LETTERS Think first As Election Day approaches, it is imperative that you begin to educate yourself on the is sues that will be decided (if you haven't already). Ballot Measure 9 threatens the very existence of academic and intellectual freedom, not to mention civil rights, on this campus. If the right-wing (X'.A gets its way with its so-called "no special rights" initiative, it will be the first step in fulfill ing their agenda of creating a fascist. Christian -extremist state, with people like Lon Mahon. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson controlling such is sues as reproductive rights, freedom of expression and sex uality If you don't think it can happen here, don't be too sure Furthermore, we are at a crossroads. We have the chance to elect leaders who will take this country into the next cen tury. We simply can't afford four mom years of the Keagan Bush-Quayle dynasty. The same gixis for Bob Pack wood, who has been among the slickest of politicians known and is more concerned with raking in hefty donations from logging and pro-Israel PAt's than the interests of Oregoni ans Of no less importance are the races for slate and local government. The campaign for Onrgon House District -11 is u close race between Cynthia Wooten und incumbent Marie Bell. You should know that Wooten is pro-choice (Hell is not) and will make the future of higher education a priority (Bell hasn't) Educate yourself and voto. Andy Harris Political Science No axe If Eugene Decisions and the increase of social problems has taught us little else, it's that we need leadership on our city council We have a diversity of ideas that reflect the wonderful diversity of this community. Unfortunately, we still nised to reach a consensus that trans forms this diversity into actions that benefit the whole commu nitv Negative tactics, spiteful words and zealous ideological axe-grinding can only make the current situation worse We need community leaders, not community dividers it is for these very reasons that so many community activ ists — Wight to Privacy, The Lane (xiunty Ealx>r Council, the Oregon Women's Political Cau cus and both mayoral candi date# support then Dobson for City Council Ward 3. As is obvious to all but his opponent, these are not "big money" groups. Dobson listens to all points of view and supports the ward as a whole, not just select ed portions. He has an open mind and listens to all groups It may lx; simpler for Dob son's opponent to listen only to those few groups with which he already agrees and ignore or criticize everyone else Howev er, as the Kogistt'r-Guard men tions in its endorsement of Dobson, this "us vs them” mentality is divisive and poten tially devastating for this city. Eugene needs to go beyond this simplistic approach if we want to give meaning to the term "quality of life " Dobson's open-minded approach will tiring leadership and progress Please vote for Ebon Dobson He is our ix-st chance for unity and diversity. Jeff Julum Eugene Lifestyle i am writing in response to Jerry Russell (ODE, Oct 27) "Aside from the debatable is sues of life, liherty. and proper ty.” the undeniable core of Ihe homosexual movement Is the requirement that all public schools teach that homosexual ity and all other chosen sexual behavior Is normal, right, and natural, though there is no sci entific evidence to support this proposition. Regard less of one's religious beliefs or one's personal feel ings about homosexuality, do you really wunt the schools to be held hostage by a curricu lum that seems to come straight from the doctrine of Queer Na tion. LCBA, NAMBLA and so on7 Or shall academic response hilitv prevail and realize thal promoting the chosen llfnstyio* of homosexuality. podophilia. sadism, or masochism ha* no precedent In the curriculum of public schools over any other chosen lifestyle Allan Jamas Biology Extremes Ballot Measure 9 has created an extreme polarization of poo