r10%OFF"ANYTHING! AT LAZAR’S BAZAR IN THE STORE Regular or I I DR MARTENS VANS CONVERSE 57 W. Broadway and 957 WHlomette Downtown Mall POSTERS I VISION I LA GEAR * Attention Urban Athletes! I Full Service In-line Skate Store • REVEALS * REPAIRS ♦ LESSONS * SALES 720 E. I 3th Kagrae, OR ttiucutnu/ him mi 683-3516 $.j 00 OFFd Foot long Sub CA0 -1 • FREE DELIVERY | .1225 ALDER v 345-2434 ■ i SUBSHOP 12/26/92 Half Sub 9 HOLES $6 SlucJ*rt SpKKl «#cun*ot UO 18 HOLES > Speed* »rcutt»Rt DO 10 ... 484-1927 &£ Oakway OF EUGENE ouu £ courts* 2000 CAL YOUNG R0 4 'Guido's Kitchen Open til Midnight • Burgers • Nachos • Appetizers 11am - Midnight daily Guido's Rastiunit A Nioht Club Open 7 Days With Daily & Nightly Specials Dancing Every Night POLICE BEAT The following incidents were reported to the Office of Public Safety and the Eugene police de partment from Oct. 20-27. • A University student reported a burglary of an apartment on Oct. 22. A CD player, SO CDs, a remote control and two Jackets wore taken when someone crawled through a bedroom window of the student's apartment on the 1000 block of Al der Street The missing Items are valued at $1,634 • A University student reported a criminal tres pass on Oct 23 after two men camo Into her apartment on the 400 block of East 12th Avenue The two suspects took a key ring and a five pound pumpkin from the apartment, but loft both the items outside the front door. The woman said she woko up and found the men in her apartment. She said the men appeared to be intoxicated Ac cording to police reports, the men were in their 30s or 40s and were wearing several layers of dark clothing. • The University reported u theft of about $500 In change from parking motors between the 1300 and 1500 blocks of Kincaid Street on Oct. 23. • A University student was cited for false swearing on Oct 23 when he gave false informa tion about where a keg was going to be con sumed. Tire police seized the keg after finding It on the 700 block of East 16lh Avenue. • Two Unlvorslty students wore arrested for their roles in a party on tho 1800 block of High Street on Oct 23 One student was arrestod for furnishing alcohol to minors and the other was arrestod for false swearing Tho first student was arrested tho night of the party when police, who were responding to a noise disturbance, checked the identification of some students at the party Police determined that minors were being served. according to police reports The student arrested for furnishing alcohol claimed the five kegs were his and that he had bought them In California. Police reports said tho police determined the kegs were purchased in Or egon and that the identification tags had been re moved from thorn. The police seized the kegs. The second student, who actually purchased the kegs in Eugene, turned himself In on Oct. 25. according to pollco records. He was arrested and charged with false swearing because he had given false Information about where the kegs were go ing to be consumed. • A 2 2-year-old man was arrested for the thefl of a car stereo and 12 frisbees on Oct 26. Accord ing to police reports, tho man is accused of steal ing the items from a man ho had boon out drink ing with. The victim, a 21-year-old man. said he and the suspect went to Taylor’s Collego Side Inn on Oct. 24. whore they both got Intoxicated, according to police reports. Tho suspect stole tho items aftor the two returned to the victim's home. Tho victim woke up and found his car broken into and his stereo and frisbees removed. The victim found the suspect on Oct. 25 und confronted him about tho theft. According to po lice reports, tho victim said tho suspect claimed that ho sold tho stereo and the frisbees and that ho would reimburse tho victim. Tho victim said he accepted the proposal. The two then wont out drinking again the night of Oct. 25 and returned to the victim's house af terwards The victim called the police aftor he woke up and found that the suspect had loft the house without paying tho victim, according to po licu reports. ET ALS MEETINGS federation for Ike Ad vancement of limwnadM Ttkow^»l will have a mooting from 11 *o a m to mm today In Room Will in Own Utw achooi (.rw4« AgAiMl lap* wilt have a genera) mooting tonight at 7 in EMU <**der Room K. or dial the render board for lha l are 8 on StudoNli lor United Natfcma will have a genera! mooting today n 5 pm in lha EMI riming room Tor mom information, rail 07tt4 Circle K International will hi** a mooting tonight at 7 in the EMU Oder Room 1. Fm-Health S< mom • Canine will hava an eakieuted ganoral moating tonight at 7 in EMU Century Room H For mora information, tall >4S MAM Entrepreneur ah ip ( lab will hava a moating today at 5 in Room 127 Chile* Cantar For more information, call HbSIW A a ten and Far ifkAmarw an Mod ant Union will have a moating to diacut* ending lha mimn game tonight at A in the counaoitng renter REJJOON Catholic Nram«n tamtrr wlli aponaor a meeting and dietufttion among gay and ietbian ntUlolli* tonight at ? 10 at 10SO ► moral d St 1%'eefoy lountiatMMi will have iU (all Uffm btble fttudy led by Janet Domwll Unlay at 2 K) pm at 1210 Kincaid St For mom information. < all 140 4004 Wee try Koundalam will have it* tampu* mminry rimllng group tonight a! 0 at 1230 Kincaid St For more information, tall 140 4IMM MISCELLANEOUS ImKman Inter vat (.roup* will apart aor a KIC loader appro* iation dinner today at S JO p m in Room !M Oregon Hail For information, tail *06-1079 Faculty (Jab will have an (Mtioberfoat aoctal for ail fortuity today from 4 10 to 7 pm in the Collier Houm For more information, coil 146 *> 266 llilfol will sponsor a diecueaton with an tuoeil Cumulate about the Iwaali American {>«*«« prorata today at 1p m at 1414 Kurcald St SATURDAY, OCTOBER }UI 95.3 THE KAVE WELCOME COL. BRUCE HAMPTON UU« LIT T L EaW OMEN THE RENEGADE SAINTS HALLOWEEN WOW HALL AN IMU CULTURAL FORUM PRODUCTION TtCKTI II R UO III OF AT IMU MAIN 0111 C0 WORLD, FACI TNI MUSIC NAFFT TRAILS IIUOINI A CORVALLIS) HOUIt OF RIC0RD1. RICOIO O AR DIN ImImm, Cay and Bimual Alliance and the Office of the Doan of Students will spon vif an address with Kevin Borni from the NGLTP today from 4 lo 6 p m in the EMU Walnut Room For more information, tall 34ft'1142 Southeast Asian Studies Program will have a brown bag talk about “Lao Culture Past and Present" with Douang Deuane Bounvavong today from 12 30 to 1 JO p m in EMU Cedar Room A For more information, call 34ft 1S21 fapeneee Student Organization will have a Japanese language labia in EMU Oder Room E today at S ID p in For more information, call 34ft-«9i>5 Oimeee writer* will give two talk* about 'Literature in Music*' and "Language and Creativity in Fiction" today at 3 30 p m in Room ftOS PLC Deadline tor $ubmiitlng Rl Als to the Emerald front desk. Rhtll Suite 300. is noon the d*y before publtcouon The news mdilor does not have a rime mm hi no Rl Alt run (he day of the event union the event lake* plane before noon NoUlob at events with a donstlon or odmlttlon chsrgo will not bo accepted Hi BOO-LOONS $1.99 A ghostly balloon Ued to a candy treat ' Fun! fu>W1;RS ANt) GILTS ITM IWm b«w. Or. fim • 4M-IM1 «TE.HUfaffcOtW