Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Vote Mary Burrows
mayor of Eugene
One of the most important ballots Eugene voters
will cast on Nov. 3 will not be for any ballot measure
or partisan candidate. It will be for either Ruth Bascom
or Mary Burrows, candidates for mayor of Eugene.
The importance of this race has been overshad
owed by the presidential and senatorial races, as well
as the volatile campaigns being waged on both sides of
Ballot Measure 9.
The next mayor of
Eugene wilt assume the
burdensome task of
healing a community
torn by the very exis
tence of Measure 9 on the ballot. She will also inherit
the continuing legacy of 1990's Measure 5. which will
only continue to put the squeeze on the city's fiscal
Eugene's mayor needs strong leadership qualities
and the ability to work at state and federal levels on be
half of the city. It is with these factors in mind that the
tmerald is endorsing Burrows for mayor.
Both candidates have committed their lives to pub
lic service. Bascom has been active on behalf of Eugene
since 1971 when she led efforts to build Eugene's bicy
cle pathways and create Alton Buker Park. She has
served on the Eugene City Council for eight years, and
her most recent achievement was creating low-income
housing in Eugcna
Burrows represented Eugene in the Oregon Legisla
ture from 1973-87. She left her post as the district’s Re
publican representative when the state Republican Par
ty began its radical shift to the ultra-conservative right.
There is no one issue that clearly divides the can
didates — even their names are a source of confusion.
Bascom attempted to avoid using her last name in the
campaign, especially after people started calling her
"Mary Bascom” and her opponent "Ruth Burrows."
Our endorsement of Burrows is based on her abili
ty to represent and fight for Eugene at state and federal
levels. Her experience in the Legislature makes Bur
rows more qualified to lead Eugene through its current
and future fiscal crises.
Burrows hus refused to pledge not to raise taxes
and wants to completely evaluate every city depart
iqflpfor waste and unnecessary spending before decid
ing on specific budget cuts.
Both candidates would serve Eugene well, but in
these times of fiscal uncertainty, when economic
growth will depend more than ever on a mayor capable
of cutting through the state and federal bureaucracies.
Burrows is the clear choice for mayor.
Vote Mary Burrows for mayor of Eugene.
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writer must be verified when the letter is submitted.
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The Fanal Days
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Dobson’s for all
Now is th<’ time to send a
clear message on Bui lot Meas
ure 9. But the struggle will con
tinue after Nov. 3
I urge Ward 3 voters to send
to the Eugene City Council n
leader in the buttle against dis
crimination, a leader whose ex
perience and abilities will be
convincingly apparent to every
one Ebon Dobson is that mas
senger Mis candidacy is en
dorsed by Right to Privacy
The battle for women's repro
ductive rights will continue as
an issue at every level I urge
the election of Dobson, a long
time advocate of women's
rights, as a spokesperson on the
City Council. His candidacy is
endorsed by the Oregon Wom
en's Political Caucus
Eugene needs to encourage
small businesses while main
taining strong environmental
protection. Dobson brings the
right combination of successful
business expertise and environ
mental advocacy sorely needed
now His candidacy is endorsed
by the Lane County Labor
Council. A I-SC ML Local »1724.
und business, environmental
and political leaders through
out the city.
1 wish to voice my support
for Dobson bec ause of his credi
bility as an advocate for causes
for which I have fought; my
support for a real coalition
builder In a time when Eugene
needs leadership, not fragmen
tation; my support for someone
who will listen to everyone and
who is beholden to neither
vested interests nor ideologies
There is a progressive candi
date in the race, the right per
son for right now. I urge you to
vote for Ebon Dobson for City
C-ouncil Ward 3.
Grate han Millar
Campus PPPM
Vote Wooten
The University is the single
most important business in our
community. But with the loss
of thousands of students, hun
dreds of faculty and staff and
ihe increase in tuition, .t has
been placed In jeopardy.
Our current Republican state
representative from District 41
(Marie Bell) has done nothing
to help students or the Univer
sity She has voted against ev
ery bill that could have helped
She said in the process of do
nvlng voters a voice on recon
ciling the impact of 1‘190's
Measure 5, that she is "not sure
I trust the idea of putting (the
tax plan) on the bullot and lot
ting the people decide." It
seems clear that we certainly
cannot leave it up to her to
make these decisions for us.
Democrat Cynthia Wooten is
a strong supporter of education
and should Ire our choice for
state representative in District
41 Wooten is a long-time resi
dent of Eugene and knows the
value of the University She un
derstands the plight of stu
dents Wooten wants to help
now. not wait around while our
University gets dismantled
piece by piece.
The voters can l>e trusted to
make at least one correct deci
sion on Nov J Help save our
University and our community
Elect Cynthia Wooten as our
representative from Distric t 41.
John Walsdorf
Stay home
I've boon a student at the
University for more than four
years. I'm a political science
major, but up until recently,
with the exception of voting, I
have not been very active in the
When Ballot Measure 9 was
first proposed, I knew it was
lime to get off my rear and do
what 1 could.
I’m a heterosexual male and
have never had a homosexual
thought in my life. But it was
plain to me that this measure
wont much deeper than homo
sexuality. It doals with a per
son's unalienable rights to live
without the fear of retribution
from fellow citizens who, for
some reason or another, care
what two people do within the
confines of the bedroom.
The reason I write this ^ that
1 can say I truly understand the
frustration and dejection the
gay community goes through
every day of their lives. Passing
out fliers last Thursday and l-'ri
day exposed mo to some of the
most piercing and hateful
glances I have ever received.
Here were my fellow citizens
literally telling me not to touch
them as they passed by me. It
has to be without a doubt the
most troubling feeling I have
ever hod It makes me sad to
think I live in the same slate
with people such as these.
1 surely hope these people
are ignorant enough to stay
home on Election Day
Erik Hyaong
Political Science
Ted’s the one
As head of the justice Depart
ment, the state attorney general
will have a great deal of influ
ence in Oregon Some of the
things the newly elected attor
ney general will do is give legal
advice to state departments,
represent the state in ail <x>urt
actions, give legal opinions to
state agencies and legislatures,
and head a department that has
nearly 7(X) employees.
Of the three candidates on
the ballot for the Nov. 3 elec
tion. only one is qualified to be
perhaps the second most pow
erful person In stale govern
ment. His name is Ted
Kulongoski stands clearly
aixjvn tile other two candidates.
He has the legal experience
n<*cossary. just as important, he
has experience in running a
largo agency Hu is also an ex
perienced administrator and a
strong leader. Kulongoski has
the judgment and vision to look
out for the best interests of all
thu citizens of Oregon.
In the wake of all the divi
siveness going on in this state
and in this country, we need an
attorney general that will treat
all people equally and stand up
for what is right. Kulongoski is
far and away the best person
for the job.
Vote Ted Kulongoski for at
torney general on Nov. 3.
William Lund