Blazer locker room quite a joke By Dave Chartx)nneau ErnerakJ Sports Editor The Portland Trail Blazers' appearance Saturday at McAr thur Court was a study In ama teurism. Not by the Blazers, but by the "press. Alter the game, Port land's locker room was filled with kids, auto graph-seek ing cops and report Reporter s Notebook ers grossly utilising their privi leges us members of the press Eugene rudio-TV-Storm Ken nedy sldekick-man. Dennis Na knta, went from player to play er with a tape recorder, micro phone and a sheet of card board. After asking a player one or two questions, he would ask the player for an autograph. Most of the younger players BLAZERS Continued from Page 8A ering the Blazers have two all stars starting in the hack court and two proven NBA players as backups at the guard position Elie was acquired from Gold en State in the off-season, and Strickland came to Portland from San Antonio. Both have guaranteed contracts with Port land and will see substantial playing time. Strickland showed his speed and uncanny driving ability Saturday, scoring Hi points in 19 minutes. Porter said lie's glad the Blaz ers picked up a solid backup at his position. "Strickland definitely brings a lot to our ball club," he said As far as whether the Blazers will opt to keep a fifth guard on the roster for the regular sea son. Porter said he had no idea. "I cain't predict that,” ho said. "I'm not management." The game was also Terrell Brandon's first return to McAr thur Court since lie starred for Oregon two years ago. Brandon, a guard for the Cav aliers. entered the game in the first quarter to a standing ova tion from the crowd He played 21 minutes and scored It) points with six assists. "1 was real excited." Brandon said. “It was nice to see the faces again and still have the support that I've always had here " obliged happily, bill seasoned veterans like Terry I’orter ami Cliff Robinson were noticeably annoyed by this type of tactic Nakata was not the only of fender One reporter ap proached Robinson for an auto graph and Robinson responded verbally. "Another reporter asking for an autograph," he said "What's the deal with this7'' Robinson then answered a couple questions with one word replies, and the reporter left, realizing Robinson was not pleased Besides the reporters stacking autographs, about 20 kids flooded the locker room after the game seeking autographs, making it nearly impossible for reporters to get to the players until they had signed 10 or so John Hancocks on shirts, shoes and cards One kid even had the gall to come into the locker room with a Chicago Bulls T-shirt Porter did not let the kid gel away eas ily with his autograph “Hey. Duck." he yelled to Kevin Duckworth. "This kid's goi a Hulls shir! on You prohu bly rooted for the Bulls last year In the playoffs, huh ” The kid was obviously em barrassed and left the locker room soon after his pen run out of ink (letting autographs is one thing, hut allowing kids into tlie locker room after the game is another The players have enough problems dealing with the press after games In de fense, this is Eugene, and for many kids, tins is their only op portunity to get an autograph from an NBA player But the reporters who were asking for autographs should lie ashamed The fat t is they were taking up the players' and reporters' time by trying to get autographs Very amateur Most of Portland's players left the Mi Arthur (fourt locker room smiling and laughing It wasn't because they just won a game, il was because they were laughing .it Ihe joke of a "press' who approached them after the game Blazers reach deal for new 20,000-seat arena PORTLAND (AP) The Portland Trail Blazers anil the city announced agreement Thursday on construction of a 20,000-seat arena The $205 million project also inc ludes three restaurants, parking struc tures, a public plaza and refurbishment of the existing Memorial Coliseum. The cost is S35 million more than anticipated when the idea was proposed more than a year ago "Having brought the; Trail Blazers to Portland 2:» years ago, you cun imagine the personal pleasure; it is lor me to know that this new home for the Trail Blazers assures that we will remain in Portland for at least the next to years. Blazers president Harry Glickman said Paul Allen, the Microsoft co-founder who owns the Blaz ers. is to pay for more than SI 71) million ol the cost I lie cily is to provide $34 r> million for site improvements, including parking lot and road construction The arena is to he built next door to Memorial Coliseum, across the Willamette River from downtown Portland The city could spend another S2 r> million for improve ments to Memorial Coliseum to meet earthquake standards The city's share; is to come from user fees, parking revenue and other income generated by the project No taxpayer mon ey is involved Ground-breaking is set for April, at the- ear lie's! I lie target date for completion is August or September 1VHJ5 City Commissioner Mike; Lindberg said In- is optimistic the agreement will Ire approved when the City Council votes on it Thursday. TARGET THE UofO MARKET CALL OREGON DRILV EMERALD ROUERT1SING RT 546-3712 DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS 97 97 2nd ^ set 50 coupon must accompany order. CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 COSTS ARE UP! I el J Mar Biological I'lasma IX»m»r l'enter help with your tuition IJy donating plasma, you earn $20‘" lot your lust donation, over si’0 per month, and help save a hie at the same time Open Monday Saturday C »lll 683-9430 loi moiv inlwiinalion l‘X)l \V Sill Aw. I IVrc arc few people m ( Hegon politus I admire more than Ioiiic Nathan She has the courage to address issues that others would like to sweep under the rug " I k k Kolvits. ehairinan. I anc Counts ('oinmissioners ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! 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