<2 *» Clothing, jewelry and folk art from around the world. o- *0 k ftftk Strr* VwMU Mflrikrt 2 t. *tlh Aw 7 12 (*iu ti 6»J Jin* Csmrm Starr 762 I 111* Air iWl 141 *667 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS School of M USIC UNIVERSITY OF OREGON & Department of DANCE NOVEMBER CONCERTS Clip and save this calendar! For more information on any School of Music event, call 346-5678. To confirm concert times and ticket prices, call the Music Hotline at 346-3764 for a taped message Thur. 11/5 Fri. 11 6 Sun. 11 8 Tues. 11/10 Wed. 11/11 Fri. 11/13 Sat. 11/14 Mon. 11/16 Wed. 11/18 Thur. 11/19 Thur. 11/19 Sun. 11/22 Tues. 11/24 GOLUB-KAPLAN CARR PIANO TRIO Chamber Music Senes 8 pm Beall Hall Reserved seals $17 50, $14 50, $7 50 (Call 687 5000) Students $7, $4 at the door HOMECOMING CONCERT University Symphony, University Singers, Oregon Wind Ensemble. Oregon Jazz Ensemble 8 p.m. Beall Hall FREE Admission CON BRIO Chamber Players Faculty Artist Series 4 p.m. Beall Hall Muse by Mo;ad. Loe filer Uhl and EHer $5 General Admission, $3 Students 4 Senor Gbzens JAZZ COMBOS IN CONCERT UO Jazz Quartets and Oumtets 8 p.m. Beall Hall $4 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senor Citizens COMPOSER S FORUM CONCERT New muse by UO compositon students 8 p.m. Beall Hatl FREE Admission ALASDAIR FRASER & PAUL MACHLIS Guest artists performing traditonal and contemporary Scottish folk music 8 p.m. Beall Had $7 Students, $9 General Admission ($7 in advance at EMU) CLAIRE PORTER, Dance Guest dance artist Claire Porter shares her wild humor in a series ol 'personality' sketches 8 p.m. Dougherty Theatre $5 General Admission, $3 Students 4 Senor Citizens (Call 346 3386 tor tickets) THE DEBUSSY TRIO Vanguard Senes 8 p.m. Beall Hall Guest ensemble performing traditonal and contemporary muse lor flute, viola and harp $6 50 General Admission, $3 50 Students & Seniors UO MEN'S CHORUS & WOMEN'S CHORUS UO Choral Ensembles 8 p.m. Beall Hall FREE Admission BONES & BRASS! UO Brass Choir and Trombone Ensembles 8 p.m. Beall Hall $4 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senor Citizens UO GOSPEL ENSEMBLE UO Ensemble 8 p.m. First Baptist Church, 868 High St $4 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senor Citizens THE ART OF THE JAZZ TRIO Faculty Artist Senes 4 p.m. Beall Hall Ed Kammerer, keyboard, Forrest Moyer, bass; Jerry Gleason, guitar; Alan Tarpinian, drums $5 General Admission. $3 Students 4 Senor Citizens OREGON PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE A memorial tnbute to composer John Cage, featunng pianist .Arthur Maddox. 8 p.m. Beall Hall $4 Genera) Admission, $2 Students 4 Senor Citizens IN TOUCH with Performing Arts ‘Fiddler' to play Eugene’s Hult Center □Musical classic returns Nov. 6 The Troika Organiza tion, Music Theater Associates, now on national tihit, will lie presenting Fiddler on the Ri«>t at the Huh Center on Nov. 6 and 7 at 8 p.m. l iiLiler on the Hoof is a sur viving classical of the Ameri can musical theater because its content touches the struggles and joys ot all people, from old Russia to the New World. Anatevka, a little Russian vil lage, sets the scene tor the heartrending portrayals ot the ' y M , r ) thoughrs an emotions ot the play's characters. “Without our traditions, our lives would lx- as shaky as a tid dler on the rix't." says fevve, humble milkman, pestered hus band and father of five mar riageable daughters in the little Russian village. There are tra ditions for everything in Anat evka — how to dress, eat, pray, even how to marry. Through Tevye’s conversa tions with himself and God, he struggles with the large and small problems that face ordi nary people as life’s customs and rituals begin to crumble around him. Each scene is high lighted with such scores as “Matchmaker, Matchmaker," “Tradition" and “It 1 \X'eri a Rich Man," all ot which have earned their recognition in musical history. Tickets are $27.50 and SIS.50 with student and senior discounts available. FORUM ( ’antmutd furm 1’ilge IB Renegade Stunts, the Mod Fortners and the Sugarlx-ets. The Sugarlx-cts were leatured In a new format pio neered by the forum this past month. Fhe Beets three year anniversary was set in the EMU Fir Room, complete with c« >loreii lighting, balloons, ( tike nnd other "birthday" props. Another format Peterson uses ro display local talent is the Beer Cardens. “ 1 he Boer Cardens ts where I'm able to bring more rock and roll music, more dance music,” Peterson said. “It it Ivcomes n sun esstul event like it w as five, six years ago then it could Isecome one of my major fix uses ti >r the year. By setting up concerts with new alternative hands such as Blind Melon and Primus, the forum is able to establish a clientele that a secondary market such as Eugene would not lx- expected to have. "Most agents initially tri al college promoters like idiots," Zacks said. "And 1 really can't disagree with them. A lot of other schools will spend two times as much on a show as we spend.” By keeping costs down, the Forum is able to offer hekets at $5 to $ 1 0 less than the surrounding North* west states. "Keeping ticket prices low without wasting the bud get is a crucial balance," Zacks said. "1 just try to put on go