Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 28, 1992, Page 12A, Image 12

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Rugby team kicks off season
By Peter Atfrey
Emerald Corvtribi/tor
With a solid group of returning
players. Oregon's rugby team be
gins the 19921993 season looking
to return to the NCAA Regional*
Last season, the surprising Dut.ks
were one of the top teams in the
Northwest and headed on to the
Western Regional* before losing to
eventual national cnampion i-amorma urogun
enters the season playing a few matches this fall
before beginning a full schedule in the spring
This past weekend the Ducks began play with
matches In Portland. Oregon's socond team
played scrimmage matches with the Portland
Men's Club and the Oregon Sports Union
The first team played Portland on Saturday,
hoping to repeat last year's 50-0 thrashing of the
Pilots. With strong performances from Mttsutako
Hino, Samuel Chasia and brio Mueller, the Ducks
made li iwo In a row against Portland with a 26-5
victory. Tho Oregon dofense was strong control
ling the ball and allowing few offensive opportu
nities for tho Pilots.
This year the team's main concern will bo
blending the experience of last season's players
with the raw talent and athleticism of the squad's
"Wo have a lot of experienced players that real
ly help out a lot," said coach and player Dob
Pierce. "We also have some talented newcomers,
but who are now pretty inexperienced."
Upcoming matches for the Ducks include a trip
Saturday to face tho Corvallis Men's Club, a team
Oregon pounded 56-0 last season. On Nov. 7 Ore
gon travels to Portland to face Lewis and ('lark
And rugby's version of the Civil War takes place
on Nov 21 as the Ducks travel to Corvallis to fat*
Oregon Stato.
"Our goal is to go back to tho regionals," Pierce
said "But our problem is getting experienced
players, and we are always looking for them."
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Reece out for month
Sophomore Johnnie Rooce
underwent a new procedure to
correct an abnormality within
the conduction system of his
heart Monday and will miss up
to a month of practice. Oregon
team physician Dr. D. Kendall
Hills announced.
Rooce, a 6-foot-2 guard for
the mun's basketball team, un
derwent a series of tests and ex
aminations since passing out In
a pick-up game at McArthur
Court two weeks ago.
The tests revealed an extra
electrical pathway in Reece’s
heart, a condition known as
Wolf-Parkinson-White Syn
"Johnnie had a heart prob
lem. and we’re going to bo very
cautious with him," Hoad
Coach Jorrv Croon said. “It
sooms liko a routine procedure,
but we will study him closely
before we allow him to do any
Rooco. a Denver. Colo, native,
averaged 7.B points and throe
assists in starting 16 gamos last
year as a freshman.
Reece is expectod to bo
cleared for full practice before
the Ducks’ soason opener at the
Nov. 26 Great Alaskan
Exercise your brain with
If you know four students (or if you are four students),
sign up now to compete with other wild and crazy
adventurers In College Bowl, the varsity sport of the
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fast-paced rounds dedicated to making you look
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Register: November 2 • 6. All dormitory residents please
sign up with your RA, everyone else at the EMU
Recreation Center, or call 346-3711.
Games Start: 6:30 p m.. Wednesday.November 11
Finals: November 18.
Cost: $3 per person or $12 per team.