!$ i 1 00 I • Foot long Sub 50' vs FREE DELIVERY J Hall Sub SUBSHOP•1 I I ipirtH 12/MVS? 225 ALDER _ 345-2434 * _I ! WKE * BREW ] 5top starving your ■ stomach and stuffing I your brain. Corns get | Cajun Burger (grilled onions, green peppers, & Cajun spice) Expires 11/4/9? 11461 */, € 19th 344-2295 1 Bubbas Place I 1249 Alder | 344-1960 " Advancement opportunities, open management style, generous compensation... Ilow's that for a great environment? 1 ?sHnn I’roviding an ideal work environment has been SAFF’CO's ixjlic'y since its inception in 1923. As fvurt of this philosophy, we offer ongoing professional training which can lead to great promotion possibilities We also take an open management stance, giving you the chance to talk to all kinds of top people In addition, we offer the competitive salaries and excellent benefits that you’d expect from an industry leader SAFECO has a proven record as one of the leading diversified financial corporations in America With opportunities in insurance, information systems, applied math, and finance, our portfolio is vast giving you tremendous magnitude II you arc interested in a position in our Information Systems Department. SAFECO representatives will be on campus for a Job Fair Thursday, November 5,1992 for more information regarding SAFECO, please contact your Center for Career Services We arv an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce Finding a better way in financial services SAFECO UNIVERSITY QUESTION: What do you think of the Autzen Stadium keg ban? ‘They did this at | Michigan when I was an under- j grad It justj changes R the location1 where people get drunk It might also be more danger ous " JAMES WITTENBACH first year taw student 'I disagree . with it I j see nothing wrong with j kegs at Aut/en It s j part ol the tun at the game It's not wtiat football is all about, but it is fun tor those of legal drinking age ” STAN BURTON junior, history ‘I really f haven't I thought I about it ^ because I've never f been to a kegger It u there have been a lot ot problems with beer at the games, I could understand the ban" ABBY CELLERS senior, sociology "I don't know what j the prob lem was, I and people are still going to get just as rowdy without kegs People will drink before the game, and the ban won't make any difference" KIMBERLY VALWAY junior, biology “It's pretty harsh on students that are responsible when they drink. If students are reponsibie enough to go to a bar and drink, then they should be able to drink at Autzen.” MARC MCREYNOLOS senior, general science “I'm against it because it causes too much waste with cans and bottles. The U of O always says it’s trying to be so envi ronmentally aware. And this step isn't." USA CAMBER junior, business “SKI SWAP Sell the old! Buy some new!! Boots, Skis, Jackets, Pants, Goggles, Powder Suits, Poles, Ski Racks, Bindings, Sweaters, Gloves, Hats, and more.. October 29th-31 st at the Lane County Fairgrounds CONSIGNMENTS TAKEN SALE Thurs, Oct 29,9 am-9 pm Fn , Oct 30,9 am-5 pm Fn , Oct 30.6 pm-9 pm Sat. Oct 31. 9 am-6 pm Proceeds provide funds for Willamette and Santiam Pass volunteer sh patrols'equpmerrl needs B A T B E A T IT'S DEADLINE! So, run your littto log* down !o... * ROOM 300 EMU t) ^ O AI.I. ADS MUST BE PLACED TODAY BY 1 PM ET ALS (-allege Demo* rat* will have a general campaign meeting today at 5 M p m tn KM!" «-*jt!ai Hoorn K For mom information, rail 144 11955 The ln< ujental For (will have a meeting today at 6 JO p m in EMI; ( -entury Room K For more information. t all I4» 1749 Him Black S laden I Union will have a general meeting today from 5 30 to 8 :ui p m in EMU Gsdar Room* A and H For morn information, call *46 4379 Alpha Phi (Hnega will have a general moating today at 6 in Century Koorn A For mow information, rail 346-0630 REIJCION The (atholk Newman (enter will have a Catholic Action reading by Ht of Joe Hi no* tonight at 7 30 at the Newman (-enter For more information, call 343-7021 The Catholic Newman (-enter wilt have a student mass inrughi at 9 at the Newman Canter For more information, call 343-7021 United Methodnrf Fellowship (.roup will meet tonight for a discussion of the Voters' Pamphlet and a time of worship at 7 at the Wesley Foundation (1236 Kincaid St . next to (ha bookstore) New student* are welcome For more information, rail Janet Cromwell at 346 4694 MISCELLANEOUS 'the Alton Baker Pari CualrtuteNurvival (teller will show a slide show tilled "The Story of the fast Alton Baker Park Charter Amendment" today at 7 p m tn the EMC Ben Linder Room For more information, call 342-6641 Student I mp toy men! will have a summer employment program workshop today from 4 to 5 p m in Room 12 Hendm k» Hall For more information, call 346 3214 The Vietnam— Student Ammm ladun will have a potluck today at 6 t» m at the (-oilier Lounge For more information, call 346 6490 The Honor* College Student (-omraiMee Board will sponsor an open campus spent h by Matt Dennis titled 'Columbus — the Man and the Symbol" tonight at 6 tn Room 303 Chapman For more information, call 663 H 7 5 Academic Advising and Stud sail Services will have an "Applying to Law School" workshop to investigate the best majors and courses, select the right school, prepare for law school and the LSAT and apply to law schools today at 3 30 p m in Room 164 Oregon Hall For more information, call RhUll College Republicens will sponsor a speech by Lauren Holland, candidate for District Court fudge, today at 6 15 p m In EMU Cedar Room F Far mare information, call 747 3679 The Outdoor Program will sponsor a free program titled “Caving in the Northwest" by Cynthia Ream tonight at 7 in Room HO Willamette For more information, call 346 4365 The Outdoor Program will show "Kamika/l“ as its Wednesday Noon Video today at 12 30 p.m tn the EMU Outdoor Program Room For more information, call 346 4365