pacific Rim Gamelan
Orchestra. Lovers, demons, spirits, monkeys and
other fantastic creatures participate In the ritual
magic. Conceived and directed by
Prof. Janet Desculner (Dance)
and Prof. Jerry Williams (Theatre Arts).
Needed are approximately 20 performers with
strong movement skills.
For more information, call 346-4171 ^
fact* stylistic, quali
There is an effort
in Sight anti thr
Citv to achieve a
feeling of vibranco
and motion ll is
successful on that
level The support
ing performances
are. for the most
Dart, hie h qua 111 \ .
Jet tic a Lange and Robert OeNiro atar In the
drama Night and tha City.
nut often unnecessary I'here is
a tnl of character pollution here
Once a.>{ain. Winkler has tried
hard but mostly failed in his
attempt to duplicate a film
.Scorsese might have made.
What could have been interest
ing and should have been fasci
Dating is instead dull and unin
F ram*» pJu* loam cor* tulon
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