Oregon Daily Emerald Look today for clues to our Halloween Crossword contest! 100 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS M Mappy Bifthdty1 Tha laai 3 tiiti haw* biin uniwkMaM)! How much batia# can ft gat? Low • O id GREEK HAPPENINGS rff5 TO GAMMA PtftS WHO WERE ELECTED TO PANHELLEMC EXEC1 Ncoto 0 Communtjr Servxji Ttff./vjM tour'"-Mt tWafor* Way to go P you* fu-vwn Kaathar You AW a tpao* tnan& My f'tmtxo n to# you Owa Wort rvignj? l o*» ya“> fc* KAN T hanka lo# tno pan y Good tuck t*# ?*#m _14*1_ __ low# la fth# tHa and ft afctoa and flows Bui atwaya btowi __ - uj Amy C You wan ua ytx/ wtxaa N» But d«l you know you' t*g %» was gonna tw mo'’ * YBS IX ___ IX Woman ot U ot O So to r mat ProoN to# 'txxiUtr* me bock from Spring Tarm Onto# now twY«U» Atl 105 personals FREE! TODAY ONLY! IP YOUR LAST NAME STARTS WITH THE LETTER 0 YOU WIN 1 FREE CLASSIFIED AD! (3 hnm mammum') (Not good witty any ottw# o*w#') Coma M PERSON lo Room 300, EMU. ft AM-4 PM, to piaca you# ad (No phona calla pteoaaf} LETTERS WILL BE DRAWN RANDOMLY THROUGH NOV 2. SO KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE CLASSIFIEDS EVERYDAY! 105 PERSONALS STAN • 1 ami too io bag Arty !»VTQ 1% pcftvbto O«w» fiMOB &m*y* BAT BEAT PERSONALS They're cooking in (he Clavsifiedn ()< toiler 30! I no LOST & FOUND FOUND 'GV4 u*ys artd Pott o* bf*wo fw«* T um«d nfo I ugo°* 1*0*** 115 TYPING SERVICES Ai *44 QFM. BOON <« GRAD SCROOi APPROVf D ?0 yctt? inoUftAJoa DttC* gftxmrt ? am paptf** uS twauma im* wo f dang i iFiW jy ON CAMPUS'^ JO THE TYWNG PRO Won) P?oaw»»ng< tPitrtf/Typtng T homOwMrutwno on l »m» C*« W tOU anyiwn® P«OOV • Iyp*ng linrtM f iporvraod typoi oflonnQ mkvco& on KIAA computer am) 'mm printer f k*rtvxv»J^i r«ta* Coi Poggy •« _ PROffSSIONAl TYPING Amo oortl procotoing atMtng » '«* p<3u>p\toVv«»Y> Hondo OB UW? TFtf WORD SPtCIALISTS Won! Pfocowung ft D»»Mop Put>w*nnaiion«. tho4«*. r«uyno* Tram-tyi/w**** ft moro CINDY 4A4-S4S4 ITypmg4 word p*oc#**ing 6*ij CcxntvoouO** *pat**0 ia»4>r f*ogv ?4 J hr lum wound f IM CMmpu* P*C* ! Printed text to computer files BBDHnann 747 i^d'i j .o > j . fr.., » 344-4510 QUALITY WOHI) PIKRYAMMi wtHMA Arr«tiv»i» nmt JJ imftNMl 605 E. 13th us typing SERVICES Profaaaronal wo*i p'cr m.% WcrOPtariatt OmfHvM. knar pmt erq avoAa&ta Made* terminology l Our* 66? 7930 TYPING UNLIMITED l»nd — 4*V1M1 Som>nq UO «rw KK* DIAl A TVWST **57777 wow ftoci—«p,«8 * »*y» 120 TUTORING Artbie Tutor - All lovala C*# Abort. >45 3160 iJO FOR SALE MiSC D«ytwO for Ml# a«oafl>na oondAon Whfta. «nff* I’ ?0 D*wn«o. 34? IT;6 _ _ l oft bod for *a»# l Ik* rmm WO obo Call 3434)746 Hof«trtg iraund Nf VI R ■mm'nt vary »«r«ui About Now wall in buy. *#l! and frada at T ha Ooihaa itciH T70 f 1Jih MVVOM. _ ns BUY OR TRADE CASH fOR IE VI V>1 Jf ANS W*m ?7 4C up to *10 aach {dopand*ng on ar/iMCOncWcn) A too buying lavt, In and Wrangtar and motorcycla pels at* Good qua My imhmJ pan* donwn and coata akao lor aaka OPf N TiJf S M« SAT 11 3 775 Monro* 343AAA® us CARS TRUCKS Otdar ia battar! Top ntfad ?cx roi^ibfffy and toar mamiananra fffc* 78 Toyota C4KOI orvy 83 900 Vo^y good oontjacm hkm hos* yOu' A' 338 1388 8d C 1?1Q 155 BICYCLES C anno nd ala Road Bfca Shnnano 600 'um gforf! *500 Obo 344 ?3»4 *»* Hy Diat-n us COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Atari MOST MOl capabto pnruar and fcoftwara *400 obo Dual oaaaana piayar *30 687 7036 SHOT NCR WORD PftOCtSSOH A gmm a—i at *iiS> M*a 343 8003 CofffMAar Bad* and hutoft. *100 Aho 13 men black and abfla TV. *?0 Cafe 485 7853 _ Mac Claaate *799' 40 mbhd ?mb MAM. Supardma, iota o» kofhaara Man at 34? 57*1 its COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS NCC UMftM* notebook 1*3400 rno oof- TVt' onvo o poo mo./to %ot nio oft agio o».mmo TV tot Mb i yf oM Sno'p i» ona« toot TV, |1«B \r coot TV. use 04? J449 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! W« Ouy t«r- *mrj jww* VMS VCRi «nd tf •r*o* I romper f«OW0.11??Otfi 343W73 190 SKI EQUIPMENT vobi INto v»f b»v*ng* >0 (toft. U1C NotO**#* Nps «'• no* avaittbttt titan prattle aactor A govanvnent tovcM An etuttente are attgtMel let u* Nap fOv locate !N» rnoNry IMI you are e*gO*i to wav* Apcicatxva ana no» beertg acoapted T o raesa^t yQo# ifftancuM tuc prograrn cam (206>632*0920 E*t F6079 Student Ftnsnc**} Service :os OPPORTUNITIES YOU UK£DIT l AST YF AH AND THIS YEAR YOU ARE ON THE VI RGE Of DOING IT AGAIN University T heetrs 92-93 Nmm YOU 10 U»rw Sm MUSIC. COMEDY. DRAMA for } RE F when YOU Usher a Roexnson CK Arena Theet'a Production Via* the UrwerVy Theatre Bo* Office tOCIKed tn the iob&y O’ ths RoOnson Theatre Mon-f n. 1 3PM. as* for the Student Bo* Office Mot Aubne Abbar or the Aaenl Mgr Haney T*»me*mer. to become pan of the University Theatre Usher Staff 2i0 HELP WANTEO RETAA-CUSTOMER SERVICE Starting pAy $10 25 Part lima $205 weekly. $$20 monthly FulMvna $410 es**. fi$40 moat My tnt! wail chain, many tamp A perm poa. no o*p nac WiO train, fte* hours Work >ry local area, app»y SaJsm headquanan College student* work pan time school yea» and fu» lime during vacaton. soma scholarships and intemsNpa avail Can 363-077$. Help Wanted- Cashier, stocuperson a*p pn»< pan time, apply »n person 4430 Frankln Btal Special Education Educational Assistant 6 hours per day. $7 08 per hour I6gh school diploma or equivalent Serve as an F ducat »onat AfcMStanf under the direction ol the dassroom teacher Prior esparmnce working with moderately and severely handcappad persons preferred Starling date Nov 4. 199? Closing date Nov 16. 1992 Apply to Dr Marvin Witkerson. Director Special Education DMMOn. lane Education Service District. f?00 Mary 99 North. PO Bo* 26dC Fugene. OH 9/402 An office! lane f SO application form must be Submitted m order to be consderud tor this position 2)0 HELP WANTED Special Education Educational Aaatatant 3 S hours per day *7 08 per hour Ugh scNxy Optoma or equrvasani Serve as an Education*! Assonant under the direction oi ihe oassroom teacher Prior espanooco working with modeoaeiy ant) severely handicappao person* preier'aa starting dale Nov 4. 