Oregon Daily TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 94. ISSUE 40 Campus operators get odd requests □ University's human direc tories say, "Look it up" By Sarah Cody Emerald Contributor If you nord to know how to can to matoes or cook rice, consult u cook book or call your mom. but don't tall the University operators The campus operators, reached by dialing 346-1000, can provide directory Information and dialing assistance in contacting students, departments and faculty, said Dorothy Grover, telephone operator supervisor and a 33-year vet eran of Operator Services Yet occasionally a caller asks a ques tion that is far from routine "One student asked if he could freeze lettuce," Crover said smiling But she was also quick to add that no matter what the question, the campus operators will try to refer the caller to someone who knows the answer When Dorothy Orover first started answering campus phones in April 1959, the University used a I’BX Uurd Phone System, which required 4t> oper ators to handle Incoming calls Since then the system has been upgraded Iwlctt The first upgrade w.is to the Centrex System in 1 ‘J70. and then to the pres ent AT&T System (if> installed in 1 *»♦»(> The new system requires only three op erator* ind makes service* im h as Duck ( all and voire mail available, (’.rover said Diane Nelson, one of two full-time operators, also started working on the old PBX phone system after graduating from South Eugene High School in 1959 "This is the only job I've ever had. Turn to OPERATORS Pa