pie throughout our community Some Christians have support ed it in wavs that are cruel, harsh and un-compasstonuto As a result, any Christian who supports Measure 9 rmiv is' la beled racist or bigoted Some Christians opposed to Measure 9, in the name of compassion, have presented arguments that many believe distort the bibli col truths regarding homosexu ality. Between these extremes are a large number of Christians who hold different opinions about the legal and political implica tions of homosexuality, vet agree on the biblical teaching regarding it They bolleve ho mosexuality Is a sin and, like any sin, brings negative const) quenccs They bollpvo God, through Jesus Christ, h.is pro vIdrd forgiveness for the sin of dll pi'oplo. oven homosexuals They oppose intolerance, in equality. racism, bigotry and violence against homosexuals or anyone else They believe that anything that attempts to legitimize homosexuality ulti mately hinders rather than helps homosexuals They he Hove that every person who turns to God In acknowledge merit of their sin and In accept am e of Ghrisl is made "a new croalton" and i> empowered to live according to God s stan dard rather than their own de signs Measure ‘I has not made ho mosexuality a political issue Homosexuals have made il a political issue by venrs of poll tic al maneuvering Christians who hold to the beliefs staled above and oppose Measure <) are not rai ists or bigots They are simply responding to an Is sue they believe should he ad dressed according to the bibli cal truths upon which they base their lives James Sanders Springfield Oregon Daily P O BO* J'Vi llXilNI OHIGONJM03 The Oagon Daily f merau » putnahed (lay Hkxulay irvougn I f*My dunng the tchoot year am Tueeday ant! fhufeday during if* currunof t>y the Oregon Day f m«iucl l’ut>tah»r>g Co Inc . as if* Urwenwly ol Of agon f ugene Oregon the Emerald opeiau* mtaoendenlfy ol ihe Umvervry wun olive* al Suita XX) O' the EfO Mrenonal Union and » a membef ol the A»v» .rial l>r*u the f meraai a, prwwe progeny The uniawtui removal of u»e of paper* a pfoaecutaWe tyy taw Emerald Edfloi fai Waiacri Hum l.dlor E <*tor EdHor GrapNca fdflo/ I rrt«rt*irwn«nt Editor jap.u twg Mrt'Vn f Ah*r Joff Po»k* f -vvd Morn f INIinct l qnot ' h*»» nwa -x* £ (jHonai f dMof fkv«l J^nuir Sports f drtor Dovo Dwtxyvssn Supplotnsois t m». ! :’Vu Mcouar. K m Ng-.yrm Irma Nutt I »an S'ut* Urhaa snaxnar, f rick Studantka. Manon Su>!or McM»a t Itompun Ay,,wu Amy Van Tuyi. Todil W-Mm jacquwina Wogo itaai’>ar A&auor Ganaral Manager Judy Mwli Advancing Dirac to > Bryan H Copgadga Production Manager M i>« lk>*« Advanaur^) Snawn Barvon. Soon Dane. Janolei Itucluna Jana Iraki Chn» Kanoft Tom l aacn. Jaramy Mason Onifcan On. Dualm Sittlni sna/on Vac Ang» Wmonram Claaadlad Paggy McCann Managar Barry t ogan Sfiaron Saove Sucan IJpdegraft Dtatrtbutwn HoOor ca Brook* Ansnony Wynn Buaataaa Rainy Cartiona, Supervisor AaJy Conrxkty Production Ingnd Wnua Production Coonanawr Krwnna Granger. i.we McCoM). Slaty Mtcnofl. Jarmiiar Hownd. Jonn.lar Smith.. Anna Smpharaon, (JoraJyn Trappa Ntwifoon. ....... Bu«inmu Offtc* Mt-ssn 144 5512 D*H"*y Advtfllfttng A( video FaAMES Slh STREET M PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 J VIDEO ADVENTURE 1 |VAttfV WVtA rtAZA VOMU i«l rtl I ■/UUVTa 1225 ALDER 345*2434 136 E 11th • (near Willametle) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Wednesday $3 College rock, featuring: Multiple Sarcasm Thursday usri> in C'on(.ki ssm \n Pi i i k Di.Fvzio ’No one is better qualified than Lauren Holland to serve as District Judge. She’s smart, fair and hon est...Please join me in enthusiastically supporting Lauren Holland for District Judge.” U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazIo ixwMwitttwcwigumMUiwiirHixiiKnia h oqi—». Tmumt. to 111*4. I>gn On 9T4*> EQUUS by Peter Shaffer University Theatre November 6, 7, 12, 13. 14, 19. 20. 21 • 8pm University Theatre Box Office 346-4191