Baylor will manage expansion Rockies DENVER (Al*) — Don Baylor, long considered a lop candi date to run a team but bypassed twice last year, became the fourth minority manager in the major leagues when be was hired Tuesday by the expansion Colorado Rockies Baylor, 42. played for six American League teams in a 1U year career as an outfielder, first baseman and designated hit ler, playing in three World Series and seven AL playoffs Ho had a .260 career average, 33B homers and 1.276 RBls Baylor was introduced during a news conference GOLF Continued from Page 8A ic and Hobo Statu by one: and two strokes respectively I’uc if it:'* Brian Wear won the indi vidual title with a 7-under-par 209, beating Boise State's David Lebeck i>y six shots The Ducks will play in their final tournament of the fall sea son on Monday and Tuesday when they travel to Los An geles to compete in the UCLA Invitational The Ducks will not play after that tournament until the Spring season begins In February. “We are behind where I thought we would be at this point in the season." Nosier said "I hope we ran finish the fall season with a good tourna ment this weekend." The Oregon women's golf team will also be playing in their final tournament of tint fall next week when they com pete in the I’ioneer/Urum Clas sic in Temucula. Calif The Ducks are coming off a sixth-place finish in the Stan ford Intercollegiate earlier last weekend. Oregon shot rounds of Cl 12. 31 1 unil 307 to finish 65 shots behind No I ranked Sun lose State. Junior Cappv Muck led the Ducks with u 227, finishing in lltti place Mack's opening round score of 73 was the Imv ost for the Ducks Sophomore Leigh Casey and senior Shannon Maier finished with scores of 233 and 235 to place 30th and 35th, respec tively Oregon's Shannon Hare finished in 37th place with a total of 231 Senior Stacy Jo Smith finished in 5Hlh place Oregon Daily Emerald The Halloween Crossword contest is TODAY, Room 300, EMU! 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Thanks to* such a tun night Th* f>» t*h« UK LK EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS A XU Congfflf wr-on* ?o Oijt now-fy iftrixOtfO mornDart HMthff B Mindy c TrocyC T V W« <• to proud of you l ovo Youf S*»r«r» AXA lumi fo» totoOronng w*h u* and ou? ■'4IW tfUfcOtO* Wo h«J ft grtUM Wt] looti «orward to funa«yvng ago'' **!h you VK*' t OVO A XU ___ LKKaltM On \ n you o know Who YBS « gowig to t*» Bui do you »«ww*y k/w I NO if «nff Do mo’ * VBS I «M» T ho cJumlo Soil » as %ptj>rnn Aful to «ou mool of Ou* hood* M Oft* X>n right from tho Dogmn.r UT'tts oo wont to Dad __ 104 PERSONALS tlaboo K Alana > tAppy * I w.V'l to TOuCft you l ovo H'yg. J«nn S ' You fcwww moefcUWHk <*• a Wtnflttr* So cal *m# and «m i n»y« T m no pcm {0 9M?) S»«4 rny roUtiod pOM'VO companion sh m vm KM KRAI. I) CLASSIFIEDS A gi-m of a deal! no LOST & FOUND FOUND 1004. wf% I6tt> or* 1 Poifc on ttim pain Turned rtto I ugan* Pofactt 115 TYPING SERVICES At M4 07M. 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