Forest Service being kept mum WASHINGTON (AIM — Tho Bush administration Is trying to “gag" U S Forost Service workers who want to sound off against logging national forests, an nm ployee advocacy group and two congressmen charges) Wednes day. But a Forest Service spokes man said the critics have misin terpreted a recent agency memo that he said applies only to offi cial on-duty comments from workers, not personal criticism after hours “They are reading more into it than is intended." spokesman Denver James said The Association of Forost Service Employees for Environ mental Ethics provided The As sociated Press with a copy of an Oct. 8 memo barring service employees from talking to the national news media without prior approval from top-lovol administrators "Even whetfl the contact is by telephone or Incidental — such as to check facts or obtain further Information — we must notify the department immedi ately," said j. Lamar Beasley, deputy chief of administration for the Agriculture Department, which oversees the Forest Ser vice. "This policy is vital to avoid ing surprises in the media, and to enable coordination of in quiries and stories thut may ap pear nationally," he wrote in the memo to regional foresters, and station and area directors. Joff DoBonls. a former Forest Service timber planner who founded the employers advoca cy group in 1H89, accused the agency of trying to intimidate workers critical of government mismanagement and environ mental damage on forests. Broadcasts by CBS News and CNN about the Northwest's old-growth forests this summer included interviews with cur rent Forest Service employees voicing such concerns. "Once again, agency officials are trying to harass individuals who an’ simply exercising their First Amendment rights,*’ DeBonis said Wednesday from Eugene. Two congressmen from the Pacific Northwest. Peter L)o Fa/.io, D-Springfiold. and Jolone Unsoeld, D-Wash . both de scribed the Forest .Service’s po sition on media interviews as "outrageous." “We aren't talking about con Ddential. secret, classified in formation We are talking about day-to-day information on the Forest Service," DeF'a/.io said "They are suppressing their employees — politically ma nipulating them with a few hacks up on top " "What is i! they are trying to hide from us? What is it they are trying to keep from being embarrassed about?” Unsoeld suid. Riot-related suits filed against la LOS ANGELES (AP) — As many as 2.5(H) peo ple who say they were Injured or had properly damaged in (he riots this spring have filed claims against the city ahead of a Thursday deadline Damago claims, routinely rejected by the city, ensure claimants will have the right to file law suits. They must bo Hied within six months of the loss. One claimant was Reginald Denny, a truck driver whose boating became one of the indelible images of the riots that erupted April 2D after four white police officers were acquitted in the video taped boating of black motorist Rodney King Denny's claim, filed Tuesday, is a first step to ward a multimillion-dollar lawsuit, said his law yer, Eric Porter. Some z.300 to 2,500 riot-related claims were submitted — all but about 20 in the past throe days, said Steve Peters, a spokesman for City At torney James Hahn. "As wo see them now. they ‘As we see them now, they are going to be rejected’ Steve Peters, / A spokesman are going to be rejected." he said Claims ranged from $100 for laundry missing or destroyed from a dry cleaner to jewelry stolon in vandalized pawn shops und Inventory losses amounting to thousands of dollars Hahn's office contends the city and Its officials am Immune from any liability resulting from the riots, basing that conclusion on a 1909 court nil ing that barred claims from the Watts riots But Robin Toma of the American Civil Liberties Union said that ruling doesn't apply to claims arising out of racial discrimination Campaign nuggets "These folks have got a right to nils*' their signs and pro test, but let our friends hear us. OK?” — Pat Buchanan, who was heckled at a pro-Bush appearance. "You know what's happening? Those guys fool it slipping away from them. I feel sorry for them Believe nut, we are go ing to win " - President Bush ! HALLOWEEN | I FIESTA < Wear your best costume and join ‘ Jos'-ftaez tor a I lalloween Fiesta. Celebrate with our < great Mexican h hh.1 . and the live music \ ot Portland's Conjunto J Alegre i hi. Oct. 30, 10pm nl 2am i $5 Giver Charge * The Best Disguise , Wins A Prize! fJos tyaez j lexicanRcitaunint an»l lininge Mexican 1 85 Oakway Gaiter 083-5889 4 AUDITIONS WILL BE HELD On SUNDAY. NOV. 8 (last name A L) and MONDAY. NOV. 9 (M-Z) in the Robinson Theatre. Villard I kill for three UO Productions. ON THE VERGE by Eric Overmeyer A surrealistic comedy about three Victorian women who Journey through time and end up In the 1950 s. By considering whether the women will move on or settle down, the play touches on such topics as finding a place where one fits In and exploring one's potential Directed by Amy Sarno. Needed are 3 women and 1 man. T BONE N WEASEL by Jon Klein An extremely funny and poignant story of two ex convicts, one of whom Is black They travel around the south In search ol security, happiness and a sense of future, and are repeatedly confronted by prejudice. Directed by Dr. Grant McKernle Needed are 3 men, genuine, with strong comic timing. CHIMERE A fusion theatre work Inspired by the traditional theatre of Ball featuring music by Prof. Robert Kyr and The Paclllc Rim Gamelan Orchestra. Lovers, demons, spirits, monkeys and other fantastic creatures participate In the ritual magic. Conceived and directed by Prof. Janet Descutner (Dance) arid Prof Jerry Williams (Theatre Arts) Needed are approximately 20 performers with strong movement skills. For more information, call 346-4171 ANDY GARCIA UMA 'THURMAN On the trail of a serial killer Detective John Berlin has no dues no suspects And no alibi NOVEMBER