199? Closing dale Nov 16. 199? Apply 10 Dr Marvin Witkerson Director Special Fdocanon Division l ana Education Service Diet net. 1200 Hey 99 Noun. PO Boi peso Eugene. OR 9740? An olftcial lane (SO appucanon lorm rnusi be submitted in cater io be constoerod lor this poet-on Student eougM p I. as apprentice ad nor attendant tor severely disabled pro! eriter Knowledge ot loreign Ian guagenaiptui AM'v eve B87 6S80 GET REAL WORLO EXPERIENCE And the com pet a rv a edge you need In aArarValng a alee with the Oregon Dolly Emerald l at * lace 4 Sometime* a college degree with a good GPA is not al ways enough lo land tha joe you aranl right out ol school Today s employers are looking lor applicant* not only with job eipen ence but the limemanegemeni skills a lake* lo hold down a responsible sales position t a lull load ol desses The Oregon Daily Emerald s display advertising department is now hmng ? sales positions beginning Winter Term All mteresied lull-time U ol O students should pick up an applies non and /oo description in Room 300. E MU Applicants will ba telephoned lor interview appointments The job entails all aspects ol advertising sales plus eipasure lo design, pro dudion and business skills Gem valuable real world eipenenoe by working al the 13lh larges! morn mg newspaper m Oregon CLOSING DATE Nov, if, 5p.m. DIALOGUE Contact successful Sc supportive Alumni Help maintain Sc improve li of O academic programs Enhance your resume Sharpen your communications skills Earn $6/hour and up with Alumni For more information, contact the U of () Annual Giving Fund’s Telephone Outreach Program 346-3433 KOK rrawi HALLOWIN' ABIfcRS lULLDUHN flEADCX ARItRS KAllOftHN HEADQlAiltiS HAJ10UU N HEADQI’A* TERS HALLOMtMli-AJM AiUfcRS iLxunmsiEMUAjnm I HAUOWCTN CBOSSWOBD CONTEST? OCTOBER 2®TW| GIANT PIZZA 12 CERTIFICATES) Pegasus Pizza 2 PEOPLE. 1 HOUR (2 CERTIFICATES) On sen Hot Tubs FREE CD Pace The Music LARGE PIZZA, a topmncs 14 CERTIFICATE SI Ptzanos Win prim from than participating sponsors: HAIR CUT/STYLE Just Hair 10 HALLOWEEN TREATS UO Bookstore 2 IND. YOGURTS/SANDWICHES 14 CERTIFICATES) Sub Shop LARGE PIZZA ■^L nKI ioVI) rlZS ROUND OF GOLF Oakway Golf Course SINGLE MOVIE PASS (3 CERTIFICATES) BljOU 2 CASSETTE SAMPLER 117 dH/iww artlttt) Record Garden BURGER/FRIES Bubbas DINNER FOR 2 Guido's EXTRA LARGE PIZZA Round Tibi* Pizza (Santa Clara location) JSt RAINFOREST JUKI, owno* (2 gifts) Sundancp $10 GIFT CERTIFICATE G*ntl*m*n‘s Kncor* !AVE YOU MISSED SOME CLUES? HERE THEY ARE AGAIN! lurry to Room 300, EMU, on Octobor 28th, as soon as you think you havo finished the crossword... and win groat prizes! I apportion