Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 27, 1992, Page 2A, Image 2

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Keep Alton Baker’s
inherent beauty
Very few cities have natural parkland within their
boundaries. Eugene's Ballot Measure 20-01 seeks to
keep the city in that elite class.
Measure 20-01 would prohibit development of East
Alton Baker Park, setting
it aside lor "passive m.
1 reation." "Passive re< rea
l lion" is defined as recre
at ion that is dependent
upon the natural land
scape. Examples include jogging, bicycling and hiking,
just to name a few.
Opponents of the measure want to build eight sot
cer fields in the park. They claim Eugene is "woefully
short" of soccer fields, and with participation levels
rising, the situation will only worsen.
However, it is the opposition's argument that falls
"woefully short." not the number of soccer fields
There is not a lack of soccer fields in Eugene, but rather
a lack of quality soccer fields The money spent devel
oping now fields would
lx: pul to much belter
use: improving already
existing facilities.
That said, there are
more important reasons
to vote for Measure
20-01 Two of the1 four
plans for the ferry
Street Bridge alterna
tives would put either a
two-lane or four-lane
road right through the
middle of the park and
Eugene already has
landscaped parks
aplenty, as do most
cities. Eugene Is
fortunate to also
have natural
parkland In Its
midst, something
most cities lack.
virtually an )acent to a
native plant sanctuary.
Other plans propose developing University football
practice fields on the old Day Island landfill The land
fill is currently an KPA Secondary Superfund site and
already leaks toxic materials into the Willamette River.
Any construction on the site could result in greater
seepage and further contaminate the river.
Measure 20 01 is not an immutable resolution. Its
purpose is to protect the park today, not forever.
Should a dire need for development of the park arise,
the measure can be revoked by a vote of the people.
That fact alone is perhaps Measure 20-01's strong
est point. It would prohibit any development without
first gaining the people's approval. It would prevent
the city council and private developers from attempt
ing another development fiasco like the golf-course
that was proposed this past year.
Eugene already has lundsi aped parks aplenty, as
do most cities. Eugene is fortunate to also have natural
parkland in its midst, something most cities lack. Eu
gene; has more than enough soccer fields, it only needs
to maintain them. The Willamette River is already pol
luted enough, there is no need to add to it.
Vote to keep East Alton Baker Park in a natural
state. Vote yes on Measure 20-01.
Oregon Daily
Tr* Oegon Dftfy £ m«r«d ft puttffthftd Monday tnfOug* » "day eluting the %c'xmt
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Claaatfiad f*aggy Mi <>v> Martag** Ba/ry Logan. Sharon Sauva. Susan lAxH*y'<**
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AA/fl ARE AfiOi/T
pres'D Ewr
IF THLV'tt 1
TELUtJG me k
r BOUGHT YOvd, at*!
* I6H7 u€£D 4 PtsT.
What a guy
Willi all the rot ent rhetoric
about family values that we
have boon bombarded with,
something happened at last
Thursday's (Hinton rally lira! I
foil lllustratod tho ossopt o of
that issue.
1 decided to bring my six
yi'ur-old daughter, Ghioo, think
ing It would l>e a good expori
on< o to remember Wo wore
lucky enough to ho in front id
the podium and being that
close was exciting After Gov
Hill Clinton spoke, ho came
down to greet his supporters
As he moved closer to us, so
did the crowd behind us and
slow ly but surely my daughter
was taring crushed
She was wedged in so tightly
that I couldn't lilt her out of
danger and she became ex
tremely frightened When Clin
ton reached us, with the urms
of a father, not a politician, ho
reached out and pulled her to
safety He turned away from
the crowd and instructed Ills
security team to help get me
out of the crowd After calming
my daughter down and making
sure that she was Ok, he hand
ed tier back to me and was
moved along again by his secu
rity people
Somehow, the whole inci
dent said more to me than any
campaign speech could have
That's what family values are
about, people taring enough
about each other to make a dif
ference Yes he is a politician
anil a good one. but at that mo
ment he was a compassionate,
caring man and that's what we
need in the White House.
Sara Baal#
Aslan Studlaa'English
Nine hurts kids
Everyone is wondering how
courts will interpret Ballot
Measure 9. 1 am more con
cerned about how our children
will interpret it
When their own teachers
star1 calling people perverts,
will our children interpret that
as meaning it’s OK to call each
other dirtv names and disre
spud each other s opinions and
When "homosexuality" is
m a d c s v ii o n v in o u s wit h
pedophilia," will students be
gin an using same sex teachers
of "staring at them Inappropri
ately." as happened in Spring
field last week7
When gay children can find
no parent, no teacher, no
school counselor, no organiza
tion. not even a pamphlet to
help them understand their
feelings, will they interpret that
to mean they are subhuman,
therefore unworthy ol the sim
plest human decency?
When their own teachers call
them "abnormal, unnatural and
perverse," will these children
interpret it to mean that, in our
Mxaety. in the 2()lh century, in
this great freedom-loving coun
try of ours, it Is better to be
dead than different? Will more
and more ol our children see
suicide as tile onh relief from
their pain?
Alter Measure <1 passes, the
courts can spend millions of
our lax dollars to interpret w hat
the language "really" means In
the meantime, a pirv of chil
dren will have already come to
a consensus And if Measure ')
is later thrown out by the
courts, the damage w ill have al
ready been done.
Measure 4 is not the way to
express your love for children,
your respect for freedom, or
your human decency. Please
vote no on Measure 4
Jaanlna Holly
Clau of 1978
Keisling for state
As a Clackamas County legis
lator for eight years, I can ex
plain why Kup Kandy Miller,
K-Lake Oswego, would make a
terrible secretary of state He is
too partisan to fairly administer
this critical office and he is in
sensitive to the problems of or
dinary Oregonians.
Many times during a legisla
tive session, citizens would call
members of the county legisla
tive delegation and ask to meet
with us to discuss their con
terns. Callers would include
foster parents, senior citizens,
educators, local Children's
Commission members and oth
ers The Clackamas County leg
islators would get together, Re
publican and Democrat alike,
to listen to their concerns
While not all local legislators
could attend every meeting.
Miller was consistently absent
Miller would be even more tits
tant as a statewide office hold
When it came to issues of
concern to Clackamas County
citizens. Miller was absent
without leave Would ho re
spond to the issues that con
cern ordinary Oregonians it
elected? We can't count on it
1 have often been called by
Miller's constituents Thev
would tell me that Miller
wouldn't help them, hut per
haps I would
Miller has also proven that
he is too partisan to impartially
administer the office of secre
tary of state and chief elec lions
officer His role .is legislative
attac k dog for the Republican
Party earned him the criticism
of local papers
We need a secretary of state
who will he fair, impartial and
non-partisan Oregonians will
fie better served by electing
Phil Keisling as our secretary of
Dava McTeague
State Representative
Oistrict 25
Letters deadline
The b'mrrald will not run
letters endorsing candidates
or ballot measures as of Mon
day, Nov. 2.
Deadline for letters con
cerning election issues is
noon, I'hursduy. Oct. 29.
Letters that do not appear
on Friday will not run
Letters to the editor must
be no longer than 250 words,
legible, signed and the iden
tification of the writer must
be verified when the letter is